Erro: "hash inconsistente". Trabalhadores falham e nó é incapaz de se conectar a outros
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- 2019-03-17
Eufui capaz de resolver oproblema.Meunó havia rejeitado umbloco aparentemente válido.Eu acheiisso listando osblocos rejeitados donó:
tezos-admin-client list rejected blocks Output: Hash: BLqhrPaH6WQtVYZssbonME7DPiQLTvZyidkYa8dvAxxoeTsnVKD Level: 356181 Error: Inconsistent hash: local: CoWYi7Nmm91pS8ZNXscNTt6uBpNdaWtpantEc3HcV3XASYEVriNS block_header: CoVHuYH6TpDbJjXFqRsZXichbxdnvqWrDSaGpjVAsJRknAMk8Lkq
Então onó rejeitou obloco devido aos diferentes hashes dos cabeçalhose nãofoi capaz de alcançar,porqueprovavelmente rejeitou umbloco válido.
Eu resolviesteproblema desmarcando obloco:
tezos-admin-client unmark invalid BLqhrPaH6WQtVYZssbonME7DPiQLTvZyidkYa8dvAxxoeTsnVKD Output: Block BLqhrPaH6WQtVYZssbonME7DPiQLTvZyidkYa8dvAxxoeTsnVKD no longer marked invalid.
Eu aindanãotenhoideiapor queisso aconteceu.
I was able to solve the issue myself. My node had rejected a seemingly valid block. I found this out by listing the rejected blocks of the node:
tezos-admin-client list rejected blocks Output: Hash: BLqhrPaH6WQtVYZssbonME7DPiQLTvZyidkYa8dvAxxoeTsnVKD Level: 356181 Error: Inconsistent hash: local: CoWYi7Nmm91pS8ZNXscNTt6uBpNdaWtpantEc3HcV3XASYEVriNS block_header: CoVHuYH6TpDbJjXFqRsZXichbxdnvqWrDSaGpjVAsJRknAMk8Lkq
So the node rejected the block due to the different hashes of the headers and was not able to catch up, because it likely rejected a valid block.
I solved this issue by unmarking the block:
tezos-admin-client unmark invalid BLqhrPaH6WQtVYZssbonME7DPiQLTvZyidkYa8dvAxxoeTsnVKD Output: Block BLqhrPaH6WQtVYZssbonME7DPiQLTvZyidkYa8dvAxxoeTsnVKD no longer marked invalid.
I still have no idea why this happened.
Bemfeitoem Findintissoe obrigadopornos deixar saber!Vocêpode querer arquivar umticket on Tezos Gitlabparamais ajuda sobre * Por que *isso aconteceu: vocêpode sempre apontarparaestapergunta.Well done on findint this out and thanks for letting us know! You may want to file a ticket on tezos gitlab for further help on *why* this happened: you can always point back to this question.
- 1
- 2019-03-17
- Ezy
Hmmm ... Eutentei isso,maseutenho zeroblocosinválidos.Hmmm... I tried this but I got zero invalid blocks.
- 0
- 2019-11-14
- Luis
Entãonão é omesmoproblema descrito acima.Then it's not the same issue as described above.
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- 2019-11-15
- cryptodad
Estou consistentemente recebendo oserros abaixo. O que se destaca é oerro "hashinconsistente",aparentemente,fazendo com que ostrabalhadores caiam. O hash do cabeçalho doblocoe o hash localparecem diferir. Eunãotenhoideia do queisso significaembora. Alguém sabe como resolveresseproblema?