Existe um equivalente de Tezos de ERC?
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- 2019-02-22
Martin Pospěchelaborou umpadrão Tezos "ICO Token"em https://gitlab.com/tips2/tips/blob/master/tips/tip-7.md
Stephen Andrewsestátrabalhandoem umtztokenem http://tztoken.teztech.io/
.OcamlProtem um contato detoken (em liquidez)em seusexemplos disponíveisem http://www.liquidez-lang.org/edit/.Vocêtambémpode ver o códigoparaissoem https://github.com/ocamlpro/liquidez/blob/next/testes/outros/token.liq
Martin Pospěch drafted an Tezos "ICO token" standard at https://gitlab.com/tips2/TIPs/blob/master/TIPS/tip-7.md
Stephen Andrews is working on a tztoken at http://tztoken.teztech.io/
OcamlPro has a token contact (in Liquidity) in its examples available at http://www.liquidity-lang.org/edit/. You can also see code for that at https://github.com/OCamlPro/liquidity/blob/next/tests/others/token.liq
Seu linkpara https://stephenandrews.github.io/tztoken/está dando um 404your link to https://stephenandrews.github.io/tztoken/ is giving a 404
- 1
- 2019-02-27
- adamc
Acabei de consertarissopara referenciar onovoendereço TzToken.I just fixed that to reference the new tztoken address.
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- 2019-02-27
- Fred Yankowski
Eugostaria de ler/contribuirparaestatutos de contratoexistentesem Tezos,há ummovimento de opensource como ERC?