Após a migração do servidor apenas a página inicial funciona
Eutiveesseproblema hoje! [Migrated WordPress Site - Homepagefunciona,todas as outraspáginas/links Fail] (http://www.petenetlive.com/kb/article/0001126)I had this problem today! [Migrated WordPress Site – Homepage Works, All Other Pages/Links Fail](http://www.petenetlive.com/KB/Article/0001126)
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- 2016-01-09
- user187724
Eutive omesmoproblemae,em seguida,é corrigido alterando o arquivo .htaccess de acordo com os valorespadrão daqui https://wordpress.org/support/article/htaccess/I had same issue and then it is fixed by changing .htaccess file according to default values from here https://wordpress.org/support/article/htaccess/
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- 2020-06-23
- Muzaffar Mahmood
6 respostas
- votos
- 2012-04-18
Eu acho que você obtém http://yoursite,masnão http://yoursite/qualquer coisa
Eutive umproblema semelhantee funcionou quandomudei
deAllowOverride None
AllowOverride All
Faz o
entrarem vigor.I guess you get http://yoursite but not http://yoursite/anything
I had a similar problem and it worked when I changed
fromAllowOverride None
AllowOverride All
It makes the
take effect.-
Estefuncionouparamim.Amaioria daspessoasesquece disso.This one worked for me. Most of the people forget about this.
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- 2014-12-10
- qasimzee
Issotambémfuncionouparamim,sótinha quemudá-lona seção de `apache2.conf`para a localização dos arquivos domeu servidor,`/var/www`nomeu casoThis worked for me too, only had to change it in the section of `apache2.conf` for the location of my server files, `/var/www` in my case
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- 2015-11-17
- sponrad
Issofaziaparte da respostaparamim.Eu adicionei `` 'AllowOverride,tudo``para a configuração do site,maseutambém adicionei `` `' opçõesfollowsyMinks``.Eufiqueientão capaz de usar Permalinkspersonalizados,quetambém criou um arquivo de raiz apropriado .htaccess.Depois dissotudofuncionou.This was part of the answer for me. I added ```AllowOverride All``` to the site configuration, but I also added ```Options FollowSymLinks```. I was then able to use custom permalinks, which also created an appropriate root .htaccess file. After that everything worked.
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- 2016-09-12
- boot13
Enão seesqueça de reiniciar o Apache!"Sudo Service Apache2 Reiniciar"And don't forget to restart apache! "sudo service apache2 restart"
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- 2017-01-11
- gradosevic
Funcionou.Certifique-se de alterar a opção AllowOverRideem locaisno arquivo conf.It worked. Make sure you change the AllowOverride option at locations in the conf file.
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- 2017-12-19
- Najeeb
Habilitandoem httpd.conf loadmodule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/mod_rewrite.sofez otruqueno Mac.Remova o #para ativá-loenabling in httpd.conf LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/mod_rewrite.so did the trick in mac. remove the # to enable it
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- 2019-07-06
- stefanosn
- 2011-04-13
Tente lavar suas regrasmod_rewrite:
painel -> Configurações -> Permalinks
Salvar configurações (Não hánecessidade defazer alterações)
Try flushing your mod_rewrite rules:
Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks
Save settings (no need to make any changes)
Não hánecessidade de salvar,na verdade.As regras são lavadas apenas visitandoessapágina,e parte da lavagem das regrasenvolve aescritapara .htaccess.No need to even save, actually. The rules are flushed just by visiting that page, and part of flushing the rules involves writing to .htaccess.
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- 2011-04-13
- John P Bloch
Eu aprendo algonovotodos os dias ... :)I learn something new every day... :)
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- 2011-04-13
- Chip Bennett
@John Tem certeza de que apenas cargas depáginagravarpara .htaccess seprecisar?Euestava sob aimpressão de que apenas Rewrite_Rulesnobanco de dados é lavado.@john are you sure that just page loads write to .htaccess if it needs to? I was under the impression that only rewrite_rules in the database are flushed.
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- 2011-04-13
- Ashfame
wp-admin/options-permalinks.php chamadas `flush_rewrite_rules ()`) `,um wrapperpara` wp_rewrite ::flush_rules () `,que,se '$ dura' é 'verdadeiro' (que é quando chamadonessapágina)eAfunção `save_mod_rewrite_rules`existe (definidoem` wp-admin/inclui/misc.php`,incluídoem todas aspáginas de administrador),ele chama `save_mod_rewrite_rules ()`) `)`Veja a definição dafunção aqui: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/wp-admin/includes/misc.php#l114wp-admin/options-permalinks.php calls `flush_rewrite_rules()`, a wrapper for `WP_Rewrite::flush_rules()`, which, if `$hard` is `true` (which it is when called on that page) and the function `save_mod_rewrite_rules` exists (defined in `wp-admin/includes/misc.php`, included in all admin pages), it calls `save_mod_rewrite_rules()`. See that function's definition here: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/wp-admin/includes/misc.php#L114
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- 2011-04-13
- John P Bloch
Afunção que realmentegrava as regras de reescritapara .htaccess é chamado `inserção_with_markers` (usadoem` save_mod_rewrite_rules () `acima),definido aqui: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/wp-admin/inclui/misc.php # l53The function that actually writes the rewrite rules to .htaccess is called `insert_with_markers` (used in `save_mod_rewrite_rules()` above), defined here: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/wp-admin/includes/misc.php#L53
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- 2011-04-13
- John P Bloch
Isso consertouparamim.This fixed it for me.
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- 2017-04-17
- Ed DeGagne
Não hánecessidade de abrir o cPanel.Euestavatentando a resposta aceitaprimeiroe aminha é compartilhada hospedagem,entãonãofoipossívelencontrar httpd.confe chat ao vivo aindaestá carregando.Eentãoencontreiesta resposta que é a soluçãomaisfácil de usar.: D.No need to open the cPanel. I was trying the accepted answer first and mine is shared hosting so couldn't find httpd.conf and live chat is still loading. And then I found this answer which does is the most easy to use solution. :D
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- 2017-08-04
- TheOnlyAnil
Isso resolveumeuproblema (omesmo que o OP)this solved my issue (the same as the op)
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- 2018-12-06
- arvic.rivera
- 2015-11-22
Eutinhaenfrentado omesmoproblema.
Eufiz o seguintepara resolvê-loem um servidor Ubuntu:
- .
em /etc/apache2/apache2.conf ,editar AllowOverRidenenhum para /var/www/para Allowoverridetodos
Digiteno seguinte comandopara ativar omod_rewritepara .htaccess
sudo a2enmod rewrite
- Reinicie seu servidor Apache:
serviço sudo Apache2 Reiniciar
Oproblema resolveu !!!
I had faced the same problem.
I did the following to resolve it on an Ubuntu Server:
In /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, edit AllowOverride None for /var/www/ to AllowOverride All
Type in the following command to enable mod_rewrite for .htaccess
sudo a2enmod rewrite
- Restart your apache server:
sudo service apache2 restart
The problem solved!!!
Obrigado,eunão consegui consertarisso comnenhuma das outras sugestões,mas 'A2enmod rewrite'fez otruque.Thanks, I couldn't get this fixed with any of the other suggestions, but `a2enmod rewrite` did the trick.
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- 2017-06-23
- Martin McCallion
+1paramencionar omod reescrever.Nãopercebeu queissonãofoi ativadoporpadrão.+1 For mentioning the rewrite mod. Didn't realize that this wasn't enabled by default.
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- 2017-12-13
- Native Coder
Definitivamenteprecisava de que 'sudo a2enmod reescreva'para obtereste woking,obrigado!Definitely needed that `sudo a2enmod rewrite` to get this wokring, thanks!
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- 2018-10-05
- Huskie69
Obrigado!O comando `a2enmod rewrite'did otruqueparamim.Thanks! The command `a2enmod rewrite`did the trick for me.
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- 2018-10-17
- Lucas Basquerotto
Obrigado Avinash! Mesmo com Lucas,a reescrita A2enmodfez otruqueparamimThanks Avinash! Same with Lucas, the a2enmod rewrite did the trick for me
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- 2019-11-25
- Jero Dungog
- 2011-04-13
A razão émaisprovável que o arquivo
nãotenha sido copiado.No Mac OS X,e em alguns aplicativos FTP,este arquivo é considerado "oculto"porque éiniciado com um.
.Se vocêforpara as configurações -> Permalinks seçãona sua seção de administrador,vocêpoderá regenerareste arquivo,mas éprovavelmentemelhorencontrar a versão que vocêtinha anteriormentee usarissonovamente (especialmente se você usar umplug-in de cache).The reason is most likely that the
file wasn't copied over. On Mac OS X, and in some FTP applications, this file is considered "hidden" because it starts with a.
. If you go to the Settings -> Permalinks section in your admin section, you can regenerate this file, but it's probably best to find the version you had previously and use that again (especially if you use a caching plugin). -
- 2015-11-09
no ubuntu 14.04 - o arquivo 000-default.conf pode serencontrado aqui
ou se vocêexecutar vários wp,a configuração do host virtual seria onome do arquivo de configuração.e. domain.conf
Vocêtem que substituir
AllowOverride None
paraAllowOverride All
Espero queissofuncione.
In Ubuntu 14.04 - the 000-default.conf file can be found here
Or if you run multiple wp the virtual host setting would be your config file name. e.g. domain.conf
You have to replace
AllowOverride None
toAllowOverride All
Hope this will work.
- 2011-04-13
Você recebe um servidor web 404 ou um wordpress 404?Se é um servidor web 404,vocêprovavelmentenão copia o arquivo HTAccess raiz apartir dainstalação antiga ounãotem permissões corretasparaexecutar.
Meuprimeiroitem de solução deproblemas seria verificare ver seexiste um arquivo htaccessna raiz.E se sim,o que contém.
Do you get a web server 404 or a WordPress 404? If it's a web server 404, you most likely didn't copy the root htaccess file over from the old installation, or it doesn't have correct permissions to run.
My first troubleshooting item would be to check and see if an htaccess file exists in the root. And if so, what it contains.
Verificou o arquivo .htaccess.Ele contém omesmo código que apareceuna seção Permalink dopainel Admin do WordPress.Eumudei aspermissõesparagravare não consigo vermudanças aparentes.Checked the .htaccess file. It contains the same code that appeared in the permalink section of the wordpress admin panel. I changed the permissions to writable and can see no apparent changes.
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- 2011-04-13
- mikeyrocks
@MikeyRocks Hmm ... Outrapossibilidade é que seunovo servidornãotenhamod_rewrite ligado.Importante: Vocêestá recebendo um servidor 404 (páginabranca simples que diz "nãoencontrado"),ou um wordpress 404 (estilo como o resto do seu site)?@mikeyrocks Hmm... another possibility is that your new server doesn't have mod_rewrite turned on. Important: are you getting a server 404 (plain white page that says "not found"), or a WordPress 404 (styled like the rest of your site)?
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- 2011-04-13
- MathSmath
Eu recentemente alterei a hospedagem domeu site do WordPresspara vps.net .Eumovitodos osmeus arquivose importei obanco de dados.Tudopareciaficarbem até queeu cliqueiem um linke notei quetodas asminhaspáginasestãotrazendo de volta um 404,exceto apáginainicial.
O URL do site é http://inksquared.com