Melhor coleção de código para o seu arquivo 'funções.php'
Porfavor,adicione suas descobertas antigase existentestambém.Pleae add your old, existing findings as well.
- 0
- 2010-09-09
- hakre
Oi * @ Netconstructor *: Estoupreocupado comesta questãoporque é uma "lista de x"pergunta que aspessoas Stackkexchangenos disserampara olharpara:ção é quandopensoem suapergunta Eupossoimaginar umnúmero quaseinfinito de respostase comotalestoupreocupado queesta questão resulteem uma coleção derespostas,masnada definitivo.Eu quero obter as opiniões de outros sobreisso antes deeu (votarpara) Feche-oembora comoeunão quero serpesado,eu apenastenhopreocupações.Hi *@NetConstructor*: I'm concerned about this question because it's a "List of X" question the StackExchange people have told us to look out for: My big concern is when I think of your question I can envision an almost infinite number of answers and as such I'm concerned that this question will result in a collection of random answers but nothing definitive. I want to get other's opinions on this before I (vote to) close it though as I don't want to be heavy handed, I just have concerns.
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- 2010-09-09
- MikeSchinkel
Minha votação épróxima oufaz com que a comunidade wikiMy vote is either close or make community wiki
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- 2010-09-09
- Chris_O
Considerando que asprimeiras 5 respostasforampelo OPe a questãoparecemais voltadapara coletar uma série de respostasem vez de uma resposta única,definitiva,esta deve ser uma wiki comunitária.Considering the first 5 answers were by the OP and the question seems more geared at collecting an array of responses rather than a single, definitive answer, this should be a community wiki.
- 13
- 2010-09-09
- EAMann
Parece quenão sepode apenasmodificar umaperguntaem um wiki.Issoestá correto?seems that one can not just modify a question into a wiki. Is this correct?
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- 2010-09-09
Noentanto,isso é útil (euencontrei 2 snippets Eu voufazer usopesado de) Se épara ser um wiki comunitárioe tem que seriniciadofrescoparafazer quetalvezpossamos apenasmover as coisas aqui?Nonetheless this is useful (I have found 2 snippets I will be making heavy use of)if it's to be a community wiki and has to be started fresh to do that maybe we can just move the stuff here there?
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- 2010-09-09
- Ashley G
@ ... convertei aperguntaem um wiki quandoescrevimeu último comentário.Desculpe seisso causou alguma confusão.Normalmente,você (como o OP)podetransformar umaperguntaem um wiki a ... I converted the question into a wiki when I wrote my last comment. Sorry if that caused any confusion. Normally, you (as the OP) can turn a question into a wiki at any time.
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- 2010-09-10
- EAMann
@Amann Obrigado ... Euestavaprocurandoporessa opção,masnãotinha certeza de ondeestava localizado.Talvez depois de você converti,eu sónão vi a opçãomais?@EAMann thanks... I was looking for that option but was not sure where it was located. Maybe after you converted it I just did not see the option anymore?
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- 2010-09-10
** - Bingo.Depois de ser convertido,é convertido ... A opção é definidae desaparece dapágina.** - Bingo. Once it's converted, it's converted ... the option is set and disappears from the page.
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- 2010-09-10
- EAMann
Eu considerariaesteestilo ruime prefeririaplugins.a) Eles são construídospor Dedicated Devearoplersb) sãomantidose facilmente atualizados.Parapequenos snippetspersonalizados,recomendo o shortcode deplugin EXEC PHP queproduz umamaneiramuito limpa -e portátilparapersonalizar seu WordPress.I would consider this bad style and prefer plugins. a) They are built by dedicated deveoplers b) they are maintained and easily upgraded. For little custom snippets I recommend the plugin Shortcode Exec PHP which yields a very clean -- and portable -- way to customize your Wordpress.
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- 2010-11-10
- Raphael
Enquantointeressante,acredito que amaioria daspessoas concordaria que quando seustemas de desenvolvimento você deseja que as coisas localizadas dentro de um arquivofunctions.phpwhile interesting I believe most people would agree that when your developing themes you want things localized within a functions.php file
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- 2010-11-24
@Netconstructor - Se vocêforeditar outrasentradas,vocêpode,porfavor,tomar cuidado aofazerisso,vocêestragou o recuonaminhapostagem,eu semprefaço umesforçoparamanter aindentaçãopor legibilidade.Eutambém apreciaria se vocêpudessetertempoparaexplicaredições que vocêfaz (eunãopodia vernenhummotivopara vocêeditarminhaentrada -e não houve resumo deedição).@NetConstructor - If you're going to edit others entries, can you please take care when doing so, you spoiled the indentation in my posting, i always make an effort to maintain indentation for readability. I'd also appreciate it if you could take the time to explain edits you make(i couldn't see any reason for your to edit my entry - and there was no edit summary).
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- 2011-01-28
- t31os
@ T31os -euediteiparamantê-lo consistente comtodas asentradas@t31os -- I edited it to keep it consistent with all of the entries
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- 2011-02-07
Todas as respostasnão relacionadas a umtema devem ser removidas.Estetópico é umbomexemploparapráticas de codificação ruins.All answers not related to a theme should be removed. This thread is a good example for bad coding practices.
- 17
- 2011-06-13
- fuxia
Euteria que discordar.Perguntanãoestava relacionada com otema.Todos osfunções aplicáveis.Phpmods sãobem-vindose os usuários devem subir/parabaixo votar de acordo.I would have to disagree. Question was not related to the theme. All applicable functions.PHP mods are welcome and users should up/down vote accordingly.
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- 2011-06-14
Éinteressante quenão sejamencionadoem nenhum lugar que o arquivofunctions.php é aqueleem seu diretóriotemático,levando a confusão,comoeste:ções-php.It's interesting that it's not mentioned anywhere that the functions.php file is the one in your theme directory, leading to confusion, such as this:
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- 2011-08-09
- scribu
Eu acho que seriamelhorencorajar aspessoas a [criar umplugin defuncionalidadepersonalizada] ( vez de usar asfunções dotema.phpI think it'd be better to encourage people to [create a custom functionality plugin]( instead of using their theme's functions.php
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- 2012-01-16
- Ian Dunn
@Cor van Noorloos O uso do status comunitário Wikifoibastante reduzidoe desencorajadopela rede.Simplificando "Não é realmentebompara QA,mas é comunidade wiki!"desculpanão voamais.As respostas aqui setornaram desordenadase malmantidas,visitadas apenaspara ofator WOW/FUN.Houvemuitomovimentoem toda a redepara squashperguntas comoesta.@Cor van Noorloos the use of community wiki status had been greatly reduced and discouraged by network. Simply put "it's not really good fit for QA, but it's community wiki!" excuse doesn't fly anymore. Answers here became disorderly and poorly maintained glob, only visited for wow/fun factor. There had been a lot of movement all over network to squash questions like this.
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- 2012-02-19
- Rarst
No que diz respeito aofechamento deste "wiki"específico,voto queisso é reoperar.Obviamente,estepost wiki é altamentepopular demonstradopelofato de quetem 30.000pontos de vista que étrês vezes a quantidade de qualquer outrapergunta ou wikineste sitee oprópriotópicofoi votado 119 vezes que é o dobro de qualquer outra questãooutópico.Se você concordarem seu valor,porfavor votaçãopara que você reabri clicandono link "reabrir".In regards to the closing of this specific "wiki" I vote that this be reopend. Obviously this wiki post is highly popular demonstrated by the fact that it has 30,000 views which is three times the amount of ANY other question or wiki on this site and the topic itself has been up-voted 119 times which is double that of any other question or topic. If you agree in its value please vote to have it reopen by clicking the "reopen" link.
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- 2012-02-20
@ Onúmeropuro de visualizações depáginanão é umindicadorpara qualidade.Devemosincentivar questõesespecíficas com respostasespecíficase boaspráticas de codificação.Estetópico é o The pure number of page views is not an indicator for quality. We should encourage specific questions with specific answers and good coding practices. This thread is the opposite.
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- 2012-02-22
- fuxia
@Toscho - Isto éespecificamenteporqueissofoi configurado como um wikie,portanto,estepost éperfeitamente válido.Oponto quefizem relação às visualizações depáginasfoimencionadoporqueestetópico obviamente é 3x comopopular como qualquer outrotópiconeste site.Este site épopularespecificamente devido aperguntas comoessase,portanto,nãofaz sentidofechá-lo.Eunão acho que sepode debaterisso amenos que ointeresse da comunidadeem tópicos comoessesnãotenha valorpara os administradores.@toscho - that is specifically why this was setup as a wiki and therefore this post is perfectly valid. The point I made in respect to page views was mentioned because this topic obviously is 3X as popular as any other topic on this site. This website is popular specifically due to questions like these and therefore it makes no sense to close it. I don't think one can debate this unless community interest in topics like these has no value towards admins.
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- 2012-02-24
Vou adicionarmais um comentário sobre aqui combaseem algumamatemática que acabei defazer.Existemmenos de 790 usuários registradosneste site com uma classificação de "1" oumais.Supondo queestepool deindivíduos represente aqueles que realmente votame/ou contribuemparaeste site (e 790 sendoincrivelmentejusto),em seguida,117pessoas que votaramestainterrogação representa 14% + detodos os usuários ativos queencontraramestetópico útil.Votepara reabrir otópicoporfavor.I will add one more comment on here based off some math I just did. There are less than 790 registered users on this website with a rating of "1" or more. Assuming this pool of individuals represents those who actually vote and/or contribute to this site (and 790 being incredibly fair) then 117 people who voted this question up represents 14%+ of all active users who found this topic useful. Vote to reopen the topic please.
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- 2012-02-24
@ discutirem [Meta] ( onde aspessoaspodem ver seus argumentosmelhor.:) Discuss it on [Meta]( where people can see your arguments better. :)
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- 2012-02-24
- fuxia
103 respostas
- votos
- 2010-09-10
Ativar recurso de administração ocultaexibindo todas as configurações de site
testadoem: wordpress 3.1 rc3
Estepequenopedaço de códigofaz algomuito legal.Ele adicionará uma opção adicional aomenu Configurações com um linkpara "todas as configurações"O quemostrará uma lista completa detodas as configurações que vocêpossuiem seubanco de dados relacionada ao site do WordPress.O código abaixo sófezeste link visívelpara um usuário administradore ocultá-loparatodos os outros usuários.
// CUSTOM ADMIN MENU LINK FOR ALL SETTINGS function all_settings_link() { add_options_page(__('All Settings'), __('All Settings'), 'administrator', 'options.php'); } add_action('admin_menu', 'all_settings_link');
Enable Hidden Administration Feature displaying All Site Settings
Tested on: WordPress 3.1 RC3
This little piece of code does something pretty cool. It will add an additional option to your settings menu with a link to "all settings" which will show you a complete list of all the settings you have within your database related to your WordPress site. The code below will only made this link visible to an administrator user and hide it for all other users.
// CUSTOM ADMIN MENU LINK FOR ALL SETTINGS function all_settings_link() { add_options_page(__('All Settings'), __('All Settings'), 'administrator', 'options.php'); } add_action('admin_menu', 'all_settings_link');
Fantásticopara o desenvolvimento!Eu uso atabela de opções comfreqüênciapara armazenar versões DBparaminhasplug-ins ... usando ophpmyadminpara redefinirpara uma versão antiga DBparatestar um script de atualização é uma dor ... Issofaráisso **muitomaisfácil **!!!Fantastic for development! I use the options table frequently to store DB versions for my plug-ins ... using phpMyAdmin to reset to an old DB version to test an upgrade script is a pain ... this will make it **so much easier**!!!
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- 2010-09-15
- EAMann
Vocêtambémpode chegar àmesmapágina Opções (quando logado)indopara o seu site/wp-admin/options.phpYou can also get to the same options page (when logged in) by going to yoursite/wp-admin/options.php
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- 2015-10-09
- j08691
- 2010-09-10
Modifique o logotipo de logine amp; Link de URL daimagem
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Este códigopermitirá que vocêmodifiquefacilmente o logotipo dapágina de login do WordPress,bem como otexto HREFe otexto dotítulo deste logotipo.
add_filter( 'login_headerurl', 'namespace_login_headerurl' ); /** * Replaces the login header logo URL * * @param $url */ function namespace_login_headerurl( $url ) { $url = home_url( '/' ); return $url; } add_filter( 'login_headertitle', 'namespace_login_headertitle' ); /** * Replaces the login header logo title * * @param $title */ function namespace_login_headertitle( $title ) { $title = get_bloginfo( 'name' ); return $title; } add_action( 'login_head', 'namespace_login_style' ); /** * Replaces the login header logo */ function namespace_login_style() { echo '<style>.login h1 a { background-image: url( ' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/logo.png ) !important; }</style>'; }
edit: Se você quiser usar o logotipo do sitepara substituir o logotipo de login,vocêpode usar o seguinteparapuxar dinamicamenteessainformação (testadaem wp3.5 ) :
function namespace_login_style() { if( function_exists('get_custom_header') ){ $width = get_custom_header()->width; $height = get_custom_header()->height; } else { $width = HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH; $height = HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT; } echo '<style>'.PHP_EOL; echo '.login h1 a {'.PHP_EOL; echo ' background-image: url( '; header_image(); echo ' ) !important; '.PHP_EOL; echo ' width: '.$width.'px !important;'.PHP_EOL; echo ' height: '.$height.'px !important;'.PHP_EOL; echo ' background-size: '.$width.'px '.$height.'px !important;'.PHP_EOL; echo '}'.PHP_EOL; echo '</style>'.PHP_EOL; }
Modify the Login Logo & Image URL Link
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
This code will allow you to easily modify the WordPress Login page Logo as well as the href link and title text of this logo.
add_filter( 'login_headerurl', 'namespace_login_headerurl' ); /** * Replaces the login header logo URL * * @param $url */ function namespace_login_headerurl( $url ) { $url = home_url( '/' ); return $url; } add_filter( 'login_headertitle', 'namespace_login_headertitle' ); /** * Replaces the login header logo title * * @param $title */ function namespace_login_headertitle( $title ) { $title = get_bloginfo( 'name' ); return $title; } add_action( 'login_head', 'namespace_login_style' ); /** * Replaces the login header logo */ function namespace_login_style() { echo '<style>.login h1 a { background-image: url( ' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/logo.png ) !important; }</style>'; }
EDIT: If you want to use the site logo to replace the login logo, you can use the following to dynamically pull that information (tested on WP3.5):
function namespace_login_style() { if( function_exists('get_custom_header') ){ $width = get_custom_header()->width; $height = get_custom_header()->height; } else { $width = HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH; $height = HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT; } echo '<style>'.PHP_EOL; echo '.login h1 a {'.PHP_EOL; echo ' background-image: url( '; header_image(); echo ' ) !important; '.PHP_EOL; echo ' width: '.$width.'px !important;'.PHP_EOL; echo ' height: '.$height.'px !important;'.PHP_EOL; echo ' background-size: '.$width.'px '.$height.'px !important;'.PHP_EOL; echo '}'.PHP_EOL; echo '</style>'.PHP_EOL; }
- 2010-11-09
Incluirtipos depostpersonalizadosnos resultados dapesquisa.
// MAKE CUSTOM POST TYPES SEARCHABLE function searchAll( $query ) { if ( $query->is_search ) { $query->set( 'post_type', array( 'site', 'plugin', 'theme', 'person' )); } return $query; } add_filter( 'the_search_query', 'searchAll' );
Adicione seustipos depostagempersonalizados aos seus sites Main RSSfeedporpadrão.
// ADD CUSTOM POST TYPES TO THE DEFAULT RSS FEED function custom_feed_request( $vars ) { if (isset($vars['feed']) && !isset($vars['post_type'])) $vars['post_type'] = array( 'post', 'site', 'plugin', 'theme', 'person' ); return $vars; } add_filter( 'request', 'custom_feed_request' );
incluatipos depostpersonalizadosem "agora"? Widget de Dashboard Admin
Incluirá seustipos depostagempersonalizadose as contagenspostaispara cadatipono & quot; agora? widget depainel.
// ADD CUSTOM POST TYPES TO THE 'RIGHT NOW' DASHBOARD WIDGET function wph_right_now_content_table_end() { $args = array( 'public' => true , '_builtin' => false ); $output = 'object'; $operator = 'and'; $post_types = get_post_types( $args , $output , $operator ); foreach( $post_types as $post_type ) { $num_posts = wp_count_posts( $post_type->name ); $num = number_format_i18n( $num_posts->publish ); $text = _n( $post_type->labels->singular_name, $post_type->labels->name , intval( $num_posts->publish ) ); if ( current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) ) { $num = "<a href='edit.php?post_type=$post_type->name'>$num</a>"; $text = "<a href='edit.php?post_type=$post_type->name'>$text</a>"; } echo '<tr><td class="first num b b-' . $post_type->name . '">' . $num . '</td>'; echo '<td class="text t ' . $post_type->name . '">' . $text . '</td></tr>'; } $taxonomies = get_taxonomies( $args , $output , $operator ); foreach( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { $num_terms = wp_count_terms( $taxonomy->name ); $num = number_format_i18n( $num_terms ); $text = _n( $taxonomy->labels->singular_name, $taxonomy->labels->name , intval( $num_terms )); if ( current_user_can( 'manage_categories' ) ) { $num = "<a href='edit-tags.php?taxonomy=$taxonomy->name'>$num</a>"; $text = "<a href='edit-tags.php?taxonomy=$taxonomy->name'>$text</a>"; } echo '<tr><td class="first b b-' . $taxonomy->name . '">' . $num . '</td>'; echo '<td class="t ' . $taxonomy->name . '">' . $text . '</td></tr>'; } } add_action( 'right_now_content_table_end' , 'wph_right_now_content_table_end' );
Include custom post types in the search results.
// MAKE CUSTOM POST TYPES SEARCHABLE function searchAll( $query ) { if ( $query->is_search ) { $query->set( 'post_type', array( 'site', 'plugin', 'theme', 'person' )); } return $query; } add_filter( 'the_search_query', 'searchAll' );
Add your custom post types to your sites main RSS feed by default.
// ADD CUSTOM POST TYPES TO THE DEFAULT RSS FEED function custom_feed_request( $vars ) { if (isset($vars['feed']) && !isset($vars['post_type'])) $vars['post_type'] = array( 'post', 'site', 'plugin', 'theme', 'person' ); return $vars; } add_filter( 'request', 'custom_feed_request' );
Include custom post types in "Right Now" admin dashboard widget
This will include your custom post types and the post counts for each type in the "Right Now" dashboard widget.
// ADD CUSTOM POST TYPES TO THE 'RIGHT NOW' DASHBOARD WIDGET function wph_right_now_content_table_end() { $args = array( 'public' => true , '_builtin' => false ); $output = 'object'; $operator = 'and'; $post_types = get_post_types( $args , $output , $operator ); foreach( $post_types as $post_type ) { $num_posts = wp_count_posts( $post_type->name ); $num = number_format_i18n( $num_posts->publish ); $text = _n( $post_type->labels->singular_name, $post_type->labels->name , intval( $num_posts->publish ) ); if ( current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) ) { $num = "<a href='edit.php?post_type=$post_type->name'>$num</a>"; $text = "<a href='edit.php?post_type=$post_type->name'>$text</a>"; } echo '<tr><td class="first num b b-' . $post_type->name . '">' . $num . '</td>'; echo '<td class="text t ' . $post_type->name . '">' . $text . '</td></tr>'; } $taxonomies = get_taxonomies( $args , $output , $operator ); foreach( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { $num_terms = wp_count_terms( $taxonomy->name ); $num = number_format_i18n( $num_terms ); $text = _n( $taxonomy->labels->singular_name, $taxonomy->labels->name , intval( $num_terms )); if ( current_user_can( 'manage_categories' ) ) { $num = "<a href='edit-tags.php?taxonomy=$taxonomy->name'>$num</a>"; $text = "<a href='edit-tags.php?taxonomy=$taxonomy->name'>$text</a>"; } echo '<tr><td class="first b b-' . $taxonomy->name . '">' . $num . '</td>'; echo '<td class="t ' . $taxonomy->name . '">' . $text . '</td></tr>'; } } add_action( 'right_now_content_table_end' , 'wph_right_now_content_table_end' );
Em relação ao últimotrechoparaesta resposta.Este é um ótimo complemento,já queeuestava adicionandoestesmanualmentepara cadatipo depostagem.O únicoproblema quetenho comisso é queele adiciona os dados após aentrada "Categoria"e "Tag"padrão.Vocêpoderia atualizar sua respostaparamover a "categoria"padrão ou "tag"parabaixo ou removê-laspara queelaspossam ser adicionadasmanualmente?Regarding the last snippet to this answer. This is a great addition as I was adding these manually for each post type. The only issue I have with this is that it adds the data after the default "category" and "tag" entry. Could you update your answer to move the default "category" or "tag" ones down or remove them so that they can be added manually?
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- 2011-02-22
@ Eunão acho queentendi seupedido.Seeufosse,então acho que seria umpoucomais difícil defazer,e realmentenãotem tempo agorapara descobrir I don't think I understand your request. If I do, then I think it would be a bit more of a difficult thing to do, and don't really have time right now to figure out how to do it.
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- 2011-02-23
- jaredwilli
Incluirtipos depostagempersonalizadosnos resultados dapesquisa -eu acho,agora vocêpodefazerisso com `exclude_from_search`am de` register_post_type` ...Include custom post types in the search results - I guess, now you can do this with `exclude_from_search` param of `register_post_type`...
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- 2013-12-16
- Krzysiek Dróżdż
- 2010-09-09
Remover anotificação de atualizaçãoparatodos os usuários,exceto o usuário do administrador
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Esse códigogarante quenão haja usuários além de "Admin" sãonotificadospelo WordPress quando as atualizaçõesestão disponíveis ..
// REMOVE THE WORDPRESS UPDATE NOTIFICATION FOR ALL USERS EXCEPT SYSADMIN global $user_login; get_currentuserinfo(); if ($user_login !== "admin") { // Change admin to the username that gets the updates add_action( 'init', create_function( '$a', "remove_action( 'init', 'wp_version_check' );" ), 2 ); add_filter( 'pre_option_update_core', create_function( '$a', "return null;" ) ); }
Versão alteradaparamostrar apenas a atualização denotificaçãopara usuários administradores (em oposição a apenas o usuário 'admin'):
// REMOVE THE WORDPRESS UPDATE NOTIFICATION FOR ALL USERS EXCEPT SYSADMIN global $user_login; get_currentuserinfo(); if (!current_user_can('update_plugins')) { // Checks to see if current user can update plugins add_action( 'init', create_function( '$a', "remove_action( 'init', 'wp_version_check' );" ), 2 ); add_filter( 'pre_option_update_core', create_function( '$a', "return null;" ) ); }
Remove Update Notification for all users except ADMIN User
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
This code will ensures that no users other than "admin" are notified by WordPress when updates are available..
// REMOVE THE WORDPRESS UPDATE NOTIFICATION FOR ALL USERS EXCEPT SYSADMIN global $user_login; get_currentuserinfo(); if ($user_login !== "admin") { // Change admin to the username that gets the updates add_action( 'init', create_function( '$a', "remove_action( 'init', 'wp_version_check' );" ), 2 ); add_filter( 'pre_option_update_core', create_function( '$a', "return null;" ) ); }
Changed version to only show update notification for admin users (as opposed to just the user 'admin'):
// REMOVE THE WORDPRESS UPDATE NOTIFICATION FOR ALL USERS EXCEPT SYSADMIN global $user_login; get_currentuserinfo(); if (!current_user_can('update_plugins')) { // Checks to see if current user can update plugins add_action( 'init', create_function( '$a', "remove_action( 'init', 'wp_version_check' );" ), 2 ); add_filter( 'pre_option_update_core', create_function( '$a', "return null;" ) ); }
Isso émuitomenos queideal.Elefuncionará apenas se o login do administrador aindafor opadrão 'admin',queelenão serápormotivos de segurança.Em vez disso,você deve verificar uma capacidadeespecífica que você deseja que aspessoastenham que vermensagens.This is far less than ideal. It will only work if the admin's login is still the default 'admin', which it shoudln't be for security reasons. Instead you should check for a specific capability that you want people to have to see messages.
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- 2010-09-11
- jerclarke
Isto éif (! current_user_can ('manage_options')) {... add_filter ...} - Desculpepelo comentário duplo,euesqueci quebatendoenterenvio de comentários)I.e. if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {...add_filter...} -- Sorry about double comment, I forgot that hitting enter submits comments)
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- 2010-09-11
- jerclarke
Éporisso que adicionei o comentário ao código onde vocêpode alterar onome de usuário do administrador.Como vocêmelhoraria/a reescreveria?Thats why I added the comment to the code where you can change the admin username. How would you improve/rewrite it?
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- 2010-09-12
Amelhormaneira é remover oglobal $ user_logine get_currentuserInfo ()e,em vez disso,use Current_user_canna sua cláusula IF.É apenas uma linhaem vez de 3e é amaneirapadrão.Vocêpode verificar a capacidadeespecífica que serianecessáriapara agirnasmensagens,neste caso,há 'update_core'e 'update_plugins'.The best way is to remove the global $user_login and get_currentuserinfo() and instead use current_user_can in your if clause. It's only 1 line instead of 3 and its the standard way. You can check for the specific capability that would be needed to ACT on the messages, in this case there's 'update_core' and 'update_plugins'.
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- 2010-09-12
- jerclarke
Então:if (! Current_user_can ('update_plugins') {/* Removermensagens */}so: if (!current_user_can('update_plugins')) {/*REMOVE MESSAGES*/}
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- 2010-09-12
- jerclarke
Então o código completoficaria com o que?so the full code would look like what?
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- 2010-09-13
@Jeremy clarke assim seriaesse códigoentão amaneira correta defazer as coisas?Mas,se você quiser apenaspermitir que umnome de usuárioespecífico obtivesse os avisos,o código acima seria omelhor caminho? if (! current_user_can ('update_plugins')) { add_action ('init',create_function ('$ A',"remove_action ('init','wp_version_check');"),2); add_filter ('pre_option_update_core',Create_Function ('$ A',"Retorna NULL")); }@Jeremy Clarke so would this code then be the correct way of doing things? But, if you just wanted to allow a specific username to get the notices would the code above be the best way? if (!current_user_can('update_plugins')) { add_action( 'init', create_function( '$a', "remove_action( 'init', 'wp_version_check' );" ), 2 ); add_filter( 'pre_option_update_core', create_function( '$a', "return null;" )); }
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- 2010-09-17
Se você quisesse verificar umnome de usuárioespecífico,suponho que seu códigona resposta original seja aceitável,emborapossa haver umamaneira ligeiramentemaiseficaz.O código completo usandominha solução seria o que vocêtem em seu último comentário.É omesmo que sua resposta,mas com a verificação atual_user_can ()em vez do $ user_login!=='admin'.If you wanted to check for a specific user name I suppose your code in the original answer is acceptable, though there may be a slightly more effective way. The full code using my solution would look like what you have in your last comment. It's the same as your answer but with the current_user_can() check instead of the $user_login !== 'admin'.
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- 2010-09-22
- jerclarke
Eueditei a respostae adicionei a versão que usa Current_user_can ('update_plugins')I edited the answer and added the version that uses current_user_can('update_plugins')
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- 2010-09-27
- Travis Northcutt
Esta lógica deveentrarnonúcleoThis logic must go inside the core
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- 2010-12-27
- Atif Mohammed Ameenuddin
Acabei deexperimentar os códigos.Masestou recebendo algumapágina deerro seeu usar os códigos.Mesmoproblema com os dois códigosI just tried the codes. But I am getting some error page if I use the codes. Same problem with both the codes
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- 2011-06-29
- user391
Eu acho queessetrechoperdeu a relevância ao longo dos anos.No WordPress real,o administrador é o único queestá vendonotificações de atualização.I think this snippet lost it's relevance over the years. In actual WordPress the administrator is the only one who is seeing update notifications.
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- 2014-08-28
- netblognet
- 2010-09-16
CarregandojQuery do Google CDN
em: wordpress 3.0.1
// Even more smart jQuery inclusion :) add_action( 'init', 'jquery_register' ); // Register from Google and for footer function jquery_register() { if ( !is_admin() ) { wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' ); wp_register_script( 'jquery', ( '' ), false, null, true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); } }
Remova asinformações da versão do WordPresspara segurança
em: wordpress 3.0.1
// Remove version info from head and feeds function complete_version_removal() { return ''; } add_filter('the_generator', 'complete_version_removal');
Adicionar spam & amp; Excluir linkspara comentáriosnofrontend
em: wordpress 3.0.1
Issofacilita afácilgerenciar comentários dofrontend adicionando spame excluir links. **
// Spam & delete links for all versions of WordPress function delete_comment_link($id) { if (current_user_can('edit_post')) { echo '| <a href="'.get_bloginfo('wpurl').'/wp-admin/comment.php?action=cdc&c='.$id.'">del</a> '; echo '| <a href="'.get_bloginfo('wpurl').'/wp-admin/comment.php?action=cdc&dt=spam&c='.$id.'">spam</a>'; } }
atrasar apublicaçãopúblicaparafeed RSS
em: wordpress 3.0.1
Finalmente,gosto de atrasar apostagemnosmeusfeeds RSSpor 10-15minutos,porque sempreencontropelomenos algunserrosnomeutexto. Outros usos são caso você deseja que o conteúdo sejaexclusivopara o seu sitepor um dia ou uma semana antes deempurrá-lopara seus leitores RSS.
// Delay feed update function publish_later_on_feed($where) { global $wpdb; if (is_feed()) { // Timestamp in WordPress format $now = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Value for wait; + device $wait = '10'; // integer // $device = 'MINUTE'; // MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR // Add SQL syntax to default $where $where .= " AND TIMESTAMPDIFF($device, $wpdb->posts.post_date_gmt, '$now') > $wait "; } return $where; } add_filter('posts_where', 'publish_later_on_feed');
Loading jQuery from the Google CDN
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
// Even more smart jQuery inclusion :) add_action( 'init', 'jquery_register' ); // Register from Google and for footer function jquery_register() { if ( !is_admin() ) { wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' ); wp_register_script( 'jquery', ( '' ), false, null, true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); } }
Remove the WordPress Version Info for Security
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
// Remove version info from head and feeds function complete_version_removal() { return ''; } add_filter('the_generator', 'complete_version_removal');
Add Spam & Delete Links to Comments on Front End
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
This makes it way easier to manage comments from the front end by adding spam and delete links.**
// Spam & delete links for all versions of WordPress function delete_comment_link($id) { if (current_user_can('edit_post')) { echo '| <a href="'.get_bloginfo('wpurl').'/wp-admin/comment.php?action=cdc&c='.$id.'">del</a> '; echo '| <a href="'.get_bloginfo('wpurl').'/wp-admin/comment.php?action=cdc&dt=spam&c='.$id.'">spam</a>'; } }
Delay the public posting to RSS Feed
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
Finally, I like to delay posting to my RSS feeds for 10-15 minutes because I always find at least a couple errors in my text. Other uses are in case you want content to be exclusive to your site for a day or a week before pushing it out to your RSS readers.
// Delay feed update function publish_later_on_feed($where) { global $wpdb; if (is_feed()) { // Timestamp in WordPress format $now = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Value for wait; + device $wait = '10'; // integer // $device = 'MINUTE'; // MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR // Add SQL syntax to default $where $where .= " AND TIMESTAMPDIFF($device, $wpdb->posts.post_date_gmt, '$now') > $wait "; } return $where; } add_filter('posts_where', 'publish_later_on_feed');
fontenomeupost:çõessource on my post: with more informations
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- 2010-09-17
- bueltge
Vocêtambémpode simplesmente remover ofiltrogerador: `remove_action ('wp_head','wp_generator');`You can also just remove the generator filter: `remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');`
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- 2010-09-18
- Gipetto
Por quenão usamos o Google CDNpara o administrador?Eunão conseguiWhy dont we use google cdn for admin too? I didnt get it
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- 2010-11-05
- Ünsal Korkmaz
@Derekperkins - vocêpodefazer cada um dessestrechos de código uma resposta diferentepara que cada umpossa ser votadoem separadamente?@Derek Perkins - Can you make each of these code snippets a different answer so they can each be voted on separately?
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- 2010-11-06
- MikeSchinkel
- após apenas uma hora.** Sempre ** Use asinformações da versão completa como - queexpira após um ano. expires after just one hour. **Always** use the full version information like – that expires after one year.
- 25
- 2010-11-10
- fuxia
Vocêpodeporfavor dividir cada uma dessasentradas wikiem entradas separadasnaspróximas semanas.Eu queriafazerissopor você,maseunão queriafazerparecer queestoutentandotirarpontosporinformações que você compartilhou.Can you please split each of these wiki entries up into separate entries within the next few weeks. I wanted to do it for you but I did not want to make it seem like I am trying to take points for information you shared.
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- 2011-01-26
O código "Remover o WordPress Version Infopara segurança"nãofaznadapara aumentar a segurança do seu site.Elenem pare aexposição da versão WP sendo usadaem seu site.The "Remove the WordPress Version Info for Security" code doesn't actually do anything to increase the security of your site. It doesn't even stop exposure of the WP version being used on your site.
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- 2011-02-11
- Joseph Scott
Não é verdade José,se a versão do WordPressforexposta,aspessoaspodem ver se vocêestáexecutando uma versãomais antiga,expondo suas vulnerabilidades.É sempre umaboa decisão removerisso detodas asinstalações do WordPress.Pessoalmente,nem seiporqueeles o colocaram láem primeiro lugar,pois é umproblema de segurança.Not true Joseph, if your WordPress version is exposed then people can see if you are running an older version, thus exposing your vulnerabilities. It is always a good decision to remove that from all WordPress installs. Personally, I don't even know why they put it there in the first place as it IS a security issue.
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- 2014-05-12
- Jeremy
- 2010-09-11
Defina umnúmeromáximo de revisõespostaisparaevitar o Bloat DB.
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Opadrão éinfinito,e issoirá configurá-lopara lembrar apenas as últimas cincoedições:
/** * Set the post revisions unless the constant was set in wp-config.php */ if (!defined('WP_POST_REVISIONS')) define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 5);
Para o que vale apena,há umatonelada degrandesideiaspara constantes quepodem ser definidasnapágina do Codex Editando wp-config.php .
Set a maximum number of post revisions to avoid DB bloat.
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
The default is infinite, and this will set it to only remember the last five edits:
/** * Set the post revisions unless the constant was set in wp-config.php */ if (!defined('WP_POST_REVISIONS')) define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 5);
For what it's worth, there are a ton of great ideas for CONSTANTS that can be set on the Codex page Editing wp-config.php.
Issopode ser definidopor umtipo depostagem?Can this be set on a per post type basis?
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- 2010-09-12
Olhandopara o seu usoem WP_SAVE_POST_REVISION () Nãoparece ser umamaneira de distinguir combasenos Post Tipos.Não háfiltro ou qualquer coisano valor,emboraprovavelmente seja.Looking at its usage in wp_save_post_revision() there doesn't seem to be a way to distinguish based on post types. There's no filter or anything on the value, though there probably should be.
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- 2010-09-12
- jerclarke
Obrigado Jeremy - Para qualquer outrapessoa,se você sabe comofazerisso,porfavorposte aqui.thanks Jeremy - To anyone else, if you know how to do this please post it here.
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- 2010-09-14
Pessoalmenteeuprefiro 10. Eu sei que é duplo,mas sempre quandopreciso de uma revisão É sempremais antigaentão 5personally I prefer 10. I know it's double but always when I need a revision it's always older then 5
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- 2012-09-04
- janw
- 2011-12-04
Afiarimagens redimensionadas (apenas JPEG)
Estafunção afia asimagensjpeg redimensionadas. Umexemplo de diferença:
function ajx_sharpen_resized_files( $resized_file ) { $image = wp_load_image( $resized_file ); if ( !is_resource( $image ) ) return new WP_Error( 'error_loading_image', $image, $file ); $size = @getimagesize( $resized_file ); if ( !$size ) return new WP_Error('invalid_image', __('Could not read image size'), $file); list($orig_w, $orig_h, $orig_type) = $size; switch ( $orig_type ) { case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $matrix = array( array(-1, -1, -1), array(-1, 16, -1), array(-1, -1, -1), ); $divisor = array_sum(array_map('array_sum', $matrix)); $offset = 0; imageconvolution($image, $matrix, $divisor, $offset); imagejpeg($image, $resized_file,apply_filters( 'jpeg_quality', 90, 'edit_image' )); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: return $resized_file; case IMAGETYPE_GIF: return $resized_file; } return $resized_file; } add_filter('image_make_intermediate_size', 'ajx_sharpen_resized_files', 900);
Sharpen Resized Images (only JPEG)
This function sharpens resized JPEG images. An example of a difference:
function ajx_sharpen_resized_files( $resized_file ) { $image = wp_load_image( $resized_file ); if ( !is_resource( $image ) ) return new WP_Error( 'error_loading_image', $image, $file ); $size = @getimagesize( $resized_file ); if ( !$size ) return new WP_Error('invalid_image', __('Could not read image size'), $file); list($orig_w, $orig_h, $orig_type) = $size; switch ( $orig_type ) { case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $matrix = array( array(-1, -1, -1), array(-1, 16, -1), array(-1, -1, -1), ); $divisor = array_sum(array_map('array_sum', $matrix)); $offset = 0; imageconvolution($image, $matrix, $divisor, $offset); imagejpeg($image, $resized_file,apply_filters( 'jpeg_quality', 90, 'edit_image' )); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: return $resized_file; case IMAGETYPE_GIF: return $resized_file; } return $resized_file; } add_filter('image_make_intermediate_size', 'ajx_sharpen_resized_files', 900);
Muitomelhor JPEGs,obrigado ummonte!testadoem 3,4-alfamuch much better jpegs, thanks a bunch! tested in 3.4-alpha
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- 2012-04-02
- brasofilo
Se vocês queremisso comoplugin: u guys want this as plugin:
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- 2012-04-03
- Ünsal Korkmaz
Ondeestafunção vai?where does this function go?
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- 2019-03-18
- StevieD
@Stevied - como otítulo sugere,vai dentro dasfunções.php,no seumodelo.Euteria cuidado,porém,estafunçãotem quase 8 anos deidade.@StevieD - as the title suggests, it goes inside functions.php, in your template. I would be careful though, this function is almost 8 years old.
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- 2019-07-25
- 2010-09-09
Removerpadrão Meta Boxes do WordPress
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Este códigopermitirá que você remova asmeta caixasespecíficas que o WordPress adicionaporpadrão àstelaspadrão Adicionar/Editar Poste Adicionar/Editar Página.
// REMOVE META BOXES FROM DEFAULT POSTS SCREEN function remove_default_post_screen_metaboxes() { remove_meta_box( 'postcustom','post','normal' ); // Custom Fields Metabox remove_meta_box( 'postexcerpt','post','normal' ); // Excerpt Metabox remove_meta_box( 'commentstatusdiv','post','normal' ); // Comments Metabox remove_meta_box( 'trackbacksdiv','post','normal' ); // Talkback Metabox remove_meta_box( 'slugdiv','post','normal' ); // Slug Metabox remove_meta_box( 'authordiv','post','normal' ); // Author Metabox } add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_default_post_screen_metaboxes'); // REMOVE META BOXES FROM DEFAULT PAGES SCREEN function remove_default_page_screen_metaboxes() { remove_meta_box( 'postcustom','page','normal' ); // Custom Fields Metabox remove_meta_box( 'postexcerpt','page','normal' ); // Excerpt Metabox remove_meta_box( 'commentstatusdiv','page','normal' ); // Comments Metabox remove_meta_box( 'trackbacksdiv','page','normal' ); // Talkback Metabox remove_meta_box( 'slugdiv','page','normal' ); // Slug Metabox remove_meta_box( 'authordiv','page','normal' ); // Author Metabox } add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_default_page_screen_metaboxes');
Remove Default WordPress Meta Boxes
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
This code will allow you to remove specific Meta Boxes which WordPress adds by default to the default Add/Edit Post and Add/Edit Page screens.
// REMOVE META BOXES FROM DEFAULT POSTS SCREEN function remove_default_post_screen_metaboxes() { remove_meta_box( 'postcustom','post','normal' ); // Custom Fields Metabox remove_meta_box( 'postexcerpt','post','normal' ); // Excerpt Metabox remove_meta_box( 'commentstatusdiv','post','normal' ); // Comments Metabox remove_meta_box( 'trackbacksdiv','post','normal' ); // Talkback Metabox remove_meta_box( 'slugdiv','post','normal' ); // Slug Metabox remove_meta_box( 'authordiv','post','normal' ); // Author Metabox } add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_default_post_screen_metaboxes'); // REMOVE META BOXES FROM DEFAULT PAGES SCREEN function remove_default_page_screen_metaboxes() { remove_meta_box( 'postcustom','page','normal' ); // Custom Fields Metabox remove_meta_box( 'postexcerpt','page','normal' ); // Excerpt Metabox remove_meta_box( 'commentstatusdiv','page','normal' ); // Comments Metabox remove_meta_box( 'trackbacksdiv','page','normal' ); // Talkback Metabox remove_meta_box( 'slugdiv','page','normal' ); // Slug Metabox remove_meta_box( 'authordiv','page','normal' ); // Author Metabox } add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_default_page_screen_metaboxes');
De acordo comeste Eunãoesconderia o Slugdiv dessamaneira,mas useeste vez dissoAccording to this I wouldn't hide the slugdiv this way, but use this instead
@Corvannoorloos Seu linkgithubestá quebrado.@CorvanNoorloos Your github link is broken.
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- 2017-02-26
- user7003859
- 2010-09-15
Remover & quot; Wordpress?para "WordPress"Filtro
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Houve umfiltro adicionado com o WordPress versão 3.0 que converte automaticamentetodas asinstâncias de "Wordpress"?(nenhum capitalp)para "WordPress"(com um capitalp)no conteúdoposte,postartítulose texto de comentários.Algumaspessoas vêemissotãointrusivo,maseu sótenho anecessidade demal-estarmal wordpress de vezem quandoe achei ofiltro umpoucoirritante.
// Remove annoying P filter if(function_exists('capital_P_dangit')) { foreach ( array( 'the_content', 'the_title' ) as $filter ) remove_filter( $filter, 'capital_P_dangit', 11 ); remove_filter('comment_text', 'capital_P_dangit', 31 ); }
Remove "Wordpress" to "WordPress" filter
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
There was a filter added with WordPress version 3.0 that automatically converts all instances of "Wordpress" (no capital P) to "WordPress" (with a capital P) in post content, post titles, and comment text. Some people see this as intrusive, but I just have a need to mis-case WordPress from time to time and found the filter somewhat annoying.
// Remove annoying P filter if(function_exists('capital_P_dangit')) { foreach ( array( 'the_content', 'the_title' ) as $filter ) remove_filter( $filter, 'capital_P_dangit', 11 ); remove_filter('comment_text', 'capital_P_dangit', 31 ); }
Ótimopequenoencontrar.Uma daquelas coisas que apenas remove outro código quenão énecessáriogreat little find. One of those things which just removes another piece of code that is not needed
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- 2010-09-17
No WordPress 3.0.1,estefiltro é adicionado comprioridade 11] (,então vocêprecisapara adicionar `11` como oterceiroparâmetropara removê-lo.In WordPress 3.0.1, [this filter is added with priority 11](, so you need to add `11` as the third parameter to remove it.
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- 2010-11-05
- Jan Fabry
- 2010-10-21
Personalize opainel
add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'my_custom_dashboard_widgets'); function my_custom_dashboard_widgets() { global $wp_meta_boxes;
Removaesses widgets depainel ...
unset($wp_meta_boxes['dashboard']['normal']['core']['dashboard_plugins']); unset($wp_meta_boxes['dashboard']['side']['core']['dashboard_primary']); unset($wp_meta_boxes['dashboard']['side']['core']['dashboard_secondary']);
Adicione um widgetpersonalizado chamado 'Ajudae Suporte'
wp_add_dashboard_widget('custom_help_widget', 'Help and Support', 'custom_dashboard_help'); }
Este é o conteúdo do seu widgetpersonalizado
function custom_dashboard_help() { echo '<p>Lorum ipsum delor sit amet et nunc</p>'; }
Customize the Dashboard
add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'my_custom_dashboard_widgets'); function my_custom_dashboard_widgets() { global $wp_meta_boxes;
Remove these dashboard widgets...
unset($wp_meta_boxes['dashboard']['normal']['core']['dashboard_plugins']); unset($wp_meta_boxes['dashboard']['side']['core']['dashboard_primary']); unset($wp_meta_boxes['dashboard']['side']['core']['dashboard_secondary']);
Add a custom widget called 'Help and Support'
wp_add_dashboard_widget('custom_help_widget', 'Help and Support', 'custom_dashboard_help'); }
This is the content for your custom widget
function custom_dashboard_help() { echo '<p>Lorum ipsum delor sit amet et nunc</p>'; }
- 2010-11-16
Adicionar campos deperfil de usuáriopersonalizados
Coloque o código abaixono seu arquivofunctions.phppara adicionar campos deperfil de usuáriopersonalizados. Editar ou adicionar linhas como você vêem forma.
Lembre-se denão remover a linha: retornar $ contactmethods; caso contrário,issonãofuncionará.
// CUSTOM USER PROFILE FIELDS function my_custom_userfields( $contactmethods ) { // ADD CONTACT CUSTOM FIELDS $contactmethods['contact_phone_office'] = 'Office Phone'; $contactmethods['contact_phone_mobile'] = 'Mobile Phone'; $contactmethods['contact_office_fax'] = 'Office Fax'; // ADD ADDRESS CUSTOM FIELDS $contactmethods['address_line_1'] = 'Address Line 1'; $contactmethods['address_line_2'] = 'Address Line 2 (optional)'; $contactmethods['address_city'] = 'City'; $contactmethods['address_state'] = 'State'; $contactmethods['address_zipcode'] = 'Zipcode'; return $contactmethods; } add_filter('user_contactmethods','my_custom_userfields',10,1);
Paraexibir campospersonalizados,vocêpode usar um dos doismétodos listados abaixo.
opção 1:
the_author_meta('facebook', $current_author->ID)
opção 2:
<?php $current_author = get_userdata(get_query_var('author')); ?> <p><a href="<?php echo esc_url($current_author->contact_phone_office);?>" title="office_phone"> Office Phone</a></p>
Add Custom User Profile Fields
Place the code below into your functions.php file to add custom user profile fields. Edit or add lines as you see fit.
Remember not to remove the line: return $contactmethods; otherwise this won't work.
// CUSTOM USER PROFILE FIELDS function my_custom_userfields( $contactmethods ) { // ADD CONTACT CUSTOM FIELDS $contactmethods['contact_phone_office'] = 'Office Phone'; $contactmethods['contact_phone_mobile'] = 'Mobile Phone'; $contactmethods['contact_office_fax'] = 'Office Fax'; // ADD ADDRESS CUSTOM FIELDS $contactmethods['address_line_1'] = 'Address Line 1'; $contactmethods['address_line_2'] = 'Address Line 2 (optional)'; $contactmethods['address_city'] = 'City'; $contactmethods['address_state'] = 'State'; $contactmethods['address_zipcode'] = 'Zipcode'; return $contactmethods; } add_filter('user_contactmethods','my_custom_userfields',10,1);
To display custom fields you can use one of the two methods listed below.
Option 1:
the_author_meta('facebook', $current_author->ID)
Option 2:
<?php $current_author = get_userdata(get_query_var('author')); ?> <p><a href="<?php echo esc_url($current_author->contact_phone_office);?>" title="office_phone"> Office Phone</a></p>
- 2010-09-09
Personalize a ordem domenu de administração
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Este códigopermitirá que você reorganize a ordem doselementosnomenu Administração. Tudo o que vocêprecisafazer é clicarem um linkexistentenomenu de administraçãoe copiartudo antes do/wp-admin/URL. Opedido abaixo representa a ordem que onovomenu de administraçãoterá.
// CUSTOMIZE ADMIN MENU ORDER function custom_menu_order($menu_ord) { if (!$menu_ord) return true; return array( 'index.php', // This represents the dashboard link 'edit.php?post_type=events', // This is a custom post type menu 'edit.php?post_type=news', 'edit.php?post_type=articles', 'edit.php?post_type=faqs', 'edit.php?post_type=mentors', 'edit.php?post_type=testimonials', 'edit.php?post_type=services', 'edit.php?post_type=page', // This is the default page menu 'edit.php', // This is the default POST admin menu ); } add_filter('custom_menu_order', 'custom_menu_order'); add_filter('menu_order', 'custom_menu_order');
Customize the order of the administration menu
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
This code will allow you to reorganize the order of elements in the administration menu. All that you need to do is click on an existing link in the administration menu and copy everything before the /wp-admin/ URL. The order below represents the order the new administration menu will have.
// CUSTOMIZE ADMIN MENU ORDER function custom_menu_order($menu_ord) { if (!$menu_ord) return true; return array( 'index.php', // This represents the dashboard link 'edit.php?post_type=events', // This is a custom post type menu 'edit.php?post_type=news', 'edit.php?post_type=articles', 'edit.php?post_type=faqs', 'edit.php?post_type=mentors', 'edit.php?post_type=testimonials', 'edit.php?post_type=services', 'edit.php?post_type=page', // This is the default page menu 'edit.php', // This is the default POST admin menu ); } add_filter('custom_menu_order', 'custom_menu_order'); add_filter('menu_order', 'custom_menu_order');
Há realmente umfiltro central chamado `custom_menu_order`?Eunão conseguiencontrar um ...Is there really a core filter named `custom_menu_order`? I couldn't find one...
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- 2011-03-01
- kaiser
@kaiser documentou aqui documented here
- 4
- 2012-08-18
- Manny Fleurmond
- 2010-09-12
Funçãopara alterar o comprimento do Exerpt
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Porpadrão,todos ostrechos são limitados a 55palavras.Utilizando o código abaixo Vocêpode substituiressas configuraçõespadrão:
function new_excerpt_length($length) { return 100; } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'new_excerpt_length');
Esteexemplo altera o comprimento dotrechopara 100palavras,mas vocêpode usar omesmométodopara alterá-lopara qualquer valor.
Function to change the length of Exerpt
Tested on: Wordpress 3.0.1
By default all excerpts are capped at 55 words. Utilizing the code below you can override this default settings:
function new_excerpt_length($length) { return 100; } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'new_excerpt_length');
This example changes the excerpt length to 100 words, but you can use the same method to change it to any value.
@ user402 ...estatampaporpalavras ou caracteres?Vocêpoderiapostar comofazer as duas coisas?@user402... does this cap by words or characters? Could you post how to do both?
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- 2010-09-12
** Estafunção (e ogancho do `excerpt_length`) [capporpalavras] (** This function (and the `excerpt_length` hook) [cap by words](
- 3
- 2010-09-15
- EAMann
Heh.Eutenhoessefiltro adicionado aonúcleo.:)Heh. I got that filter added to core. :)
- 0
- 2011-03-08
- Dougal Campbell
- 2010-12-28
Adicionarminiaturasna lista depostos/páginas
Vocêpode adicionarisso às suasfunções a seremexibidaspara a lista depostagense páginas Gerenciar/Editar umanova coluna com a visualização daminiatura.
/****** Add Thumbnails in Manage Posts/Pages List ******/ if ( !function_exists('AddThumbColumn') && function_exists('add_theme_support') ) { // for post and page add_theme_support('post-thumbnails', array( 'post', 'page' ) ); function AddThumbColumn($cols) { $cols['thumbnail'] = __('Thumbnail'); return $cols; } function AddThumbValue($column_name, $post_id) { $width = (int) 35; $height = (int) 35; if ( 'thumbnail' == $column_name ) { // thumbnail of WP 2.9 $thumbnail_id = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_thumbnail_id', true ); // image from gallery $attachments = get_children( array('post_parent' => $post_id, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image') ); if ($thumbnail_id) $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image( $thumbnail_id, array($width, $height), true ); elseif ($attachments) { foreach ( $attachments as $attachment_id => $attachment ) { $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, array($width, $height), true ); } } if ( isset($thumb) && $thumb ) { echo $thumb; } else { echo __('None'); } } } // for posts add_filter( 'manage_posts_columns', 'AddThumbColumn' ); add_action( 'manage_posts_custom_column', 'AddThumbValue', 10, 2 ); // for pages add_filter( 'manage_pages_columns', 'AddThumbColumn' ); add_action( 'manage_pages_custom_column', 'AddThumbValue', 10, 2 ); }
Add Thumbnails in Manage Posts/Pages List
You can add this to your functions to display to the Manage/Edit Post and Pages List a new column with the thumbnail preview.
/****** Add Thumbnails in Manage Posts/Pages List ******/ if ( !function_exists('AddThumbColumn') && function_exists('add_theme_support') ) { // for post and page add_theme_support('post-thumbnails', array( 'post', 'page' ) ); function AddThumbColumn($cols) { $cols['thumbnail'] = __('Thumbnail'); return $cols; } function AddThumbValue($column_name, $post_id) { $width = (int) 35; $height = (int) 35; if ( 'thumbnail' == $column_name ) { // thumbnail of WP 2.9 $thumbnail_id = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_thumbnail_id', true ); // image from gallery $attachments = get_children( array('post_parent' => $post_id, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image') ); if ($thumbnail_id) $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image( $thumbnail_id, array($width, $height), true ); elseif ($attachments) { foreach ( $attachments as $attachment_id => $attachment ) { $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, array($width, $height), true ); } } if ( isset($thumb) && $thumb ) { echo $thumb; } else { echo __('None'); } } } // for posts add_filter( 'manage_posts_columns', 'AddThumbColumn' ); add_action( 'manage_posts_custom_column', 'AddThumbValue', 10, 2 ); // for pages add_filter( 'manage_pages_columns', 'AddThumbColumn' ); add_action( 'manage_pages_custom_column', 'AddThumbValue', 10, 2 ); }
Comomover a colunapara aextremaesquerda?How to move the column to the far left?
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- 2013-10-08
- Rich
- 2010-09-15
Removerpingspara o seupróprioblog
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
// Remove pings to self function no_self_ping( &$links ) { $home = get_option( 'home' ); foreach ( $links as $l => $link ) if ( 0 === strpos( $link, $home ) ) unset($links[$l]); } add_action( 'pre_ping', 'no_self_ping' );
Remove pings to your own blog
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
// Remove pings to self function no_self_ping( &$links ) { $home = get_option( 'home' ); foreach ( $links as $l => $link ) if ( 0 === strpos( $link, $home ) ) unset($links[$l]); } add_action( 'pre_ping', 'no_self_ping' );
Quantas vezese quando o wordpressping em si?how often and when does wordpress ping itself?
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- 2010-09-17
Eu realmentetenhoesseproblema combastantefrequência.Seeufizer referência a um linkinternopara outrapostagemnomeublog WP,recebo umtrackback oupingback (nãome lembro qual) demim mesmo.Éirritante.I actually have that issue quite often. If I reference an internal link to another post on my WP blog, I get a trackback or pingback (don't remember which) from myself. It's annoying.
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- 2010-12-18
- Sahas Katta
Mesmo aqui.Eutenho umblog denotícias/revistase linkpara outros artigos combastantefrequência.Same here. I have a news / magazine blog and link to other articles quite often.
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- 2011-02-13
- Steven
- 2010-12-23
Ativar compressão de saídagzip
Normalmente,o servidor deve ser configuradoparafazerisso automaticamente,masmuitos hosts compartilhadosnãofazemisso (provavelmentepara aumentar o uso de largura debanda de cliente).
if(extension_loaded("zlib") && (ini_get("output_handler") != "ob_gzhandler")) add_action('wp', create_function('', '@ob_end_clean();@ini_set("zlib.output_compression", 1);'));
Enable GZIP output compression
Normally the server should be set up to do this automatically, but a lot of shared hosts don’t do this (probably to increase client bandwidth usage).
if(extension_loaded("zlib") && (ini_get("output_handler") != "ob_gzhandler")) add_action('wp', create_function('', '@ob_end_clean();@ini_set("zlib.output_compression", 1);'));
- 2010-09-15
Exibir consultas DB,tempogastoe consumo dememória
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
function performance( $visible = false ) { $stat = sprintf( '%d queries in %.3f seconds, using %.2fMB memory', get_num_queries(), timer_stop( 0, 3 ), memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024 ); echo $visible ? $stat : "<!-- {$stat} -->" ; }
Entãoeste código abaixo do código acima,queiráinserir automaticamente o código acimano rodapé do seu sitepúblico (certifique-se de que seutemaesteja chamando
):add_action( 'wp_footer', 'performance', 20 );
Pode ser chamado várias vezes.
Display DB Queries, Time Spent and Memory Consumption
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
function performance( $visible = false ) { $stat = sprintf( '%d queries in %.3f seconds, using %.2fMB memory', get_num_queries(), timer_stop( 0, 3 ), memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024 ); echo $visible ? $stat : "<!-- {$stat} -->" ; }
Then this code below the code above which will automatically insert the code above into the footer of your public website (make sure your theme is calling
):add_action( 'wp_footer', 'performance', 20 );
It can be called multiple times.
Para PHP <5.2 USE `MEMORY_GET_USAGE ()`for php < 5.2 use `memory_get_usage()`
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- 2011-01-23
- onetrickpony
- 2010-11-14
não registrando wordPress widgetspadrão
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
// Unregister all default WordPress Widgets function unregister_default_wp_widgets() { unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Pages'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Calendar'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Archives'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Links'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Meta'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Search'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Text'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Categories'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Recent_Posts'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Recent_Comments'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_RSS'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Tag_Cloud'); } add_action('widgets_init', 'unregister_default_wp_widgets', 1);
Unregister WordPress Default Widgets
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
// Unregister all default WordPress Widgets function unregister_default_wp_widgets() { unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Pages'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Calendar'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Archives'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Links'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Meta'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Search'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Text'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Categories'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Recent_Posts'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Recent_Comments'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_RSS'); unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Tag_Cloud'); } add_action('widgets_init', 'unregister_default_wp_widgets', 1);
Eu useina versão 3.1.4.Mas os widgets aindaestão lá.Alguémtem ideia?I have used it on Version 3.1.4 . But the widgets are still there. Does any one have idea?
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- 2011-07-01
- user391
Aindafuncionano WP 4.5 :)Still works on WP 4.5 :)
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- 2016-04-19
- Tim Malone
- 2010-09-10
Extrato Automático Aprimeiraimagem do conteúdo dopost
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Este códigoiráextrair automaticamente aprimeiraimagem associada a umapostageme permitir que vocêexiba/usá-la chamando afunção GetImage.
// AUTOMATICALLY EXTRACT THE FIRST IMAGE FROM THE POST function getImage($num) { global $more; $more = 1; $link = get_permalink(); $content = get_the_content(); $count = substr_count($content, '<img'); $start = 0; for($i=1;$i<=$count;$i++) { $imgBeg = strpos($content, '<img', $start); $post = substr($content, $imgBeg); $imgEnd = strpos($post, '>'); $postOutput = substr($post, 0, $imgEnd+1); $postOutput = preg_replace('/width="([0-9]*)" height="([0-9]*)"/', '',$postOutput);; $image[$i] = $postOutput; $start=$imgEnd+1; } if(stristr($image[$num],'<img')) { echo '<a href="'.$link.'">'.$image[$num]."</a>"; } $more = 0; }
Auto Extract the First Image from the Post Content
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
This code will automatically extract the first image associated with a post and allow you to display/use it by calling the getImage function.
// AUTOMATICALLY EXTRACT THE FIRST IMAGE FROM THE POST function getImage($num) { global $more; $more = 1; $link = get_permalink(); $content = get_the_content(); $count = substr_count($content, '<img'); $start = 0; for($i=1;$i<=$count;$i++) { $imgBeg = strpos($content, '<img', $start); $post = substr($content, $imgBeg); $imgEnd = strpos($post, '>'); $postOutput = substr($post, 0, $imgEnd+1); $postOutput = preg_replace('/width="([0-9]*)" height="([0-9]*)"/', '',$postOutput);; $image[$i] = $postOutput; $start=$imgEnd+1; } if(stristr($image[$num],'<img')) { echo '<a href="'.$link.'">'.$image[$num]."</a>"; } $more = 0; }
Nice,masget_the_imagefaz umtrabalhomuitobom comissotambém., but get_the_image does a very good job with this as well.
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- 2010-09-15
- artlung
correto,masestefunciona demaneira diferentee corrige váriosproblemas queget_the_imagenão levaem contacorrect but this one works differently and fixes various issues which get_the_image does not take into account
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- 2010-09-30
O queissofaz demaneira diferente do scriptget_the_image?What does it do differently than the get_the_image script?
- 3
- 2010-12-05
- matt
@Matt - No WordPress,há diferentesmaneiras de que asimagenspossam ser adicionadas aospostse acho que o scriptget_the_image só olhapara um desses.Isso verifica se há umaimagemem destaquee usa aquelaprimeiro,se disponível,em seguida,acho queele verifica aprimeiraimagem adicionada ao conteúdo doposte seissonãoforencontrado,verifica agaleria demídiapara aimagemmais altaordem (pelomenos é assim queme lembro da ordem).@matt -- In wordpress there are different ways that images can be added to posts and i think the get_the_image script just looks at one of those. This checks to see if there is a featured image and uses that one first if available, next I think it checks for the first image added to the post content and if that is not found it checks the media gallery for the image with the highest sort order (at least thats how I remember the order going).
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- 2011-02-22
Eu sugiro automaticamente aminiaturaposterior (miniaturaem destaque) daprimeiraimagemnopost ou qualquertipo depostagempersonalizado somente se aminiaturaposteriornãoestiver definidai suggest Automatically generate the Post Thumbnail (Featured Thumbnail) from the first image in post or any custom post type only if Post Thumbnail is not set
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- 2011-05-08
- Ünsal Korkmaz
Eunão há chequeparaminiatura - vocêtem certeza?i dont any check for thumbnail - are you sure?
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- 2012-02-21
- Sagive SEO
- 2010-11-14
Remover aviso de atualização doplugin apenasparapluginsinativos
function update_active_plugins($value = '') { /* The $value array passed in contains the list of plugins with time marks when the last time the groups was checked for version match The $value->reponse node contains an array of the items that are out of date. This response node is use by the 'Plugins' menu for example to indicate there are updates. Also on the actual plugins listing to provide the yellow box below a given plugin to indicate action is needed by the user. */ if ((isset($value->response)) && (count($value->response))) { // Get the list cut current active plugins $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if ($active_plugins) { // Here we start to compare the $value->response // items checking each against the active plugins list. foreach($value->response as $plugin_idx => $plugin_item) { // If the response item is not an active plugin then remove it. // This will prevent WordPress from indicating the plugin needs update actions. if (!in_array($plugin_idx, $active_plugins)) unset($value->response[$plugin_idx]); } } else { // If no active plugins then ignore the inactive out of date ones. foreach($value->response as $plugin_idx => $plugin_item) { unset($value->response); } } } return $value; } add_filter('transient_update_plugins', 'update_active_plugins'); // Hook for 2.8.+ //add_filter( 'option_update_plugins', 'update_active_plugins'); // Hook for 2.7.x
Remove Plugin Update Notice ONLY for INACTIVE plugins
function update_active_plugins($value = '') { /* The $value array passed in contains the list of plugins with time marks when the last time the groups was checked for version match The $value->reponse node contains an array of the items that are out of date. This response node is use by the 'Plugins' menu for example to indicate there are updates. Also on the actual plugins listing to provide the yellow box below a given plugin to indicate action is needed by the user. */ if ((isset($value->response)) && (count($value->response))) { // Get the list cut current active plugins $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if ($active_plugins) { // Here we start to compare the $value->response // items checking each against the active plugins list. foreach($value->response as $plugin_idx => $plugin_item) { // If the response item is not an active plugin then remove it. // This will prevent WordPress from indicating the plugin needs update actions. if (!in_array($plugin_idx, $active_plugins)) unset($value->response[$plugin_idx]); } } else { // If no active plugins then ignore the inactive out of date ones. foreach($value->response as $plugin_idx => $plugin_item) { unset($value->response); } } } return $value; } add_filter('transient_update_plugins', 'update_active_plugins'); // Hook for 2.8.+ //add_filter( 'option_update_plugins', 'update_active_plugins'); // Hook for 2.7.x
Issonão énecessariamente umaboaideia - umplugininativo aindaestápresenteno sistema de arquivos,e uminseguro aindapode ser utilizadopara hackear o site.Osplugins devem sempre sermantidos atualizados.This is not necessarily a good idea - an inactive plugin is still present in the filesystem, and an insecure one can still be utilised to hack the site. Plugins should always be kept up-to-date.
- 1
- 2016-04-11
- Tim Malone
- 2010-11-09
Removerinformações supérfluase HTML dentro do
& LT; Head & GT;
Tag//removeinformações desnecessárias de cabeçalho add_action ('init','remove_header_info'); função remove_header_info () { remove_action ('wp_head','rsd_link'); remove_action ('wp_head','wlwmanifest_link'); remove_action ('wp_head','wp_generator'); remove_action ('wp_head','start_post_rel_link'); remove_action ('wp_head','index_rel_link'); remove_action ('wp_head','adjacent_posts_rel_link');//para wordpress & lt;3.0. remove_action ('wp_head','adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head');//para wordpress >=3.0 } //Remova CSsextras que 'Recentes comentários' widgetinjetam add_action ('widgets_init','remove_recent_comment_style'); função remove_recent_comment_style () { global $ wp_widget_factory; remoção_action ('wp_head',matriz ( $ wp_widget_factory- > widgets ['wp_widget_recent_comments'], 'recent_comments_style' )); }
Remove superfluous info and HTML within the
tag// remove unnecessary header info add_action( 'init', 'remove_header_info' ); function remove_header_info() { remove_action( 'wp_head', 'rsd_link' ); remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link' ); remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_generator' ); remove_action( 'wp_head', 'start_post_rel_link' ); remove_action( 'wp_head', 'index_rel_link' ); remove_action( 'wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link' ); // for WordPress < 3.0 remove_action( 'wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head' ); // for WordPress >= 3.0 } // remove extra CSS that 'Recent Comments' widget injects add_action( 'widgets_init', 'remove_recent_comments_style' ); function remove_recent_comments_style() { global $wp_widget_factory; remove_action( 'wp_head', array( $wp_widget_factory->widgets['WP_Widget_Recent_Comments'], 'recent_comments_style' ) ); }
- 2010-11-13
Ativar depuração deerrose logingpara usoem sites ao vivo
Este é umpedaço de código queescreviparafazer uso das constantes WP_DEBUG quenormalmente são desativadasporpadrão. Bem,eu criei umamaneira denão apenas habilitar o WP_DEBUGpara que vocêpossa usá-loem um site ao vivo semefeitos colateraisnegativos,mastambémfiz uso das outras constantes de depuraçãoparaforçarerros a seremexibidose para criar um arquivo de log doserrose avisosno diretório/wp-content.
Coloqueeste códigono seu arquivo WP-Config.php (depois de salvar umbackup apenasno caso)e,em seguida,vocêpodepassar o? Debug=1,2 ou 3parâmetrosnofinal de qualquer URLno seu site.
debug=1=mostratodos oserros/avisos ? DEBUG=2=Força-os a seremexibidos ? DEBUG=3=Cria um arquivo debug.log detodos oserrosem/wp-content dir.
/** * Written by Jared Williams - * @wp-config.php replace WP_DEBUG constant with this code * Enable WP debugging for usage on a live site * * Pass the '?debug=#' parameter at the end of any URL on site * *, /?debug=2, /?debug=3 */ if ( isset($_GET['debug']) && $_GET['debug'] == '1' ) { // Enable the reporting of notices during development - E_ALL define('WP_DEBUG', true); } elseif ( isset($_GET['debug']) && $_GET['debug'] == '2' ) { // Must be true for WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY to work define('WP_DEBUG', true); // Force the display of errors define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true); } elseif ( isset($_GET['debug']) && $_GET['debug'] == '3' ) { // Must be true for WP_DEBUG_LOG to work define('WP_DEBUG', true); // Log errors to debug.log in the wp-content directory define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true); }
Euentroem mais detalhesnopost do convidado queescrevipara Comluv se vocêestiverinteressado,aqui: -Debugging-and-logging-for-live-site-Uso/
Eu aindaestoutrabalhandoem umamaneira defazer com queessa senha sejaprotegida oupreferivelmente,de algumaforma,fazê-lofuncionarem se (atual_user_can ('manage_themes')e is_logged_in ().
Mas é aí queficamuitomais complicado.
Enable Error Debugging And Logging To Use On Live Sites
This is a piece of code I wrote to make use of the WP_DEBUG constants that are normally disabled by default. Well, I created a way to not only enable WP_DEBUG so you can use it on a live site with no negative side-effects, but I also made use of the other debugging constants for forcing errors to be displayed, and for creating a log file of the errors and Notices in the /wp-content directory.
Drop this code in your wp-config.php file (AFTER YOU SAVE A BACKUP JUST IN CASE) and then you can pass the ?debug=1, 2, or 3 parameters at the end of any URL on your site.
?debug=1 = shows all errors/notices ?debug=2 = forces them to be displayed ?debug=3 = creates a debug.log file of all errors in /wp-content dir.
/** * Written by Jared Williams - * @wp-config.php replace WP_DEBUG constant with this code * Enable WP debugging for usage on a live site * * Pass the '?debug=#' parameter at the end of any URL on site * *, /?debug=2, /?debug=3 */ if ( isset($_GET['debug']) && $_GET['debug'] == '1' ) { // Enable the reporting of notices during development - E_ALL define('WP_DEBUG', true); } elseif ( isset($_GET['debug']) && $_GET['debug'] == '2' ) { // Must be true for WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY to work define('WP_DEBUG', true); // Force the display of errors define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true); } elseif ( isset($_GET['debug']) && $_GET['debug'] == '3' ) { // Must be true for WP_DEBUG_LOG to work define('WP_DEBUG', true); // Log errors to debug.log in the wp-content directory define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true); }
I go into more detail on the guest post I wrote for Comluv if you're interested, here:
I'm still working on a way to make this either password protected, or preferrably somehow make it work on if (current_user_can('manage_themes') and is_logged_in().
But that's where it gets alot more tricky.
Usamos algo semelhante aos detalhes de conexão de configuração ao vivo,encenaçãoe Dev.We use something similar to setup live, staging and dev database connection details.
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- 2011-03-07
- Tom
- 2010-09-10
Adicionar automaticamentetítulos dinâmicos apáginaspúblicas
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Utilizando o código abaixo criará automaticamente ostítulos depágina dinâmicos combasenaspáginas/posts sendo visualizadospublicamente.
/* Dynamic Titles **/ // This sets your <title> depending on what page you're on, for better formatting and for SEO // You need to set the variable $longd to some custom text at the beginning of the function function dynamictitles() { $longd = __('Enter your longdescription here.', 'texdomainstring'); if ( is_single() ) { wp_title(''); echo ' | '.get_bloginfo('name'); } else if ( is_page() || is_paged() ) { bloginfo('name'); wp_title('|'); } else if ( is_author() ) { bloginfo('name'); wp_title(' | '.__('Author', 'texdomainstring')); } else if ( is_category() ) { bloginfo('name'); wp_title(' | '.__('Archive for', 'texdomainstring')); } else if ( is_tag() ) { echo get_bloginfo('name').' | '.__('Tag archive for', 'texdomainstring'); wp_title(''); } else if ( is_archive() ) { echo get_bloginfo('name').' | '.__('Archive for', 'texdomainstring'); wp_title(''); } else if ( is_search() ) { echo get_bloginfo('name').' | '.__('Search Results', 'texdomainstring'); } else if ( is_404() ) { echo get_bloginfo('name').' | '.__('404 Error (Page Not Found)', 'texdomainstring'); } else if ( is_home() ) { echo get_bloginfo('name').' | '.get_bloginfo('description'); } else { echo get_bloginfo('name').' | '.($blog_longd); } }
Automatically Add Dynamic Titles to Public Pages
Tested on: WordPress 3.0.1
Utilizing the code below will automatically create dynamic page titles based upon the pages/posts being viewed publicly.
/* Dynamic Titles **/ // This sets your <title> depending on what page you're on, for better formatting and for SEO // You need to set the variable $longd to some custom text at the beginning of the function function dynamictitles() { $longd = __('Enter your longdescription here.', 'texdomainstring'); if ( is_single() ) { wp_title(''); echo ' | '.get_bloginfo('name'); } else if ( is_page() || is_paged() ) { bloginfo('name'); wp_title('|'); } else if ( is_author() ) { bloginfo('name'); wp_title(' | '.__('Author', 'texdomainstring')); } else if ( is_category() ) { bloginfo('name'); wp_title(' | '.__('Archive for', 'texdomainstring')); } else if ( is_tag() ) { echo get_bloginfo('name').' | '.__('Tag archive for', 'texdomainstring'); wp_title(''); } else if ( is_archive() ) { echo get_bloginfo('name').' | '.__('Archive for', 'texdomainstring'); wp_title(''); } else if ( is_search() ) { echo get_bloginfo('name').' | '.__('Search Results', 'texdomainstring'); } else if ( is_404() ) { echo get_bloginfo('name').' | '.__('404 Error (Page Not Found)', 'texdomainstring'); } else if ( is_home() ) { echo get_bloginfo('name').' | '.get_bloginfo('description'); } else { echo get_bloginfo('name').' | '.($blog_longd); } }
- 2010-11-09
Novosfunçõese capacidades - apenasexecute uma vez!
Eumantenhoestes úteis,este é o direito maneira defazê-los sem umplugin. Eles definem um único campo (prefix_user_roles)nobanco de dados de opções,e vocênãoprecisa de umpluginpara configurá-los. Consulte apágina do Codexpara uma lista de quais recursosestão disponíveise descriçõespara o queelesfazem. Você sóprecisa descomentar um dessesblocos,carregar qualquerpáginae,em seguida,comenta-osnovamente! Aquiestou criando umpapel quetem os recursos queeupreciso:
/* Capabilities */ // To add the new role, using 'international' as the short name and // 'International Blogger' as the displayed name in the User list and edit page: /* add_role('international', 'International Blogger', array( 'read' => true, // True allows that capability, False specifically removes it. 'edit_posts' => true, 'delete_posts' => true, 'edit_published_posts' => true, 'publish_posts' => true, 'edit_files' => true, 'import' => true, 'upload_files' => true //last in array needs no comma! )); */ // To remove one outright or remove one of the defaults: /* remove_role('international'); */
Às vezes é útil adicionar/remover de umafunçãoexistenteem vez de removere adicionar uma. novamente,você sóprecisa descomentar,recarrega umapáginae,em seguida,comente denovo. Isso armazenará afunção/capacidade corretamentenatabela de opções. (Issopermite que você o desenvolvedor os controlassee remova a sobrecarga dosplugins volumosos quefazem amesma coisa.) Aquiestoumudando afunção de autorparaexcluir suaspostagenspublicadas (opadrão),maspermitindo-lhes a capacidade deeditar suaspostagenspublicadas (quenão épossívelparaestepapelporpadrão) - usando * add_cap * ou * remove_cap *.
/* $edit_role = get_role('author'); $edit_role->add_cap('edit_published_posts'); $edit_role->remove_cap('delete_published_posts'); */
Eumantenho umaplanilha com agrade dapágina do Codexpara sites quemodificam dessamaneira,para queeupossa lembrar como as coisasestão definidas,embora deixando o código comentadoem seu arquivofunctions.phpfuncionarápara. Não deixeessesexemplos descometidos,oueleirágravarnobanco de dados com cada carga depágina!
New Roles and Capabilities - Only run once!
I keep these handy, this is the right way to do them without a plugin. They set a single field (prefix_user_roles) in the options database, and you don't need a plugin to set them. Refer to the Codex page for a list of what capabilities are available and descriptions for what they do. You only need to uncomment one of these blocks, load any page and then comment them again! Here I'm creating a role that's got the capabilities I need:
/* Capabilities */ // To add the new role, using 'international' as the short name and // 'International Blogger' as the displayed name in the User list and edit page: /* add_role('international', 'International Blogger', array( 'read' => true, // True allows that capability, False specifically removes it. 'edit_posts' => true, 'delete_posts' => true, 'edit_published_posts' => true, 'publish_posts' => true, 'edit_files' => true, 'import' => true, 'upload_files' => true //last in array needs no comma! )); */ // To remove one outright or remove one of the defaults: /* remove_role('international'); */
It's sometimes handy to add/remove from an existing role rather than removing and re-adding one. Again, you only need to uncomment it, reload a page and then comment it again. This will store the role/capability properly in the options table. (This allows you, the developer to control them and removes the overhead of the bulky plugins that do the same thing.) Here I'm changing the author role to delete their published posts (the default), but allowing them the capability to edit their published posts (which isn't possible for this role by default)-- using *add_cap* or *remove_cap*.
/* $edit_role = get_role('author'); $edit_role->add_cap('edit_published_posts'); $edit_role->remove_cap('delete_published_posts'); */
I keep a spreadsheet with the grid from the Codex page for sites that modify this way, so I can remember how things are set, though leaving the commented out code in your functions.php file will work to. Don't leave these examples uncommented, or it will write to the database with each page load!
Asfunções quemenciono acimagravarem um camponobanco de dados de opções.Comentandoe descomente deles é o caminho apercorrer.Hápluginsparafunções de usuário,mas se você usar asfunçõesmencionadas acima,nãopoderá deixaressasfunçõesem execuçãoe nãoprecisar configurá-lasmais de uma vez ou defini-las combaseem se um usuárioespecíficoestiver acessando alguma coisa.Se você quiser,definaesse usuário com umafunçãoespecíficae exclusiva.E consulte o Codex,tudo queescrevo acima é 100% correto se vocêfizerisso sem umplugin. Para quasetodos os casos,você sóprecisa definir asfunções do usuário uma vez.The functions I mention above write to a field in the options database. Commenting and uncommenting them is the way to go. There are plugins for user roles, but if you use the functions mention above, you cannot leave these functions running, and you DO NOT need to set them more than once, or set them based on if a specific user is accessing something. If you want that, set that user up with a specific, unique role. And refer to the codex, everything I write above is 100% correct if you do it without a plugin. For nearly every case, you only need to set the user roles once.
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- 2011-02-02
- tomcat23
@ Tomcat23: Parailustrar,euembrulheiem umafunçãopara adicionar apenas afunção,quando aindanãoexiste.Outranota: Eu acho que seriamaisfácil colocar opapelem algum lugarna hierarquia defunção,com recuperação dastampas de algumpapel construídoe,em seguida,adicionar/remover os recursos dafunçãoincorporada.Tornariamais claroe maisfácil de lembrar se suas caps são colocadasem algum lugarentre oex.admine editor.- Espero que vocênão seimporte com queeueditei sua resposta.Se vocêfizer,o PLSfunde de volta.:)@tomcat23: To illustrate, i wrapped it up in a function to only add the role, when it doesn't already exists. Another note: I guess it would be easier to place the role somewhere in the role hierarchy, with retrieving the caps from some built in role and then add/remove the capabilities from the built in role. Would make it more clear and easier to remember if it's caps are placed somewhere between ex. admin and editor. - I hope you don't mind that i edited your answer. If you do, pls role it back. :)
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- 2011-03-01
- kaiser
Eufico àminha respostaenquanto deixei.Suafunçãoperca opontoe nãofornece amesma resposta que omeutexto.Eutambém émuito rude de vocêmudarmeu códigoe responder.I stand by my answer as I left it. Your function misses the point and doesn't provide the same answer as my text. I also it's quite rude of you do change my code and answer.
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- 2011-03-11
- tomcat23
Não sóisso,mas suafunçãonãofaz amesma coisa domeu código.Suafunção deixa apenasmais um chequeno lugar,get_role ('International',quenão énecessário! Eu useieste códigoparamover um cliente quetinha um servidor que usava o PHP4e,portanto,nãopôde usar oplugin scoper dafunção quetinhamfoi utilizado,quefoi apenas PHP5. (efoi o únicoplugin queprecisava do PHP5para suainstalação.) Como um desenvolvedor,vi que a única razãopela qualprecisava,foiparamontar algunspapéise mudar algumas capacidades. EissoCódigo,** Minha resposta original aqui **,é comofazerisso!Not only that, but your function doesn't do the same thing as my code. Your function leaves just one more check in place, get_role('international', that isn't needed! I used this code for moving a client who had a server that was using php4 and therefore couldn't use the role scoper plugin they had been using, which was php5 only. (And was the only plugin that needed php5 for their install.) As a developer, I saw that the only reason they needed it was to set up a couple of roles and change some capabilities. And this code, **my original answer here**, is how to do that!
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- 2011-03-12
- tomcat23
Vocênãoprecisa,nem deveria,enroleissoem umafunção.Você sóprecisa definir corretamente asfunçõese capacidades.Se você quiserbrincar comeles,há algunspluginsgrandes (emborainchaçados)paraisso. Se vocêentender ospapéise capacidadesno WordPresse nãoestá apenas cutucando comele,e nãoestáescrevendo seupróprioplugin,entãoisso é comofazer certo.Porfavor,nãoeditemeu código.Eu volteiparatrás.Seuenvolvimento defunçãoestána históriapara qualquerpessoapara ver,emboraeunão concorde do que vocêfez.You do not need to, nor should you, wrap this in a function. You just need it to properly set the roles and capabilities. If you want to play around with them, there's some great (though bloated) plugins for that. If you understand the roles and capabilities in wordpress and aren't just poking around with it, and aren't writing your own plugin, then this is how to do it right. Please don't edit my code. I have rolled it back. Your function wrapping is in the history for anyone to see, though I disagree with what you have done.
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- 2011-03-12
- tomcat23
Paraesclarecer aindamais,vocênãoprecisa **paraenvolverissoem umafunção ou verificações de administrador.** add_role (),remove_role (),add_cap ()e remove_cap (),comoeumostronaminha resposta originalnãoprecisa serexecutado repetidamente -eles apenas definem um camponatabela de opções quenãoprecisaSejaescritopara outrae outra vez -e éporisso que o seuinvólucro defunçãoestáerrado. ** Eu sei,vocêestá adicionando uma ação a After_setup_theme,mas definindo umafunção comesseganchonão é sobreisso.(Egeralmente ospapéisnãoprecisam serembalados comtemas.)To clarify further, you **do not need** to wrap this in a function or do admin checks. **add_role(), remove_role(), add_cap() and remove_cap(), as I show in my original answer do not need to be executed over and over -- they just set a field in the options table that does not need to be written to over and over again -- which is why your function wrapper is wrong.** I know, you are adding an action to after_setup_theme, but setting a role with that hook is not what my answer was about. (And generally roles don't need to come packaged with themes.)
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- 2011-03-12
- tomcat23
Puh ... comoeuescrevi: "Espero que vocênão seimporte com queeueditei sua resposta. Se vocêfizer,plsfunde de volta. :)".Você copiou de volta,explicou sua razãoe adivinha o que:estátudobem.Tão acalme-se.Maspara oferecer-lhe amesma quantidade deexplicação:eu sempreenvolvo coisasnasfunçõese adicioná-lo àminhapasta de arquivos deteste domeutema.Destaforma,possofacilmentetestar coisasporex.WA respondee adicione-os rapidamente seeuprecisar de alguma coisa,entãoenvolvê-loem umafunção é ok.Maismais,émaisfácil desativar (apenas a chamada add_action)e permitir comentários docs com/**/em vez demultilina//comentários.Tanto sobre omeu "porquê".Puh... As i wrote: "I hope you don't mind that i edited your answer. If you do, pls role it back. :)". You roled it back, explained your reason and guess what: It's ok. So calm down. But to offer you the same amount of explanation: I always wrap stuff in functions and add it to my test files folder of my theme. This way i can easily test stuff for ex. WA answers and add them quickly if i need anything, so wrapping it in a function is ok. Further more it's easier to disable (only the add_action call) and allow doc-comments with /**/ instead of multiline // comments. That much about my "why".
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- 2011-03-12
- kaiser
@ Tomcat23 - Observe que somos uma comunidade que é solidária um do outro,não aquela que se desafia,excetoparafazê-lo academicamente.Como você vê da resposta @ Kaiser,eleestava apenastentando ajudar.@tomcat23 - Note that we are a community that is supportive of each other, not one that challenges each other except to do so academically. As you see from @kaiser's response, he was just trying to help.
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- 2011-03-12
- MikeSchinkel
@Mikeschinkel Recebo lá sendo dois comentáriospor @kaiserem 1 defevereiro,e éporisso que respondientão comoeufiz.(Você émoderador,vocêpode ver seelefez? Porqueeunão acho queestouerradoem pensar queeletinha 2 comentários sobre omeu uso apenasnão sentandobem comele.) Eunão senti quemeu código ouexplicaçãoprecisava de ajudae disse-lhe assimem 1 defevereiro.Eu voltomaistardee acho queelemudoumeu código -minhaprimeiraexposição ao aspecto "wiki" deste site -e euestava,naminha opinião,justificadamenteirritado que,enquantomeutextoe comentários discutem uma coisa,opróprio códigoEra diferente.@MikeSchinkel I recall there being two comments by @kaiser on Feb 1, which is why I responded then how I did. (You are moderator, can you see if he did? Because I don't think I'm wrong in thinking he had 2 comments about my usage just not sitting well with him.) I did not feel that my code or explanation needed help and told him so on Feb 1st. I come back some time later and find that he's changed my code -- my first exposure to this site's "wiki" aspect -- and I was, in my opinion, justifiably annoyed that while my text and comments discuss one thing, the code itself was different.
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- 2011-03-13
- tomcat23
Minha resposta énoespírito da questão original.Este é _my_ código útil,éisso quefuncionabem paramim eeunão usoenvoltoem umafunção.Se @kaiser quiser responder aessapergunta com o códigoenvoltoem umafunçãoe anexado a umgancho,ele aindaestá livreparafazê-lo. Mais uma vez,o que vocêfezem mudarmeu código,masnão omeutextofoiprejudicialpara outraspessoas que viriam aqui,vê-loe descobrir queminha discussão do códigonãofez sentido.Éporisso que sinto que é rude de vocêfazer o que vocêfeze por que respondi ontemtão duramente quantoeu.My answer is in the spirit of the original question. This is _my_ useful code, this is what works well for me and I don't use it wrapped in a function. If @kaiser had wanted to answer this question with the code wrapped in a function and attached to a hook, he's still free to do so. Again, @kaiser what you did in changing my code but not my text was detrimental to other people who would come here, see it and find that my discussion of the code made no sense. That is why I feel it is rude of you to do what you did and why I responded yesterday as harshly as I did.
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- 2011-03-13
- tomcat23
@ Tomcat23 - Água debaixo dapontenestemomento.Tudo o queestou dizendo é quenãoestouinteressadoem colocar a culpa,apenasem terpazparatodos se seguiremem frente.:)@tomcat23 - Water under the bridge at this point. All I'm saying is, I'm not interested in placing blame, just in having peace for everyone moving forward. :)
- 1
- 2011-03-13
- MikeSchinkel
@Mikeschinkel Sim,vocêestá certo. @KAISERminhas desculpas seeute causalinsulto.@MikeSchinkel Yes, you are right. @kaiser My apologies if I've caused you insult.
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- 2011-03-13
- tomcat23
@Mikeschinkel: Obrigadoportrazer apaz de volta. @ Tomcat23: Não,vocênãofez.Euposso lidar comessetipo de crítica.Minhas desculpastambém.@MikeSchinkel: thanks for bringing peace back in. @tomcat23: No, you didn't. I can deal with that sort of criticism. My apologies too.
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- 2011-03-13
- kaiser
- 2010-11-14
Ativar códigos de acessoem widgets
// shortcode in widgets if ( !is_admin() ){ add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode', 11); }
Enable shortcodes in widgets
// shortcode in widgets if ( !is_admin() ){ add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode', 11); }
- 2010-12-28
WordPress Custom Admin Footer
//personalize otexto do rodapé do administrador função custom_admin_footer () { Echo 'Adicione seutextopersonalizadoe HTML aqui'; } add_filter ('admin_footer_text','custom_admin_footer');
Eu usoissopara sites de cliente como um simplesponto de referênciaparaentrarem contato comigo como o dev.
Wordpress Custom Admin Footer
// customize admin footer text function custom_admin_footer() { echo 'add your custom footer text and html here'; } add_filter('admin_footer_text', 'custom_admin_footer');
I use this for client sites as a simple point of reference to contact me as the dev.
- 2010-09-12
Funçãopara desativar osfeeds RSS
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Vocêpode desativarfeeds RSS se quisermanter seu sitebaseadono WordPress comoestático.
Vocêpode usarestafunção:
function fb_disable_feed() { wp_die( __('No feed available,please visit our <a href="'. get_bloginfo('url') .'">homepage</a>!') ); } add_action('do_feed', 'fb_disable_feed', 1); add_action('do_feed_rdf', 'fb_disable_feed', 1); add_action('do_feed_rss', 'fb_disable_feed', 1); add_action('do_feed_rss2', 'fb_disable_feed', 1); add_action('do_feed_atom', 'fb_disable_feed', 1);
Function to Disable RSS Feeds
Tested on: Wordpress 3.0.1
You can disable RSS feeds If you want to maintain your Wordpress based website as static.
You can Use this function :
function fb_disable_feed() { wp_die( __('No feed available,please visit our <a href="'. get_bloginfo('url') .'">homepage</a>!') ); } add_action('do_feed', 'fb_disable_feed', 1); add_action('do_feed_rdf', 'fb_disable_feed', 1); add_action('do_feed_rss', 'fb_disable_feed', 1); add_action('do_feed_rss2', 'fb_disable_feed', 1); add_action('do_feed_atom', 'fb_disable_feed', 1);
Fonte: Bueltge)Source: (Frank Bueltge)
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- 2010-09-16
- fuxia
Obrigado Toscho! Afontetambémestá disponívelem inglês Toscho! the source is also available in english
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- 2010-09-17
- bueltge
- 2010-12-28
Altere amensagem "Howdy"para "Bem-vindo"
Comestafunção,vocêpodepersonalizar amensagem "Howdy"no canto superior direito da sua área de administração.
Estafunçãofaz uso dejQuerypara alterar amensagem "Howdy"para "Bem-vindo"./****** Personalizarmensagem de administrador "Howdy"para "Bem-vindo" ******/ $nohowdy="bem-vindo"; if (is_admin ()) { add_action ('init','artdev_nohowdy_h'); add_action ('admin_footer','artdev_nohowdy_f'); } //carregarjquery. função artdev_nohowdy_h () { wp_enqueue_script ('jquery'); } //Modificar função artdev_nohowdy_f () { global $norowdy; echo & lt; & lt; & lt;js & lt; scripttype="text/javascript" > //& lt;! [CDATA [ varnowowdy="$nowowdy"; jquery ('# user_infop') .html ( jquery ('# user_infop') .html () .replace (/Howdy/,nowowdy) ); //]] > Js; }
Versão PHP,usando
Filter:Add_Filter ('GetText','Change_Howdy',10,3); Função Change_Howdy ($ Traduzidos,$ Texto,$ domínio) { if (!is_admin ()|| 'padrão'!=$ domínio) Retornar $ Traduzidos; Se (falso!==STPOS ($ Traduzidos,'Howdy')) retorno str_replace ('Howdy','Bem-vindo',$ Traduzidos); Retornar $ Traduzidos; }
Change the "Howdy" message to "Welcome"
With this function you can customize the "Howdy" message in top right of your admin area.
This function make use of JQuery to change the "Howdy" message to "Welcome"./****** Customize admin message "Howdy" to "Welcome" ******/ $nohowdy = "Welcome"; if (is_admin()) { add_action('init', 'artdev_nohowdy_h'); add_action('admin_footer', 'artdev_nohowdy_f'); } // Load jQuery function artdev_nohowdy_h() { wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); } // Modify function artdev_nohowdy_f() { global $nohowdy; echo <<<JS <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var nohowdy = "$nohowdy"; jQuery('#user_info p') .html( jQuery('#user_info p') .html() .replace(/Howdy/,nohowdy) ); //]]> JS; }
PHP version, using
filter:add_filter('gettext', 'change_howdy', 10, 3); function change_howdy($translated, $text, $domain) { if (!is_admin() || 'default' != $domain) return $translated; if (false !== strpos($translated, 'Howdy')) return str_replace('Howdy', 'Welcome', $translated); return $translated; }
Issojánãopode sereditadono lado PHPpara quenão seja de saídanada?Can't this already be edited on the PHP side so it doesn't get output at all?
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- 2011-02-14
- hakre
Estáfuncionandobem aquiem versões 3.0+ com certeza,maspor quenãoem versõesmais antigas?Verifique se qualquer outroplugin que você usa é responsávelporisso.Otexto aqui substituídoporjQuery,talvez umpluginjquery?It's working fine here in 3.0+ versions for sure, but why not in older versions? Check if any other plugin you use is responsible for this. The text here replaced with JQuery, maybe a JQuery plugin?
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- 2011-02-14
- Philip
- 2011-01-26
incluemtipospersonalizados depostagemem "agora"? Painel de administração
Incluirá seustipos depostagempersonalizadose as contagenspostaispara cadatipono & quot; agora? widget depainel.
// ADD CUSTOM POST TYPES TO THE 'RIGHT NOW' DASHBOARD WIDGET function wph_right_now_content_table_end() { $args = array( 'public' => true , 'show_ui' => true , '_builtin' => false ); $output = 'object'; $operator = 'and'; $post_types = get_post_types( $args , $output , $operator ); foreach( $post_types as $post_type ) { $num_posts = wp_count_posts( $post_type->name ); $num = number_format_i18n( $num_posts->publish ); $text = _n( $post_type->labels->singular_name, $post_type->labels->name , intval( $num_posts->publish ) ); if ( current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) ) { $num = "<a href='edit.php?post_type=$post_type->name'>$num</a>"; $text = "<a href='edit.php?post_type=$post_type->name'>$text</a>"; } echo '<tr><td class="first b b-' . $post_type->name . '">' . $num . '</td>'; echo '<td class="t ' . $post_type->name . '">' . $text . '</td></tr>'; } $taxonomies = get_taxonomies( $args , $output , $operator ); foreach( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { $num_terms = wp_count_terms( $taxonomy->name ); $num = number_format_i18n( $num_terms ); $text = _n( $taxonomy->labels->singular_name, $taxonomy->labels->name , intval( $num_terms )); if ( current_user_can( 'manage_categories' ) ) { $num = "<a href='edit-tags.php?taxonomy=$taxonomy->name'>$num</a>"; $text = "<a href='edit-tags.php?taxonomy=$taxonomy->name'>$text</a>"; } echo '<tr><td class="first b b-' . $taxonomy->name . '">' . $num . '</td>'; echo '<td class="t ' . $taxonomy->name . '">' . $text . '</td></tr>'; } } add_action( 'right_now_content_table_end' , 'wph_right_now_content_table_end' );
Include custom post types in "Right Now" admin dashboard
This will include your custom post types and the post counts for each type in the "Right Now" dashboard widget.
// ADD CUSTOM POST TYPES TO THE 'RIGHT NOW' DASHBOARD WIDGET function wph_right_now_content_table_end() { $args = array( 'public' => true , 'show_ui' => true , '_builtin' => false ); $output = 'object'; $operator = 'and'; $post_types = get_post_types( $args , $output , $operator ); foreach( $post_types as $post_type ) { $num_posts = wp_count_posts( $post_type->name ); $num = number_format_i18n( $num_posts->publish ); $text = _n( $post_type->labels->singular_name, $post_type->labels->name , intval( $num_posts->publish ) ); if ( current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) ) { $num = "<a href='edit.php?post_type=$post_type->name'>$num</a>"; $text = "<a href='edit.php?post_type=$post_type->name'>$text</a>"; } echo '<tr><td class="first b b-' . $post_type->name . '">' . $num . '</td>'; echo '<td class="t ' . $post_type->name . '">' . $text . '</td></tr>'; } $taxonomies = get_taxonomies( $args , $output , $operator ); foreach( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { $num_terms = wp_count_terms( $taxonomy->name ); $num = number_format_i18n( $num_terms ); $text = _n( $taxonomy->labels->singular_name, $taxonomy->labels->name , intval( $num_terms )); if ( current_user_can( 'manage_categories' ) ) { $num = "<a href='edit-tags.php?taxonomy=$taxonomy->name'>$num</a>"; $text = "<a href='edit-tags.php?taxonomy=$taxonomy->name'>$text</a>"; } echo '<tr><td class="first b b-' . $taxonomy->name . '">' . $num . '</td>'; echo '<td class="t ' . $taxonomy->name . '">' . $text . '</td></tr>'; } } add_action( 'right_now_content_table_end' , 'wph_right_now_content_table_end' );
De repente,houve umtipo depostagem "wooframworkinterno contêiner" aparecendono Widget RightNow!...Um argumentoextra énecessário `'show_ui'=> verdadeiro`e étudo k agoraSuddenly, there was a post type "WooFramework Internal Container" appearing in the RightNow widget! . . . one extra argument is needed `'show_ui' => true` and it's all K now
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- 2012-04-04
- brasofilo
Esta é amesma coisa queeutinhapostado acima.This is the same exact thing I had posted above.
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- 2012-12-09
- jaredwilli
- 2010-11-09
Adicionar umformulário depesquisa do Codex ao cabeçalho dopainel
Esta é umamaneira simples de adicionar umformulário depesquisa do Codex ao cabeçalho dopainel,notopo-direito ao lado da lista suspensa QuickLinks.
/** * ADD WP CODEX SEARCH FORM TO DASHBOARD HEADER */ function wp_codex_search_form() { echo '<form target="_blank" method="get" action="" class="alignright" style="margin: 11px 5px 0;"> <input type="text" onblur="this.value=(this.value==\'\') ? \'Search the Codex\' : this.value;" onfocus="this.value=(this.value==\'Search the Codex\') ? \'\' : this.value;" maxlength="150" value="Search the Codex" name="search" class="text"> <input type="submit" value="Go" class="button" /> </form>'; } if( current_user_can( 'manage_plugins' )) { // The number 11 needs to be a 10 for this to work! add_filter( 'in_admin_header', 'wp_codex_search_form', 11 ); }
Add a codex search form to the dashboard header
This is a simple way to add a codex search form to the dashboard header, on the top-right next to the quicklinks drop-down.
/** * ADD WP CODEX SEARCH FORM TO DASHBOARD HEADER */ function wp_codex_search_form() { echo '<form target="_blank" method="get" action="" class="alignright" style="margin: 11px 5px 0;"> <input type="text" onblur="this.value=(this.value==\'\') ? \'Search the Codex\' : this.value;" onfocus="this.value=(this.value==\'Search the Codex\') ? \'\' : this.value;" maxlength="150" value="Search the Codex" name="search" class="text"> <input type="submit" value="Go" class="button" /> </form>'; } if( current_user_can( 'manage_plugins' )) { // The number 11 needs to be a 10 for this to work! add_filter( 'in_admin_header', 'wp_codex_search_form', 11 ); }
Vocêpode atualizareste códigoparamostrar comoisso éexibido apenaspara usuários com umafunçãoespecífica (especificamente administradores)?can you update this code to show how this only gets displayed to users with a specific role (specifically administrators)?
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- 2011-02-22
@ Euediteiparamostrar se Current_user_cangerenciarplugins,adicione ofiltro.É simples I edited it to show if current_user_can manage plugins, then add the filter. It's that simple.
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- 2011-02-23
- jaredwilli
Isso aindafuncionana versão atual do WP ... Eunão consegui começar atrabalharDoes this still work in the current WP version... I couldn't get it to work
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- 2012-02-15
- Zach Lysobey
Euencapsulei o add_filternesta chamada de ação: ** add_action ('plugins_loaded','pluginInit'); **e,em seguida,`pluginInit defunção () {se ... add_filter (...)}` - souCorrendoissono WP 3.4-Alpha,e teve que usar **in_admin_footer **I encapsulated the add_filter in this action call: **add_action('plugins_loaded', 'pluginInit');**, and then `function pluginInit(){if...add_filter(...)}` - - i'm running this in WP 3.4-alpha, and had to use **in_admin_footer**
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- 2012-04-02
- brasofilo
- 2010-11-14
nova coluna debiblioteca demídiapara anexarimagens
Este código adiciona umanova coluna àpágina dabiblioteca demídia,permitindo que você anexenovamenteimagens
add_filter("manage_upload_columns", 'upload_columns'); add_action("manage_media_custom_column", 'media_custom_columns', 0, 2); function upload_columns($columns) { unset($columns['parent']); $columns['better_parent'] = "Parent"; return $columns; } function media_custom_columns($column_name, $id) { $post = get_post($id); if($column_name != 'better_parent') return; if ( $post->post_parent > 0 ) { if ( get_post($post->post_parent) ) { $title =_draft_or_post_title($post->post_parent); } ?> <strong><a href="<?php echo get_edit_post_link( $post->post_parent ); ?>"><?php echo $title ?></a></strong>, <?php echo get_the_time(__('Y/m/d')); ?> <br /> <a class="hide-if-no-js" onclick="'media[]','<?php echo $post->ID ?>');return false;" href="#the-list"><?php _e('Re-Attach'); ?></a> <?php } else { ?> <?php _e('(Unattached)'); ?><br /> <a class="hide-if-no-js" onclick="'media[]','<?php echo $post->ID ?>');return false;" href="#the-list"><?php _e('Attach'); ?></a> <?php } }
New Media Library Column to Re-Attach Images
This code adds a new column to the Media Library Page allowing you to re-attach images
add_filter("manage_upload_columns", 'upload_columns'); add_action("manage_media_custom_column", 'media_custom_columns', 0, 2); function upload_columns($columns) { unset($columns['parent']); $columns['better_parent'] = "Parent"; return $columns; } function media_custom_columns($column_name, $id) { $post = get_post($id); if($column_name != 'better_parent') return; if ( $post->post_parent > 0 ) { if ( get_post($post->post_parent) ) { $title =_draft_or_post_title($post->post_parent); } ?> <strong><a href="<?php echo get_edit_post_link( $post->post_parent ); ?>"><?php echo $title ?></a></strong>, <?php echo get_the_time(__('Y/m/d')); ?> <br /> <a class="hide-if-no-js" onclick="'media[]','<?php echo $post->ID ?>');return false;" href="#the-list"><?php _e('Re-Attach'); ?></a> <?php } else { ?> <?php _e('(Unattached)'); ?><br /> <a class="hide-if-no-js" onclick="'media[]','<?php echo $post->ID ?>');return false;" href="#the-list"><?php _e('Attach'); ?></a> <?php } }
- 2010-11-16
Set Editor Padrõespara WYSIWYG ou HTML
function my_default_editor() { $r = 'tinymce'; // html or tinymce return $r; } add_filter( 'wp_default_editor', 'my_default_editor' );
Aquiestá como remover oeditor HTML
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("#edButtonHTML").remove(); });
atualizado Aquiestá outramaneira de definir oeditorpadrãopara HTML
add_filter('wp_default_editor', create_function('', 'return "html";'));
Set Editor Defaults to WYSIWYG or HTML
function my_default_editor() { $r = 'tinymce'; // html or tinymce return $r; } add_filter( 'wp_default_editor', 'my_default_editor' );
Here is how to remove the HTML Editor
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("#edButtonHTML").remove(); });
UPDATED here is another way to set the default editor to HTML
add_filter('wp_default_editor', create_function('', 'return "html";'));
Vermaisinformações sobre a origem: more informations on the origin:
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- 2010-11-17
- bueltge
- 2010-09-30
Remover Autor Metabox/Opções & Amp; Moverparapublicar o Metabox
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Uma das coisas queme deixam louco é uma área administrativa WordPress. Um doselementos que agora sempre configuramos desde oinícionomeu arquivo Functions.phpestá a remover ametaboxe as opções detela do autore,em seguida,adicionando a opçãono Metabox depublicação. Naminha opinião,isso sófaz sentidoe mantenha as coisas limpas. Issotambém respeita aspermissões aplicáveis.
Para atingireste objetivo,basta copiare passar o seguinte códigoem seu arquivofunctions.php.
Se você acha que há umamaneiramelhor defazerisso,porfavor sugira.
Nota: atualizou o códigopara corrigir umproblema de codificação
// MOVE THE AUTHOR METABOX INTO THE PUBLISH METABOX add_action( 'admin_menu', 'remove_author_metabox' ); add_action( 'post_submitbox_misc_actions', 'move_author_to_publish_metabox' ); function remove_author_metabox() { remove_meta_box( 'authordiv', 'post', 'normal' ); } function move_author_to_publish_metabox() { global $post_ID; $post = get_post( $post_ID ); echo '<div id="author" class="misc-pub-section" style="border-top-style:solid; border-top-width:1px; border-top-color:#EEEEEE; border-bottom-width:0px;">Author: '; post_author_meta_box( $post ); echo '</div>'; }
Remove Author Metabox/Options & Move to Publish MetaBox
Tested on: Wordpress 3.0.1
One of the things that drive me crazy is a cluttered Wordpress Admin area. One of the elements which I now always setup from the start in my functions.php file is removing the Author MetaBox and Screen Options and then adding the option into the publish metabox. In my opinion this just makes sense and keep things clean. This also respects applicable permissions.
To achieve this goal, just copy and past the following code into your functions.php file.
If you feel there is a better way of doing this please suggest.
// MOVE THE AUTHOR METABOX INTO THE PUBLISH METABOX add_action( 'admin_menu', 'remove_author_metabox' ); add_action( 'post_submitbox_misc_actions', 'move_author_to_publish_metabox' ); function remove_author_metabox() { remove_meta_box( 'authordiv', 'post', 'normal' ); } function move_author_to_publish_metabox() { global $post_ID; $post = get_post( $post_ID ); echo '<div id="author" class="misc-pub-section" style="border-top-style:solid; border-top-width:1px; border-top-color:#EEEEEE; border-bottom-width:0px;">Author: '; post_author_meta_box( $post ); echo '</div>'; }
Não adiciona o autor Metabox àminha caixa depublicação.Eupercebi queeraporquenão havia 'add_action`para afunção `move_author_to_publish_box`entãoeu adicionei` add_action (' admin_menu ','move_author_to_publish_box '); `masissome deu um **"errofatal: chamarparafunçãoindefinidapost_author_meta_box () "**It doesn't add the Author Metabox to my Publish Box. I figured it was because there was no `add_action` for the `move_author_to_publish_box` function so I added `add_action('admin_menu', 'move_author_to_publish_box');` but that gave me a **"Fatal error: Call to undefined function post_author_meta_box()"**
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- 2010-12-05
- matt
Qual versão do WordPress vocêestá usando?what version of wordpress are you using?
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- 2010-12-06
E como você adicionaria o autor apublicar?Em admin_init ouem admin_menunãofuncionaria.And how would you add the author to publish? On admin_init or on admin_menu wouldn't work.
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- 2011-02-01
- kaiser
@KAISER - Eunãotenho certeza seentendi suapergunta.Este código apenas remove o "autor"metaboxe coloca a opção de selecionar o autornometabox "Publicar".@kaiser -- I am not sure I understand your question. This code just removes the "author" metabox and places the option to select the author into the "publish" metabox.
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- 2011-02-01
@Netconstructor: Acabei de lhe dar umteste ontem (3.0.4)e sim,a caixa do autor sefoi,masnãofoimovidapara a caixa depublicação.Ao olharpara o código,não consigo ver deforma alguma,porque afunçãonão é onde acionada ... você acabou de adicionar o Remove_Author_Box () FNpara admin_menugancho de ação,masnão omovimento_author_to_publish_box ()fn.@NetConstructor: I just gave it a test yesterday (3.0.4) and yes, the author box is gone, but not moved to the publish box. When looking at the code i can't see any way, because the function is no where triggered... you just added the remove_author_box() fn to admin_menu action hook, but not the move_author_to_publish_box() fn.
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- 2011-02-01
- kaiser
@kaiser - sua direita,depois de reverisso queeunotei oproblema.Atualizei o códigonaminha resposta,então apenas apaguetudo o que vocêincluiu deste lado antese passandono código completo acima.Deixe-me saber seisso corrige as coisas.Vote aperguntae resposta sefixar oproblema - CH :)@kaiser -- your right, after reviewing this I did noticed the issue. I updated the code in my answer so just delete everything you included from this before hand and just past in the full code above. Let me know if this fixes things. Vote up the question and answer if it fixes the problem - CH :)
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- 2011-02-01
@ CH/NC: Certifique-se de quefunciona,nem precisetestá-lo.Votando up:n/p.Poderia/deve serestendidopara segurar alguns dos outros crap/clutertambém ... (discussões,postarminiaturas).Eunão voumodificar sua resposta,mas se vocêtem algumtempo,seria até valer umpost deblog.:)@CH/NC: Sure it works, don't even have to test it. Voting up: n/p. Could/Should be extended to hold some of the other crap/cluter too... (discussions, post thumbnail). I'm not going to mod your answer, but if you got some time, it would even be worth a blog-post. :)
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- 2011-02-01
- kaiser
@KAISER -nãoexatamente certo de onde você vê valornisso?Meu objetivoera apenas remover alguns dosmetaboxes queeramextrae desnecessários,como lesmase autores.@kaiser -- not exactly sure where you see value in this? My objective was just to remove some of the metaboxes which were extra and unneeded such as slugs and authors.
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- 2011-02-02
@ você: Não,eu absolutamente vejo obenefício.Vocênão apenasperdeu aentender,vocême deuerradoem 180graus.Eu disse que étãobom que deve serestendidopara discussõese miniaturase b) Ter umapostagem deblog sobreela "Decluttering Conteúdo Editarpáginas" oumais.Editar: Semnecessidade detestes significa,queeu sei quefunciona.@you: No, i absolutely see the benefit. You didn't only missunderstand me, you got me wrong by 180 degree. I said that it's that good that it should a) be extended to discussions & thumbnails and b) have a blog post about it "decluttering content edit pages" or so. Edit: With no need for testing means, that i know that it works.
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- 2011-02-02
- kaiser
@KAISER - Aprecie oelogio,noentanto,o queeu aindanãoentendo é como você vê que seriabenéficopara os usuáriosterem discussões ouminiaturasintegradas ao Metabox depublicação.Eu só vi obenefício de remover a lesmae o autor Metaboxes como aqueles logicamente devemestar dentro do Metabox depublicação.Eu aindaestouentendendomal o seuponto?@kaiser -- appreciate the compliment however what I still don't understand is how you see it would be of benefit to users to have discussions or thumbnails integrated into the publish metabox. I only saw the benefit of removing the slug and author metaboxes as those logically should be within the publish metabox. Am I still misunderstanding your point?
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- 2011-02-03
@NC: Não,vocême pegou certo.Paramim,não é "a caixa depublicação",mas apenas uma caixano lado superior direitoparapequenas coisas.Não vejo anecessidade deter uma caixa separadapara cada uma única linha detexto "Adicionarminiatura" ou as duas caixas de seleção de discussões.Nadamais.@NC: No, you got me right. For me it's not "the publish box", but just a box on the upper right side for small stuff. I don't see a need to have a separate box for each the single "add thumbnail" text line or the two checkboxes from discussions. Nothing else.
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- 2011-02-03
- kaiser
- 2010-11-05
Determine rapidamente o servidore o amp; Detalhes do ambiente
Se vocêtiver vários servidorese vários ambientes,como desenvolvimento de desenvolvimento,QAe produção,issopode sermuito útil.
Parameus sistemas,o ambiente é determinadopelasprimeiras 3 letras donome do host,masissopode serfacilmente alteradopara quem seja adequado às suasnecessidades.
add_action( 'admin_notices', 'report_environment_status', 3 ); // Report on which server and environment details function report_environment_status() { $server = php_uname('n'); switch (strtolower(substr($server,0,3))) { case 'pXX': $msg = "PRODUCTION"; break; case 'qXX': $msg = "QA"; break; case 'dXX': $msg = "DEVELOPMENT"; break; default : $msg = 'UNKNOWN'; } echo "<div id='update-nag'>"; echo "<b>You are in the $msg environment. (Server: $server)</b>"; echo "</div>"; }
Issome salvoumuitas vezes defazer atualizaçõespara o ambienteerrado.
Vocêtambémpodetransformarissoem umplugine rede ativá-lopara quetodos os sites recebam anotificação.
Quickly Determine Server & Environment Details
If you have multiple servers and multiple environments such as development, QA, and production environments, this can be very useful.
For my systems, environment is determined by the first 3 letters of the hostname, but this could easily be changed to whatever suits your needs.
add_action( 'admin_notices', 'report_environment_status', 3 ); // Report on which server and environment details function report_environment_status() { $server = php_uname('n'); switch (strtolower(substr($server,0,3))) { case 'pXX': $msg = "PRODUCTION"; break; case 'qXX': $msg = "QA"; break; case 'dXX': $msg = "DEVELOPMENT"; break; default : $msg = 'UNKNOWN'; } echo "<div id='update-nag'>"; echo "<b>You are in the $msg environment. (Server: $server)</b>"; echo "</div>"; }
This has saved me many times from making updates to the wrong environment.
You can also turn this into a plugin and network activate it so all sites get the notification.
Obrigadoporestapeça.Vocêpoderiaporfavorelaborar umpoucomais sobreissoe diferentes casos de uso?Eu acho quetambém seriamuito útilparamim e outros se vocêpudesseincluir qualquer outro código que você utiliza quando suas diferentes versões de desenvolvimento de código.Além disso,se você utilizar umamaneira lisa demover um site de desenvolvimentoparaprodução oumigrar de um domíniopara um diferente.Todasessas coisas sãomuito úteis.Finalmente,você usa qualquertipo de cliente do Subversion ao atualizar seus arquivos?Se sim,há algoespecífico que vocêfizerporisso?thanks for this piece. Could you please elaborate a bit more on this and different usage cases? I think it would also be VERY helpful to me and others if you could possibly include any other code which you utilize when your running different development versions of code. Also, if you utilize a slick way of moving a site from development to production or migrate from one domain to a different one. All these things are very helpful. Finally, do you use any type of subversion client when updating your files? If so, is there anything specific you do for this?
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- 2010-11-05
Porfavor,nãomarqueisso como a resposta.Caso contrário,esta listagemnãofunciona.Please don't mark this as the answer. Otherwise this listing won't work.
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- 2010-11-06
- hakre
Eu acho que seriamelhor usar diferentes classes CSSnamensagem,para que asmensagenspudessemter cores defundo diferentesem ambientes,além de apenastertexto ligeiramente diferente.Caso contrário,acho que vocêpararia deperceber as diferenças detexto rapidamente.I think it'd be better to use different CSS classes on the message, so that the messages could have different background colors in environments in addition to just having slightly different text. Otherwise I think you'd stop noticing the text differences pretty quickly.
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- 2012-01-16
- Ian Dunn
- 2010-11-06
Coleção deedições rápidas defunção.php
Eutenho alguns ajustesimpressionantesem
também. Encontrou amaioria delesprocurandoporeles ao longo dos anos.trechofinal
function new_excerpt_more($more) { return '...'; } add_filter('excerpt_more', 'new_excerpt_more');
substitua o logotipo do WP Admin
function new_admin_logo() { echo '<style type="text/css">#header-logo { background-image: url('.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/images/admin_logo.png) !important; }</style>'; } add_action('admin_head', 'new_admin_logo');
favicon wp-admin
function admin_favicon() { echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="' . get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/favicon.ico" />'; } add_action( 'admin_head', 'admin_favicon' );
rodapé de administradorpersonalizado
function custom_admin_footer() { echo 'Welcome to my blog! No More Documentation Links!'; } add_filter('admin_footer_text', 'custom_admin_footer');
Collection of quick function.php edits
I have a few awesome tweaks in
as well. Found most of these by searching for them over the years.Excerpt Ending
function new_excerpt_more($more) { return '...'; } add_filter('excerpt_more', 'new_excerpt_more');
Replace WP Admin Logo
function new_admin_logo() { echo '<style type="text/css">#header-logo { background-image: url('.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/images/admin_logo.png) !important; }</style>'; } add_action('admin_head', 'new_admin_logo');
Custom Favicon WP-Admin
function admin_favicon() { echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="' . get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/favicon.ico" />'; } add_action( 'admin_head', 'admin_favicon' );
Custom Admin Footer
function custom_admin_footer() { echo 'Welcome to my blog! No More Documentation Links!'; } add_filter('admin_footer_text', 'custom_admin_footer');
Obrigado,masestesjáforam adicionados.thanks but these have already been added.
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- 2010-11-08
Vocêpoderiaporfavorpassarporissoe garantir quenão hajaentradas duplicadase dividisse cada umaem suaprópria resposta dentro daspróximas semanas?could you please go through these and ensure there are no duplicate entires and split each one up into its own answer within the next few weeks?
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- 2011-01-26
- 2010-11-08
Corrigido: Remover Padrão WordPress Meta Caixas
Issofoimuito útil,mastinha algunserros
// REMOVE META BOXES FROM DEFAULT POSTS SCREEN function remove_default_post_screen_metaboxes() { remove_meta_box( 'postcustom','post','normal' ); // Custom Fields Metabox remove_meta_box( 'postexcerpt','post','normal' ); // Excerpt Metabox remove_meta_box( 'commentstatusdiv','post','normal' ); // Comments Metabox remove_meta_box( 'trackbacksdiv','post','normal' ); // Talkback Metabox remove_meta_box( 'slugdiv','post','normal' ); // Slug Metabox remove_meta_box( 'authordiv','post','normal' ); // Author Metabox } add_action('admin_menu','remove_default_post_screen_metaboxes'); // REMOVE META BOXES FROM DEFAULT PAGES SCREEN function remove_default_page_screen_metaboxes() { global $post_type; remove_meta_box( 'postcustom','page','normal' ); // Custom Fields Metabox remove_meta_box( 'postexcerpt','page','normal' ); // Excerpt Metabox remove_meta_box( 'commentstatusdiv','page','normal' ); // Comments Metabox remove_meta_box('commentsdiv','page','normal'); // Comments remove_meta_box( 'trackbacksdiv','page','normal' ); // Talkback Metabox remove_meta_box( 'slugdiv','page','normal' ); // Slug Metabox remove_meta_box( 'authordiv','page','normal' ); // Author Metabox } add_action('admin_menu','remove_default_page_screen_metaboxes');
Fixed: Remove Default Wordpress Meta Boxes
This was very handy but had some errors
// REMOVE META BOXES FROM DEFAULT POSTS SCREEN function remove_default_post_screen_metaboxes() { remove_meta_box( 'postcustom','post','normal' ); // Custom Fields Metabox remove_meta_box( 'postexcerpt','post','normal' ); // Excerpt Metabox remove_meta_box( 'commentstatusdiv','post','normal' ); // Comments Metabox remove_meta_box( 'trackbacksdiv','post','normal' ); // Talkback Metabox remove_meta_box( 'slugdiv','post','normal' ); // Slug Metabox remove_meta_box( 'authordiv','post','normal' ); // Author Metabox } add_action('admin_menu','remove_default_post_screen_metaboxes'); // REMOVE META BOXES FROM DEFAULT PAGES SCREEN function remove_default_page_screen_metaboxes() { global $post_type; remove_meta_box( 'postcustom','page','normal' ); // Custom Fields Metabox remove_meta_box( 'postexcerpt','page','normal' ); // Excerpt Metabox remove_meta_box( 'commentstatusdiv','page','normal' ); // Comments Metabox remove_meta_box('commentsdiv','page','normal'); // Comments remove_meta_box( 'trackbacksdiv','page','normal' ); // Talkback Metabox remove_meta_box( 'slugdiv','page','normal' ); // Slug Metabox remove_meta_box( 'authordiv','page','normal' ); // Author Metabox } add_action('admin_menu','remove_default_page_screen_metaboxes');
- 2010-11-11
Estendendo operíodo de logout automático
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Usando o código abaixo Vocêpode aumentar os cookies detempo sãomantidose para os usuários queestão logadospermanecem registradosmais:
function keep_me_logged_in_for_1_year( $expirein ) { return 31556926; // 1 year in seconds } add_filter( 'auth_cookie_expiration', 'keep_me_logged_in_for_1_year' );
Extending Auto Logout Period
Tested on: Wordpress 3.0.1
Using the code below you can increase the time cookies are kept and therefor users who are logged in remain logged in longer:
function keep_me_logged_in_for_1_year( $expirein ) { return 31556926; // 1 year in seconds } add_filter( 'auth_cookie_expiration', 'keep_me_logged_in_for_1_year' );
Há outrotruque quepode ser usado queeuencontrei aqui: is another trick which can be used which I found here:
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- 2010-11-11
Deve-senotar que otempo limite da sessãoestá disponível comoprecaução de segurança,portanto,estender/removê-lotorna seu sitemais vulnerável.It should be noted that the session timeout is there as a security precaution, so extending/removing it makes your site more vulnerable.
- 3
- 2012-01-16
- Ian Dunn
- 2010-11-14
Adicionar A? Configurações " Linkparapluginsnapágina da lista deplugin
SET? Configurações " Linkparapluginsnoplugin-Pagenoback-end do WordPress,fácil de usar Saltarpara configuraçõespara usuários (o códigotambém é com uma soluçãopara o WordPress versãomenor 2.9)
// plugin definitions define( 'FB_BASENAME', plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); define( 'FB_BASEFOLDER', plugin_basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ); define( 'FB_FILENAME', str_replace( FB_BASEFOLDER.'/', '', plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) ); function filter_plugin_meta($links, $file) { /* create link */ if ( $file == FB_BASENAME ) { array_unshift( $links, sprintf( '<a href="options-general.php?page=%s">%s</a>', FB_FILENAME, __('Settings') ) ); } return $links; } global $wp_version; if ( version_compare( $wp_version, '2.7alpha', '>' ) ) { add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . FB_WM_BASENAME, 'filter_plugin_meta', 10, 2); } else { add_filter( 'plugin_action_links', 'filter_plugin_meta', 10, 2 ); }
Add a "Settings" link for plugins on the plugin list page
Set "Settings" link for plugins on plugin-page in WordPress backend, easy to use jump to settings for users (the code is also with an solution for WordPress version smaller 2.9)
// plugin definitions define( 'FB_BASENAME', plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); define( 'FB_BASEFOLDER', plugin_basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ); define( 'FB_FILENAME', str_replace( FB_BASEFOLDER.'/', '', plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) ); function filter_plugin_meta($links, $file) { /* create link */ if ( $file == FB_BASENAME ) { array_unshift( $links, sprintf( '<a href="options-general.php?page=%s">%s</a>', FB_FILENAME, __('Settings') ) ); } return $links; } global $wp_version; if ( version_compare( $wp_version, '2.7alpha', '>' ) ) { add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . FB_WM_BASENAME, 'filter_plugin_meta', 10, 2); } else { add_filter( 'plugin_action_links', 'filter_plugin_meta', 10, 2 ); }
Eutentei usareste código,masparece quenãofuncionano WordPress 3.1.Vocêpode confirmare atualizarI have attempted to use this code but it seem that it does not work on wordpress 3.1. Can you confirm and update
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- 2011-02-22
@ Eu atualizo umpequeno lance de um dosmeuspluginsgratuitos,em todos osmeuspluginsfuncionabem I have update a little bid from one of my free plugins, on all my plugins works fine this
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- 2011-02-28
- bueltge
Desejo quetodos os autores dopluginfizessemisso (para osplugins quetenhampáginas de configurações,é claro)para queessetipo de códigonão sejanecessário.I wish all plugin authors would do this (for the plugins that have settings pages, of course) so this kind of code wouldn't be necessary.
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- 2011-12-06
- JimmyPena
- 2010-12-28
Remova a ligação automática de URLsno WordPress comentários
remove_filter ('comentário_text','make_clickable',9);
Remove Auto Linking of URLs in WordPress Comments
remove_filter('comment_text', 'make_clickable', 9);
Legal!Euestavaprocurandoporessafunção `make_clickable ()para aplicá-lo a 'the_content`!Por queelesnãofizeramissoem primeiro lugar?Étão simples quanto adicionar 'add_filter ('the_content ','make_clickable '); `Alternativamente,elepoderia serfeito quando apostagem é salva usando um [gancho diferente] (! I was looking for that `make_clickable()` function to apply it to `the_content`! Why didn't they do it in the first place? It's as simple as adding `add_filter( 'the_content', 'make_clickable');` Alternatively it could be done when the post is saved by using a [different hook](
- 0
- 2014-01-11
- fregante
- 2011-03-19
Adicionarfiltro demodelo depáginapara listagem depáginas
testadoem: wp 3.1
Adiciona umfiltro demodelo depáginapara a listagem depáginas,para que vocêpossaexibir uma lista depáginas quepossuem um determinadomodelo.
classpage_template_filter { Private $ Modelos=Array (); funçãopública __construct () { //senãofor a área de administrador ou o usuário atualnãopodeeditarpáginas,vamos apenas contrai aqui if (!is_admin ()||! Current_user_can ('edit_pages')) Retorna; add_action ('parse_Query',matriz ($isto,'pt_parse_query'); add_action ('Restrict_Manage_Posts',matriz ($isto,'pt_restrict_manage_posts')); } funçãopúblicapt_parse_query ($ consulta) { Global $ Pagenow,$post_type; if ('edit.php'!=$ Pagenow) Retorna; interruptor ($post_type) { Caso 'Post': intervalo; Caso 'Página': $this- >modelos=get_page_templates (); Se (vazio ($this- >modelos)) Retorna; Se (! $this- >is_set_template ()) Retorna; $meta_group=array ('Key'=> '_wp_page_template','valor'=> $this- >get_template ()); set_querery_var ('meta_query',matriz ($meta_group)); intervalo; } } funçãopúblicapt_restrict_manage_posts () { Se (vazio ($this- >modelos)) Retorna; $this- >template_dropdown (); } funçãoprivadaget_template () { se ($this- >is_set_template ()) foreach ($this- >modelos como $modelo) { Se ($ Modelo!=$ _Get ['Page_Template']) Prosseguir; retornar $ Modelo; } Retorna ''; } funçãoprivadais_set_template () { return (bool) (iset ($ _GET ['' 'page_template']) & amp; & amp; (in_array ($ _GET ['Page_Template'],$this- >modelos)); } Modelo defunçãoprivada_dropdown () { ? > & lt; selectname="page_template"id="page_template" > & lt; option value="" > - Semmodelo - & lt;/opção > & lt;? PHPforeach ($this- >modelos como $nome=> $file):? > & lt; option value="& lt;?phpecho $file;? >" & lt; "$- >get_template ()==$file);? > & lt;?php _e ($nome);? >/lt;/opção > & lt;? PHP EndForach;? > & lt;/select > & lt;?php } } add_action ('admin_init','load_ptf'); Função load_ptf () { $ Página_Template_filter=newpage_template_filter; }
Requerpelomenos 3.1paratrabalhar,embora o Meta_Query
para 3.0.Add page template filter to page listing
Tested on: WP 3.1
Adds a page template filter to the page listing, so you can view a list of pages that have a given template attached.
class Page_Template_Filter { private $templates = array(); public function __construct() { // If it's not the admin area or the current user can't edit pages let's just bail here if( !is_admin() || !current_user_can('edit_pages') ) return; add_action( 'parse_query', array( $this, 'pt_parse_query' ) ); add_action( 'restrict_manage_posts', array( $this, 'pt_restrict_manage_posts' ) ); } public function pt_parse_query( $query ) { global $pagenow, $post_type; if( 'edit.php' != $pagenow ) return; switch( $post_type ) { case 'post': break; case 'page': $this->templates = get_page_templates(); if( empty( $this->templates ) ) return; if( !$this->is_set_template() ) return; $meta_group = array( 'key' => '_wp_page_template', 'value' => $this->get_template() ); set_query_var( 'meta_query', array( $meta_group ) ); break; } } public function pt_restrict_manage_posts() { if( empty( $this->templates ) ) return; $this->template_dropdown(); } private function get_template() { if( $this->is_set_template() ) foreach( $this->templates as $template ) { if( $template != $_GET['page_template'] ) continue; return $template; } return ''; } private function is_set_template() { return (bool) ( isset( $_GET['page_template'] ) && ( in_array( $_GET['page_template'], $this->templates ) ) ); } private function template_dropdown() { ?> <select name="page_template" id="page_template"> <option value=""> - no template - </option> <?php foreach( $this->templates as $name => $file ): ?> <option value="<?php echo $file; ?>"<?php selected( $this->get_template() == $file ); ?>><?php _e( $name ); ?></option> <?php endforeach;?> </select> <?php } } add_action('admin_init', 'load_ptf'); function load_ptf() { $Page_Template_Filter = new Page_Template_Filter; }
Requires at least 3.1 to work, though the
could be replaced with the oldermeta_key
for 3.0.-
Funcionaperfeitamente,testadoem 3.4-alfaworks flawlessly, tested in 3.4-alpha
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- 2012-04-02
- brasofilo
- 2010-09-13
Remove XML-RPC quandonãoestiverem usopara aumentar o desempenho
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
O WordPress usa uma operação de ondulaçãoparatestar o recurso SSLpara XML-RPC.Se vocêestiver usando o XML-RPC,masnãoestiver usando,vocêpoderá remover ofiltro.Este é umpequenoimpulso de desempenho (já quebasicamente WPfaz uma curvano URL HTTPSe 1) recebe umamensagemnegada,ou 2) vezesfora,e pode levarpara cima de 5 segundos),masnonosso caso realmenteimpediuUmtimeout degateway onde umproxyfoiexpirando antes que o curl recebessefoiexpirando renderização xml-rpcinutilizável.
// Prevents WordPress from testing ssl capability on remove_filter('atom_service_url','atom_service_url_filter');
Remove XML-RPC when not in use for performance boost
Tested on: Wordpress 3.0.1
WordPress uses a CURL operation to test for SSL capability for XML-RPC. If you're using XML-RPC but not using, then you can remove the filter. This is a small performance boost (since basically WP does a cURL GET on the https url and either 1) gets a denied message, or 2) times out, and it can take upwards of 5 seconds), but in our case it actually prevented a gateway timeout where a proxy was timing out before the cURL GET was timing out rendering XML-RPC unusable.
// Prevents WordPress from testing ssl capability on remove_filter('atom_service_url','atom_service_url_filter');
Obrigadopela sugestão de código.Umapergunta,se vocêestiver usando o XML-RPC,masnão usar os recursos SSL,ainclusão deste código acelerará as coisas?Senão,em que situações ainclusão deste código serviria umbenefício?Thanks for the code suggestion. One question, if you are using XML-RPC but not using the SSL capabilities would the including of this code speed things up at all? If not, in what situations would the inclusion of this code serve a benefit?
- 0
- 2010-09-14
Eletem umefeitominúsculono desempenho das chamadas XML-RPC,uma vez queelesnãoprecisammais verificar a capacidade SSLpormeio de uma solicitação HTTP.It has a minuscule effect on performance for XML-RPC calls, since they no longer have to check for SSL capability via an HTTP request.
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- 2010-09-19
- gabrielk
- 2010-11-15
Peguetodos os campospersonalizadosglobalmente
function get_custom_field($key, $echo = FALSE) { global $post; $custom_field = get_post_meta( $post->ID, $key, true ); if ( $echo == false ) return $custom_field; echo $custom_field; }
,liguepara o campo com uma única linha
<?php get_custom_field('custom-field-name', TRUE); ?>
Grab all custom fields globally
function get_custom_field($key, $echo = FALSE) { global $post; $custom_field = get_post_meta( $post->ID, $key, true ); if ( $echo == false ) return $custom_field; echo $custom_field; }
Then call the field with a single line
<?php get_custom_field('custom-field-name', TRUE); ?>
Por que alguém usariaisso?Qual é obenefício?Why would someone use this? What's the benefit?
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- 2010-12-05
- matt
Para sites/temas que usammuitos campospersonalizados (queeu usofrequentementepara otrabalho do cliente),permitemenos códigonotemae tambémpara adicionar condicionais sobre se deve ounãoexibir o campo.for sites / themes that use a lot of custom fields (which I use often for client work) it allows for less code in the theme, and also for adding conditionals on whether or not to display the field at all.
- 2
- 2010-12-10
- Norcross
- 2010-11-17
Retorna onúmero de comentários
Isso é como
,mas retorna onúmero de comentáriosem vez disso:function count_user_comments($id) { global $wpdb; $users = $wpdb->get_var(" SELECT COUNT( * ) AS total FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = 1 AND user_id = $id"); return $users; }
Mais: Contagem depostagens do usuário (incluindotipospersonalizados) ou comentários:
function atom_count($user_id, $what_to_count = 'post') { global $wpdb; $where = $what_to_count == 'comment' ? "WHERE comment_approved = 1 AND user_id = {$user_id}" : get_posts_by_author_sql($what_to_count, TRUE, $user_id); $from = "FROM ".(($what_to_count == 'comment') ? $wpdb->comments : $wpdb->posts); $count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) {$from} {$where}")); return $count; }
exemplos de uso:
<?php echo atom_count(1, 'movie'); // displays 'movie' post type count ?>
<?php echo atom_count(1, 'comment'); // displays comment count ?>
Return the number of comments
This is like
, but returns the number of comments instead:function count_user_comments($id) { global $wpdb; $users = $wpdb->get_var(" SELECT COUNT( * ) AS total FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = 1 AND user_id = $id"); return $users; }
More: Count User's posts (including custom post types) or comments:
function atom_count($user_id, $what_to_count = 'post') { global $wpdb; $where = $what_to_count == 'comment' ? "WHERE comment_approved = 1 AND user_id = {$user_id}" : get_posts_by_author_sql($what_to_count, TRUE, $user_id); $from = "FROM ".(($what_to_count == 'comment') ? $wpdb->comments : $wpdb->posts); $count = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) {$from} {$where}")); return $count; }
Usage examples:
<?php echo atom_count(1, 'movie'); // displays 'movie' post type count ?>
<?php echo atom_count(1, 'comment'); // displays comment count ?>
- 2010-12-28
Ativar Oembedem Widgets Text/HTML
Add_Filter ('Widget_Text',matriz ($ WP_EMBED,'RUN_SHORTCODE'),8); add_filter ('widget_text',matriz ($ wp_embed,'autoembed'),8);
Eu usoissopara widgets de vídeo do YouTubee coisas do Flickr.
Enable oEmbed in Text/HTML Widgets
add_filter( 'widget_text', array( $wp_embed, 'run_shortcode' ), 8 ); add_filter( 'widget_text', array( $wp_embed, 'autoembed'), 8 );
I use this for youtube video widgets and flickr stuff.
- 2010-09-15
Contagem depalavra
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
(originalmenteextraído do Post Contagem depalavra Plug-in por nickmomrick )
Adiciona uma contagem depalavraspublicadastotaispara aparteinferior do & quot; agora? caixanopainel de administração. Útil se vocêestiver usando seublog como uma saídapara algo como nanowrimo ou se você só quer acompanhar de quãoprolíficas suas habilidades deblogs setornaram.
function post_word_count() { $count = 0; $posts = get_posts( array( 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_type' => array( 'post', 'page' ) )); foreach( $posts as $post ) { $count += str_word_count( strip_tags( get_post_field( 'post_content', $post->ID ))); } $num = number_format_i18n( $count ); // This block will add your word count to the stats portion of the Right Now box $text = _n( 'Word', 'Words', $num ); echo "<tr><td class='first b'>{$num}</td><td class='t'>{$text}</td></tr>"; // This line will add your word count to the bottom of the Right Now box. echo '<p>This blog contains a total of <strong>' . $num . '</strong> published words!</p>'; } // add to Content Stats table add_action( 'right_now_content_table_end', 'post_word_count'); // add to bottom of Activity Box add_action('activity_box_end', 'post_word_count');
kudospara rarst para a limpeza livre de consulta do código!
.Post Word Count
Tested on: Wordpress 3.0.1
(Originally extracted from the Post Word Count plug-in by Nick Momrick)
Adds a count of total published words to the bottom of the "Right Now" box on the admin dashboard. Useful if you're using your blog as an outlet for something like NaNoWriMo or if you just want to keep track of how prolific your blogging skills have become.
function post_word_count() { $count = 0; $posts = get_posts( array( 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_type' => array( 'post', 'page' ) )); foreach( $posts as $post ) { $count += str_word_count( strip_tags( get_post_field( 'post_content', $post->ID ))); } $num = number_format_i18n( $count ); // This block will add your word count to the stats portion of the Right Now box $text = _n( 'Word', 'Words', $num ); echo "<tr><td class='first b'>{$num}</td><td class='t'>{$text}</td></tr>"; // This line will add your word count to the bottom of the Right Now box. echo '<p>This blog contains a total of <strong>' . $num . '</strong> published words!</p>'; } // add to Content Stats table add_action( 'right_now_content_table_end', 'post_word_count'); // add to bottom of Activity Box add_action('activity_box_end', 'post_word_count');
Kudos to Rarst for the query-free cleanup of the code!
Obrigadopela assistência,* RARST *.Normalmente,nãogosto deincluir consultas debanco de dados diretono código defunção deplug-in `função.php,mas comoeu disse quefoi originalmente retirado doplug-in de outrapessoa.Thanks for the assist, *Rarst*. I typically don't like to include direct database queries in plug-in `function.php` code, but like I said it was originally taken from someone else's plug-in.
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- 2010-09-15
- EAMann
NP,eutentei hámuitotempo atráse foi umabagunça.:) Agora com habilidades atualizadas,era hora defazer certo.Por queparte da saída velhaesquerda?Eu acho quefaz sentidoexibi-lo com o resto dasestatísticas.BTW Esta versão dátotaltotal (comparando com 'explodir'),isto éprovavelmentepor causa defiltros ao longo do caminhoe tal quandobuscar via, I tried this long time ago and it was a mess. :) Now with upgraded skills it was time to do it right. Why left old output part? I think it makes sense to display it with rest of stats. btw this version gives different total (comparing to `explode`), this is probably because of filters along the way and such when fetching via API.
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- 2010-09-15
- Rarst
A diferençana contagem depostagens é resultado defiltros ...mas usando "get_posts ()"provavelmente será uma contagem depalavrasmaisprecisa.Deixei a linha de saída antiga simplesmenteporque é assim queeutenho usadoisso ... Mais uma diferença de opinião do que qualquer outra coisa ... Vou adicionar seuexemplopara adicioná-lo àsestatísticaspara que aspessoaspossamescolher.The difference in post count is a result of filters ... but using `get_posts()` will likely be a more accurate word count anyway. I left the old output line simply because that's how I've been using it ... more a difference of opinion than anything else ... I'll re-add your example to add it to the stats so people can pick.
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- 2010-09-15
- EAMann
- 2010-09-17
Exibe conteúdoespecífico apenaspara usuários logados
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
function content_only4logged_in($content) { // ALL LOGGED IN USERS if ( is_user_logged_in() && !is_null($content) && !is_feed() ) { return $content; } else { $content = wp_html_excerpt( $content, 80 ); $content .= ' …'; $content .= __( 'Sorry, more of this content is only available for logged users.', FB_TEXTDOMAIN ); return $content; } } add_action( 'the_content', 'content_only4logged_in' );
Maispossibilidadese informações sobre opost
Display Specific Content only for logged in users
Tested on: Wordpress 3.0.1
function content_only4logged_in($content) { // ALL LOGGED IN USERS if ( is_user_logged_in() && !is_null($content) && !is_feed() ) { return $content; } else { $content = wp_html_excerpt( $content, 80 ); $content .= ' …'; $content .= __( 'Sorry, more of this content is only available for logged users.', FB_TEXTDOMAIN ); return $content; } } add_action( 'the_content', 'content_only4logged_in' );
more possibilities and informations on the post
Não consigofazerissoparaexibir conteúdo alteradopara usuáriosnão registrados ... Aprimeirapartefuncionabem,mas o usuárionãoestá logadoe apágina émarcada comoprivada,eu só recebo o 404 regular?I can't get this to display altered content for non-logged in users... the first part works fine, but it the user is not logged in and the page is marked private, I just get served the regular 404?
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- 2011-02-09
- gillespieza
- 2010-09-30
Carregando scripts condicionalmente
Aquiestá umamaneira de carregar scripts somente se um determinado shortcode ou widgetestiverpresente. Fonte: Carregamento de scripts somente se um determinado shortcode ou widgetestiverpresente
function has_my_shortcode($posts) { if ( empty($posts) ) return $posts; $found = false; foreach ($posts as $post) { if ( stripos($post->post_content, '[my_shortcode') ) $found = true; break; } if ($found){ $urljs = get_bloginfo( 'template_directory' ).IMP_JS; wp_register_script('my_script', $urljs.'myscript.js' ); wp_print_scripts('my_script'); } return $posts; } add_action('the_posts', 'has_my_shortcode');
e aqui é como carregar scripts somente se um determinado widgetestiverpresente
Para carregar o scriptnapáginaem que o widget é carregado apenas,vocêterá que adicionar o códigois_active_widget (),em sua classe widget. Porexemplo,consulte o widget de comentários recentepadrão (WP-Inclui/default-widgets.php,linha 602):
class WP_Widget_Recent_Comments extends WP_Widget { function WP_Widget_Recent_Comments() { $widget_ops = array('classname' => 'widget_recent_comments', 'description' => __( 'The most recent comments' ) ); $this->WP_Widget('recent-comments', __('Recent Comments'), $widget_ops); $this->alt_option_name = 'widget_recent_comments'; if ( is_active_widget(false, false, $this->id_base) ) add_action( 'wp_head', array(&$this, 'recent_comments_style') ); add_action( 'comment_post', array(&$this, 'flush_widget_cache') ); add_action( 'transition_comment_status', array(&$this, 'flush_widget_cache') ); }
Loading scripts conditionally
Here is a way to load scripts only if a particular shortcode or widget is present. source: Loading scripts only if a particular shortcode or widget is present
function has_my_shortcode($posts) { if ( empty($posts) ) return $posts; $found = false; foreach ($posts as $post) { if ( stripos($post->post_content, '[my_shortcode') ) $found = true; break; } if ($found){ $urljs = get_bloginfo( 'template_directory' ).IMP_JS; wp_register_script('my_script', $urljs.'myscript.js' ); wp_print_scripts('my_script'); } return $posts; } add_action('the_posts', 'has_my_shortcode');
And here is how to load scripts only if a certain widget is present
To load the script in the page where the widget is loaded only, you will have to add the is_active_widget() code, in you widget class. E.g., see the default recent comments widget (wp-includes/default-widgets.php, line 602):
class WP_Widget_Recent_Comments extends WP_Widget { function WP_Widget_Recent_Comments() { $widget_ops = array('classname' => 'widget_recent_comments', 'description' => __( 'The most recent comments' ) ); $this->WP_Widget('recent-comments', __('Recent Comments'), $widget_ops); $this->alt_option_name = 'widget_recent_comments'; if ( is_active_widget(false, false, $this->id_base) ) add_action( 'wp_head', array(&$this, 'recent_comments_style') ); add_action( 'comment_post', array(&$this, 'flush_widget_cache') ); add_action( 'transition_comment_status', array(&$this, 'flush_widget_cache') ); }
- 2010-11-10
painelpersonalizado CSS
/* Change WordPress dashboard CSS */ function custom_admin_styles() { echo '<style type="text/css">#wphead{background:#069}</style>'; } add_action('admin_head', 'custom_admin_styles');
Vocêpode adicionar alteraçõesno CSSentre astags.
Custom Dashboard CSS
/* Change WordPress dashboard CSS */ function custom_admin_styles() { echo '<style type="text/css">#wphead{background:#069}</style>'; } add_action('admin_head', 'custom_admin_styles');
You can add any changes to the css between the tags.
- 2010-12-03
Removerprefixoprivadoe protegido
Estafunção remove o "Privite:"prefixo depostse páginasmarcadasprivadas.Útilpara conteúdo visível apenaspara usuários ougrupos logados.
function the_title_trim($title) { $title = attribute_escape($title); $findthese = array( '#Protected:#', '#Private:#' ); $replacewith = array( '', // What to replace "Protected:" with '' // What to replace "Private:" with ); $title = preg_replace($findthese, $replacewith, $title); return $title; } add_filter('the_title', 'the_title_trim');
edit: atualizadoparaincluir a remoção deprotegido:também.
Remove Private and Protected Prefix
This function removes the "Privite:" prefix from posts and pages marked private. Useful for content only visible to logged in users or groups.
function the_title_trim($title) { $title = attribute_escape($title); $findthese = array( '#Protected:#', '#Private:#' ); $replacewith = array( '', // What to replace "Protected:" with '' // What to replace "Private:" with ); $title = preg_replace($findthese, $replacewith, $title); return $title; } add_filter('the_title', 'the_title_trim');
EDIT: Updated to include the removal of Protected: as well.
- 2011-01-02
comprimento detrechopersonalizado
Excert Function ($num) { $ Limit=$num + 1; $ Trescer=explodir ('',get_the_excerpt (),$ limite); array_pop ($trecmpt); $ Trecmpt=Impode ("",$ Trecmpt). "... (& lt; A href='" .get_permalink ($post-e gt;id). "" > lermais & lt;) "; echo $trecmp; }
Limite o comprimento dotrechoexibidoescrevendonotema: Excerto ('20 ');
& lt;?phptrecho ('22 ');? >
Isso limitará otrecho a 22 caracteres.Otrecho seráinteruptado com
... (Leiamais)
Custom excerpt length
function excerpt($num) { $limit = $num+1; $excerpt = explode(' ', get_the_excerpt(), $limit); array_pop($excerpt); $excerpt = implode(" ",$excerpt)."... (<a href='" .get_permalink($post->ID) ." '>Read more</a>)"; echo $excerpt; }
Limit the length of the displayed excerpt by writing in the theme: excerpt('20');
<?php excerpt('22'); ?>
This will limit the excerpt to 22 characters.The excerpt will be interupted with
... (Read More)
- 2011-02-21
Adicionarpáginapai slugpara Body_Class
/*************************************************************** * Function body_class_section * Add the top level page to the body class for coloured sections ***************************************************************/ add_filter('body_class','body_class_section'); function body_class_section($classes) { global $wpdb, $post; if (is_page()) { if ($post->post_parent) { $parent = end(get_post_ancestors($current_page_id)); } else { $parent = $post->ID; } $post_data = get_post($parent, ARRAY_A); $classes[] = 'section-' . $post_data['post_name']; } return $classes; }
Estefiltro adiciona uma classe de corpoexclusiva combasenopaimais alto dapágina atual. Eu usoissopara sites quepossuem cores ou layoutsespecíficospara cada seção do site. Funcionamelhor com sitesbaseadosem páginas. Exemplos CSS:
.section-about { background: red; } .section-portfolio { background: blue; }
Seutematambém devefazer uso do funçãobody_class .
corrigir objetosflash oembed
/*************************************************************** * Function my_oembed_wmode * Fix oEmbed window mode for flash objects ***************************************************************/ add_filter('embed_oembed_html', 'my_oembed_wmode', 1); function my_oembed_wmode( $embed ) { if ( strpos( $embed, '<param' ) !== false ) { $embed = str_replace( '<embed', '<embed wmode="transparent" ', $embed ); $embed = preg_replace( '/param>/', 'param><param name="wmode" value="transparent" />', $embed, 1); } return $embed; }
Eutiveproblemasnopassado,onde os objetos Flash Oembed colidem commenus denavegação suspensos. Estefiltro corrigeesseproblema adicionando ummodo dejanelatransparente aosincorporados.
Remova a coluna "Comentários" da lista depágina de administração
/*************************************************************** * Function custom_pages_columns * Remove "comments" from pages overview (rarely use comments on pages) ***************************************************************/ add_filter('manage_pages_columns', 'custom_pages_columns'); function custom_pages_columns($defaults) { unset($defaults['comments']); return $defaults; }
Eu quasenuncafiz uso de comentáriosem páginase isso ajuda amanter as coisas arrumadasnopainel do WordPress.
Add parent page slug to body_class
/*************************************************************** * Function body_class_section * Add the top level page to the body class for coloured sections ***************************************************************/ add_filter('body_class','body_class_section'); function body_class_section($classes) { global $wpdb, $post; if (is_page()) { if ($post->post_parent) { $parent = end(get_post_ancestors($current_page_id)); } else { $parent = $post->ID; } $post_data = get_post($parent, ARRAY_A); $classes[] = 'section-' . $post_data['post_name']; } return $classes; }
This filter adds a unique body class based on the highest level parent of the current page. I use this for sites that have specific colours or layouts for each section of the site. It works best with sites based around pages. CSS examples:
.section-about { background: red; } .section-portfolio { background: blue; }
Your theme must also make use of the body_class function.
Fix oEmbed flash objects
/*************************************************************** * Function my_oembed_wmode * Fix oEmbed window mode for flash objects ***************************************************************/ add_filter('embed_oembed_html', 'my_oembed_wmode', 1); function my_oembed_wmode( $embed ) { if ( strpos( $embed, '<param' ) !== false ) { $embed = str_replace( '<embed', '<embed wmode="transparent" ', $embed ); $embed = preg_replace( '/param>/', 'param><param name="wmode" value="transparent" />', $embed, 1); } return $embed; }
I have had problems in the past where oEmbed Flash objects collide with drop down navigation menus. This filter fixes that problem by adding a transparent window mode to the embeds.
Remove the "comments" column from Admin page list
/*************************************************************** * Function custom_pages_columns * Remove "comments" from pages overview (rarely use comments on pages) ***************************************************************/ add_filter('manage_pages_columns', 'custom_pages_columns'); function custom_pages_columns($defaults) { unset($defaults['comments']); return $defaults; }
I hardly ever make use of commenting on pages and this helps keep things tidy in the WordPress dashboard.
- 2010-09-10
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
/* Numeric Pagination ********************************************/ function numeric_pagination ($pageCount = 9, $query = null) { if ($query == null) { global $wp_query; $query = $wp_query; } if ($query->max_num_pages <= 1) { return; } $pageStart = 1; $paged = $query->query_vars['paged']; // set current page if on the first page if ($paged == null) { $paged = 1; } // work out if page start is halfway through the current visible pages and if so move it accordingly if ($paged > floor($pageCount / 2)) { $pageStart = $paged - floor($pageCount / 2); } if ($pageStart < 1) { $pageStart = 1; } // make sure page start is if ($pageStart + $pageCount > $query->max_num_pages) { $pageCount = $query->max_num_pages - $pageStart; } ?> <div id="archive_pagination"> <?php if ($paged != 1) { ?> <a href="<?php echo get_pagenum_link(1); ?>" class="numbered page-number-first"><span>‹ <?php _e('<< First', 'global'); ?></span></a> <?php } // first page is not visible... if ($pageStart > 1) { //echo 'previous'; } for ($p = $pageStart; $p <= $pageStart + $pageCount; $p ++) { if ($p == $paged) { ?> <span class="numbered page-number-<?php echo $p; ?> current-numeric-page"><?php echo $p; ?></span> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo get_pagenum_link($p); ?>" class="numbered page-number-<?php echo $p; ?>"><span><?php echo $p; ?></span></a> <?php } } // last page is not visible if ($pageStart + $pageCount < $query->max_num_pages) { //echo "last"; } if ($paged != $query->max_num_pages) { ?> <a href="<?php echo get_pagenum_link($query->max_num_pages); ?>" class="numbered page-number-last"><span><?php _e('>> Last', 'global'); ?> ›</span></a> <?php } ?> </div>
Enable Numeric Pagination
Tested on: Wordpress 3.0.1
/* Numeric Pagination ********************************************/ function numeric_pagination ($pageCount = 9, $query = null) { if ($query == null) { global $wp_query; $query = $wp_query; } if ($query->max_num_pages <= 1) { return; } $pageStart = 1; $paged = $query->query_vars['paged']; // set current page if on the first page if ($paged == null) { $paged = 1; } // work out if page start is halfway through the current visible pages and if so move it accordingly if ($paged > floor($pageCount / 2)) { $pageStart = $paged - floor($pageCount / 2); } if ($pageStart < 1) { $pageStart = 1; } // make sure page start is if ($pageStart + $pageCount > $query->max_num_pages) { $pageCount = $query->max_num_pages - $pageStart; } ?> <div id="archive_pagination"> <?php if ($paged != 1) { ?> <a href="<?php echo get_pagenum_link(1); ?>" class="numbered page-number-first"><span>‹ <?php _e('<< First', 'global'); ?></span></a> <?php } // first page is not visible... if ($pageStart > 1) { //echo 'previous'; } for ($p = $pageStart; $p <= $pageStart + $pageCount; $p ++) { if ($p == $paged) { ?> <span class="numbered page-number-<?php echo $p; ?> current-numeric-page"><?php echo $p; ?></span> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo get_pagenum_link($p); ?>" class="numbered page-number-<?php echo $p; ?>"><span><?php echo $p; ?></span></a> <?php } } // last page is not visible if ($pageStart + $pageCount < $query->max_num_pages) { //echo "last"; } if ($paged != $query->max_num_pages) { ?> <a href="<?php echo get_pagenum_link($query->max_num_pages); ?>" class="numbered page-number-last"><span><?php _e('>> Last', 'global'); ?> ›</span></a> <?php } ?> </div>
Há umafunçãono WordPressparafazerpaginaçãonuméricajá,consulte's a function in WordPress for doing numeric pagination already, see
- 11
- 2010-11-11
- t31os
- 2010-09-28
Faça seus shortlinksmais curtos removendo www
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Faça seus shortlinksmais curtos se vocêincluir
em seu domínio.Via :add_filter('get_shortlink','sjc_alter_shortlink'); function sjc_alter_shortlink($shortlink) { $shortlink = preg_replace('/^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)/','$1',$shortlink); return $shortlink; }
Make your Shortlinks Shorter by Removing WWW
Tested on: Wordpress 3.0.1
Make your shortlinks shorter if you include
in your domain. Via'get_shortlink','sjc_alter_shortlink'); function sjc_alter_shortlink($shortlink) { $shortlink = preg_replace('/^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)/','$1',$shortlink); return $shortlink; }
Um cheque deve ser adicionadoparagarantir a string "www".só é removido seforencontradonoinício daparte do domínio do URL original.Aingenuamente substituí-loem qualquer lugarno URL levará abugs seeletivesse sido usadoem um domínio como o (que realmentepareceestarexecutando o WordPress) :)A check should be added to make sure the string "www." is only removed if it is found at the very beginning of the domain part of the original URL. Naively replacing it anywhere in the URL will lead to bugs if it had been used on a domain like (which actually appears to be running WordPress) :)
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- 2012-05-28
- Ingve
@Ingveeu consertei,agoraele removerá apenas o wwwinicial@Ingve I fixed it, now it will remove only the initial www
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- 2014-01-11
- fregante
- 2010-11-04
Verifique se umapostagemtem conteúdoincorporado.
Verifique se umapostagemtem conteúdoincorporado,funciona dentro do loop usando o ID dopost atual ou alternativamentepode serpassado um IDpara determinar opostpara verificar o conteúdoincorporado.
function has_embed( $post_id = false ) { if( !$post_id ) $post_id = get_the_ID(); else $post_id = absint( $post_id ); if( !$post_id ) return false; $post_meta = get_post_custom_keys( $post_id ); $post_meta = array_map( 'trim' , $post_meta ); foreach( $post_meta as $meta ) { if( '_oembed' != substr( $meta , 0 , 7 ) ) continue; return true; } return false; }
Você usaria afunção damesmamaneira que você verifica se umapostagemtem umatag ..
if( has_embed() ) { // do whatever }
função retornatrue se umaincorporaçãoforencontrada,falhafalha.
Check if a post has embedded content.
Check if a post has embedded content, works inside the loop using the current post's ID, or alternatively can be passed an ID to determine the post to check for embedded content.
function has_embed( $post_id = false ) { if( !$post_id ) $post_id = get_the_ID(); else $post_id = absint( $post_id ); if( !$post_id ) return false; $post_meta = get_post_custom_keys( $post_id ); $post_meta = array_map( 'trim' , $post_meta ); foreach( $post_meta as $meta ) { if( '_oembed' != substr( $meta , 0 , 7 ) ) continue; return true; } return false; }
You'd use the function in the same way you check if a post has a tag..
if( has_embed() ) { // do whatever }
Function returns true if an embed is found, false on fail.
Interessante,masestoume perguntando,por que você usaria?Quetipo de aplicaçõestem?Interesting, but I'm wondering, why would you use it? What kind of applications does it have?
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- 2010-12-05
- matt
Verificar se umapostagemtem umaincorporaçãoem umapágina queexibetrechos seria um uso (e é o caso de uso original queeuescrevipara).Outrospossíveis casos de usoestariam com os usuários queescrevem seusprópriosmodelos detemae desejamfornecerfuncionalidade dependendo se umapostagem (outipo)tiver conteúdoincorporado,sem anecessidade de umfiltroem chamadas "get_post_custom_keys".Checking if a post has an embed on a page that displays excerpts would be one use(and it's the original use case i wrote it for). Other possible use cases would be with users who write their own theme templates and want to provide functionality dependant on whether a post(or type) has embedded content, without the need for a filter on `the_content` or numerous `get_post_custom_keys` calls.
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- 2010-12-05
- t31os
- 2010-11-14
Posts deexibição de diferentestipos depostagempersonalizadosnapáginainicial
Deslimpando o seguinte códigonaparteinferior destapostagemem seu arquivofunctions.php vocêpode obter o WordPressparaexibir automaticamenteposts de diferentestipos depostpersonalizados que você criou. Atualmente,porpadrão,o WordPress apenasexibeposts quepertencem aopadrão "Posts"? Tipo depostagem.
Noexemplofornecido abaixo,vocêprecisará alterar a seção que chama:
$query->set( 'post_type', array('post', 'page', 'services', 'attachment'));
Com seusprópriostipos depostagempersonalizados que vocêgostaria deincluirnos resultados da lista depostagens dapáginainicial. Neste caso,estamospedindo o WordPresspara retornar atodos ospostspertencentes aopadrão "Post"e & quot;página? Post_Type Entãoperguntando o WordPressparaincluirtambém otipo depostagempersonalizado que criamospara "serviços"e finalmente otipo depostagempadrão do WordPress de "anexo" que significa apenas que qualquer hora é adicionada àbiblioteca demídia,seráexibida automaticamentenapáginainicial como umaentrada separada.
// CUSTOM HOMEPAGE POST LIST INCLUDING DIFFERENT POST_TYPES // make sure to edit the post types you wanted included in the list below add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'my_homepage_post_list' ); function my_homepage_post_list ( $query ) { if ( is_home() && false == $query->query_vars['suppress_filters'] ) $query->set( 'post_type', array('post', 'page', 'services', 'attachment')); return $query; }
Vocêtambémpode utilizaressa consultapersonalizadaem locais diferentes,comoem umfeedpersonalizado através de algo comoeste
if (( is_home() && false == $query->query_vars['suppress_filters'] ) || is_feed())
Display Posts from Different Custom Post Types on homepage
By dropping the following code on the bottom of this post into your functions.php file you can get wordpress to automatically display posts from different custom post types you have created. Currently by default wordpress only display posts which belong to the default "posts" post type.
In the example provided below you will need to change the section which calls:
$query->set( 'post_type', array('post', 'page', 'services', 'attachment'));
With your own custom post types which you would like to include in the homepage post list results. In this case we are asking wordpress to return to us all posts belonging to the default "post" and "page" post_type then asking wordpress to also include the custom post type we created for "services" and finally the default wordpress post type of "attachment" which just means that anytime something is added to the media library it will automatically get displayed on the homepage as a separate entry.
// CUSTOM HOMEPAGE POST LIST INCLUDING DIFFERENT POST_TYPES // make sure to edit the post types you wanted included in the list below add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'my_homepage_post_list' ); function my_homepage_post_list ( $query ) { if ( is_home() && false == $query->query_vars['suppress_filters'] ) $query->set( 'post_type', array('post', 'page', 'services', 'attachment')); return $query; }
You can also utilize this custom query in different locations, such as in a custom feed through something like this
if (( is_home() && false == $query->query_vars['suppress_filters'] ) || is_feed())
- 2010-12-22
Remover os campospadrão Perfil do usuário deinformações de contatoe substituí-lospor algomais utilizável
A segundaparte destafunçãojáfoimencionada acima,mas removendo os campospadrão - AIM,Yahoo IMe Jabber/Google Talk - aindanão:
function update_contact_methods( $contactmethods ) { // Remove annoying and unwanted default fields unset($contactmethods['aim']); unset($contactmethods['jabber']); unset($contactmethods['yim']); // Add new fields $contactmethods['phone'] = 'Phone'; $contactmethods['mobile'] = 'Mobile'; $contactmethods['address'] = 'Address'; return $contactmethods; } add_filter('user_contactmethods', 'update_contact_methods');
Claro que vocêpode adicionar quantos campos quiser (vejaexemplos anteriores anteriormentenestetópico)em "Adicionarnovos campos"
Remove default fields contact info user profile and replace them with something more usable
The second part of this function has already been mentioned above, but removing the default fields - AIM, Yahoo IM and Jabber/Google Talk - not yet:
function update_contact_methods( $contactmethods ) { // Remove annoying and unwanted default fields unset($contactmethods['aim']); unset($contactmethods['jabber']); unset($contactmethods['yim']); // Add new fields $contactmethods['phone'] = 'Phone'; $contactmethods['mobile'] = 'Mobile'; $contactmethods['address'] = 'Address'; return $contactmethods; } add_filter('user_contactmethods', 'update_contact_methods');
Of course you can add as many fields as you want (see previous examples earlier in this thread) under "Add new fields"
- 2011-11-10
Pré-preenchimento detipos depost
Aqui é umparaesta coleção.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This auto populates post types and posts. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// add_filter( 'default_content', 'my_editor_content' ); function my_editor_content( $content ) { global $post_type; switch( $post_type ) { case 'your_post_type_here': //auto populate $content = 'The content you want to pre-populate the post type with.'; break; } return $content; }
Issopode ser útilpara quando vocêprecisarpostar asmesmasinformações repetidas vezes compequenas diferenças.
Pre-populating post types
Here is one for this collection.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This auto populates post types and posts. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// add_filter( 'default_content', 'my_editor_content' ); function my_editor_content( $content ) { global $post_type; switch( $post_type ) { case 'your_post_type_here': //auto populate $content = 'The content you want to pre-populate the post type with.'; break; } return $content; }
This can come in handy for when you need to post the same info over and over again with slight differences.
Agradável!Eugosto dessa opção simples.Vocêpodeexpandirissoporpossíveismostrandoformas depreencher automaticamente campospersonalizados ou outros critérios/opções oupossivelmente até osmeios deinserção automática?Nice one! I like this simple option. Can you expand this by possible showing ways of automatically populating custom fields or other criteria/options or possibly even the means of auto-inserting media?
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- 2011-11-11
Eu definitivamenteposso ver sobre aexpandir.Eu realmentenãotentei continuar aindamais.I can definitely see about expanding it. I have not really tried taking it further yet.
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- 2011-11-14
- Nicole
Adoraria vermaneiras deexpandirissoWould love to see ways to expand this
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- 2012-04-11
- JasonDavis
- 2010-09-15
Auto Inclua o código do Google Analytics
testadoem: wordpress 3.1 rc3
Eutenho usadoeste scriptem todos osmeus sites desde o WordPress 2.3.0 ...ele apenas adiciona os scripts de rastreamentopadrão do Google ao rodapé.
// Add Google Analytics Tracking Code function add_google_analytics() { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-XXXXXXX-X"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}</script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'add_google_analytics');
Apenas certifique-se de substituir
com o seupróprio código de rastreamento do Google ...Auto Include Google Analytics Code
Tested on: Wordpress 3.1 RC3
I've been using this script on all of my sites since WordPress 2.3.0 ... it just adds the standard Google tracking scripts to the footer.
// Add Google Analytics Tracking Code function add_google_analytics() { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-XXXXXXX-X"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}</script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'add_google_analytics');
Just be sure to replace
with your own Google tracking code...-
Obrigadopelaparticipação.Eutenho usadoestetambém,masficaria curiosopara saber se vocêestá ciente de comoissopode sermodificadopara quetagsespecíficas,páginas detipo depostagem ou atémesmopostspodem serpassadas valores adicionais automaticamentefazendo uso das capacidades de rastreamento de campanha.O Googlefornece.Além disso,o queprecisaria ser adicionado se quiséssemos adicionarisso ao rodapé detodas aspáginas de administradorpara rastrear a atividade de administrador?thanks for the share. I have been using this one as well but I would be curious to know if you are aware how this can be modified so that specific tags, post type pages or even posts themself can be passed additional values automatically making use of the campaign tracking var capabilities google provides. Additionally, what would need to be added if we wanted to add this to the footer of all admin pages to track admin activity?
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- 2010-09-17
Nãotenho certeza sobre adicionar variáveis de acompanhamento da campanha apenasporque aindanãotivenecessidade disso.Mas,para adicionar osmesmos scripts àspáginas administrativas,você acabaria de usar "Add_Action ('admin_footer','add_google_analytics');`para ligarpara o rodapé daspáginas administrativas.Not sure about adding campaign tracking variables only because I haven't had a need for that yet. But to add the same scripts to admin pages, you'd just use `add_action('admin_footer', 'add_google_analytics');` to hook on to the footer of admin pages.
- 1
- 2010-09-17
- EAMann
- 2010-09-17
Listartodas as constantesparainformaçõese depuração
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
sóexibirá asinformações se vocêfor um usuário logado
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { print('<pre>'); print_r( @get_defined_constants() ); print('</pre>'); }
Aqui é a versão comfiltro opcional que correspondaparcialmentenomese valores constantes:
function constants($filter = false) { $constants = get_defined_constants(); if( $filter ) { $temp = array(); foreach ( $constants as $key => $constant ) if( false !== stripos( $key, $filter ) || false !== stripos( $constant, $filter ) ) $temp[$key] = $constant; $constants = $temp; } ksort( $constants ); var_dump( $constants ); }
List all constants for information and debugging
Tested on: Wordpress 3.0.1
Will only display the information if you are a logged in user
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { print('<pre>'); print_r( @get_defined_constants() ); print('</pre>'); }
Here is version with optional filter that will partially match constant names and values:
function constants($filter = false) { $constants = get_defined_constants(); if( $filter ) { $temp = array(); foreach ( $constants as $key => $constant ) if( false !== stripos( $key, $filter ) || false !== stripos( $constant, $filter ) ) $temp[$key] = $constant; $constants = $temp; } ksort( $constants ); var_dump( $constants ); }
Então,isso atualiza automaticamente qualquer/todos os seusplugins sempre que algonovoestá disponível?so this automatically updates any/all of your plugins whenever something new is available?
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- 2010-11-05
Nope,você simplesmentenãoprecisa de um login FTPpara atualizar seunúcleo ouplugins localmenteNope, you just don't need a ftp login to update your core or plugins locally
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- 2010-11-09
- Horttcore
- 2010-12-21
alterar o autorpadrão slug
Coloqueissoem suasfunçõespara alterar o autorpadrão Slugpara o que você quiser,
bastamudar os "vendedores"para a slug que você quer.// Change URL Slug from Author to Sellers function new_author_base() { global $wp_rewrite; $author_slug = 'sellers'; $wp_rewrite->author_base = $author_slug; } add_action('init', 'new_author_base');
Change default Author Slug
Put this in your functions to change the default Author Slug to whatever you want,
just change the "sellers" to the slug you want.// Change URL Slug from Author to Sellers function new_author_base() { global $wp_rewrite; $author_slug = 'sellers'; $wp_rewrite->author_base = $author_slug; } add_action('init', 'new_author_base');
Vocênãogostaria deexecutaresse códigoem cada carga depáginanoentanto.You'd not want to run that code on every page load however.
- 4
- 2010-12-21
- t31os
Sim,papéis de ruborem todas as cargaseconomizammuitos vendedores.:) Melhor use oplugin [editar Autor Slug] (, flushing roles on every load saves you a lot of sellers. :) Better use the plugin [Edit Author Slug](
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- 2010-12-22
- fuxia
Eu atualizo afunção !!!Obrigadopela sua contribuição:)I have update the function!!! Thanks for your input:)
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- 2011-01-12
- Philip
- 2011-01-02
Adicionar "Next-Page" -Buttonnoeditor WYSIYG
add_filter('mce_buttons','wysiwyg_editor'); function wysiwyg_editor($mce_buttons) { $pos = array_search('wp_more',$mce_buttons,true); if ($pos !== false) { $tmp_buttons = array_slice($mce_buttons, 0, $pos+1); $tmp_buttons[] = 'wp_page'; $mce_buttons = array_merge($tmp_buttons, array_slice($mce_buttons, $pos+1)); } return $mce_buttons; }
Add "Next-page"-button in WYSIYG-editor
add_filter('mce_buttons','wysiwyg_editor'); function wysiwyg_editor($mce_buttons) { $pos = array_search('wp_more',$mce_buttons,true); if ($pos !== false) { $tmp_buttons = array_slice($mce_buttons, 0, $pos+1); $tmp_buttons[] = 'wp_page'; $mce_buttons = array_merge($tmp_buttons, array_slice($mce_buttons, $pos+1)); } return $mce_buttons; }
- 2011-01-04
Adicionarestilospersonalizados aoeditor detinymce
Às vezes,os usuáriose os clientesficam confusos sobre como seu conteúdo éexibidonoeditor versus comoele éexibidonofront-end.Copiando apenas algumas linhas relevantes de suafolhaprincipalem seunovo Tinymce.csspode ajudarmuito:
function custom_mce_css($wp) { return $wp .= ',' . get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . '/css/tinymce.css'; } add_filter( 'mce_css', 'custom_mce_css' );
Add custom styles to TinyMCE editor
Sometimes users and clients get confused about how their content is displayed in the editor versus how it is displayed on the front-end. Copying just a few relevant lines from your main stylesheet into your new tinymce.css can help a lot:
function custom_mce_css($wp) { return $wp .= ',' . get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . '/css/tinymce.css'; } add_filter( 'mce_css', 'custom_mce_css' );
Legal.Acabei de descobrir que há uma soluçãopor Seamus Leahy queestendetodoessepasso ainda adicionando uma aula de corpo atinímpia. Ive just discoverd there is a solution by Seamus Leahy that extends all this one step further by adding a body class to tinymce.
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- 2011-01-20
- Michal Mau
Issojánão é cobertoporestilos Core & Editor?Isn't this already covered by core & editor styles?
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- 2011-02-01
- kaiser
Euprefiro criar umafolha deestiloparafrentee tinymce de uma só vez.Em seguida,uso afuncionalidadeprincipal dafunção Add_editor_Style ()paraincluir afolha deestiloe garantir queela seja carregada quando otinymce é carregado.Artigo do Codexem prefer to create a stylesheet for both front-end and TinyMCE in one go. Then I use core functionality of the add_editor_style() function to include the stylesheet and ensure it's loaded when TinyMCE loads. Codex article at
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- 2011-09-13
- Philip Downer
- 2011-06-08
Usefigurae figfigcaptionpara legendas
testadoem: wordpress 3.1.3
(créditos aoengenheiro WP: shortcode-in-wordpress/)
function mytheme_caption( $attr, $content = null ) { $output = apply_filters( 'img_caption_shortcode', '', $attr, $content ); if ( $output != '' ) return $output; extract( shortcode_atts ( array( 'id' => '', 'align' => 'alignnone', 'width'=> '', 'caption' => '' ), $attr ) ); if ( 1 > (int) $width || empty( $caption ) ) return $content; if ( $id ) $id = 'id="' . $id . '" '; return '<figure ' . $id . 'class="wp-caption ' . $align . '" style="width: ' . $width . 'px">' . do_shortcode( $content ) . '<figcaption class="wp-caption-text">' . $caption . '</figcaption></figure>'; } add_shortcode( 'wp_caption', 'mytheme_caption' ); add_shortcode( 'caption', 'mytheme_caption' );
Use figure and figcaption for captions
Tested on: WordPress 3.1.3
(Credits to WP Engineer:
function mytheme_caption( $attr, $content = null ) { $output = apply_filters( 'img_caption_shortcode', '', $attr, $content ); if ( $output != '' ) return $output; extract( shortcode_atts ( array( 'id' => '', 'align' => 'alignnone', 'width'=> '', 'caption' => '' ), $attr ) ); if ( 1 > (int) $width || empty( $caption ) ) return $content; if ( $id ) $id = 'id="' . $id . '" '; return '<figure ' . $id . 'class="wp-caption ' . $align . '" style="width: ' . $width . 'px">' . do_shortcode( $content ) . '<figcaption class="wp-caption-text">' . $caption . '</figcaption></figure>'; } add_shortcode( 'wp_caption', 'mytheme_caption' ); add_shortcode( 'caption', 'mytheme_caption' );
- 2012-01-08
Aquiestão alguns códigos de códigos legaispara você usar:
.1. Fácil de adicionar Twittere Facebook Compartilhar Botão Botão
function shreplz() { return ' <div class="sharebox"> <div class="twittme"><a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="horizontal">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script></div> <div class="shareface"><a name="fb_share"></a> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script></div> <br style="clear: left;" /> </div> '; } add_shortcode('sharethis', 'shreplz'); // How to use: [sharethis]
.2. Snapshot de site remotofácil usando o shortcode do WordPress API
function wpr_snap($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( "snap" => '', "url" => '', "alt" => 'My image', "w" => '400', // width "h" => '300' // height ), $atts)); $img = '<img src="' . $snap . '' . urlencode($url) . '?w=' . $w . '&h=' . $h . '" alt="' . $alt . '"/>'; return $img; } add_shortcode("snap", "wpr_snap"); // How to use: [snap url="" alt="Cool Site!" w="300px" h="200px"]
.3. Fácil de usare amp;incorporar o shortcode doiframe
function GenerateIframe( $atts ) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'href' => 'http://the-url', 'height' => '550px', 'width' => '600px', ), $atts ) ); return '<iframe src="'.$href.'" width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'"> <p>Your Browser does not support Iframes.</p></iframe>'; } add_shortcode('iframe', 'GenerateIframe'); // How to use: [iframe href="" height="480" width="640"]
.4. Arquivo remotofácil deincluir/doc com o shortcode
function getfile_content( $atts ) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'fileurl' => '' ), $atts ) ); if ($fileurl!='') return @file_get_contents($fileurl); } add_shortcode( 'getfile', 'getfile_content' ); // How to use: [getfile fileurl=""]
. Aquiestão alguns comentários relacionados snippets:
1. Feche a capacidade de comentarglobalmente
function closeCommentsGlobaly($data) { return false; } add_filter('comments_number', 'closeCommentsGlobaly'); add_filter('comments_open', 'closeCommentsGlobaly');
.2. Dê ao administrador uma classe CSS diferentepara os comentários do administrador
if (1 == $comment->user_id) echo 'siteadmin'; // Pick your class here
.3. Um ricomuito legal com uma lista de dados de comentários - GR8parapáginabloqueadapersonalizada
$comments = get_comments( array( 'number' => 10, // How many comments 'status' => 'approve' // Type of comments ) ); foreach($comments as $eachComment){ // Collect the data and assign it $commentID = comment_ID; $commentAuthorEmail = $eachComment->comment_author_email; $commentPostId = $eachComment->comment_post_ID; $commentPostTitle = get_the_title( $commentPostId ); $commentPostUrl = get_permalink( $commentPostId ); $comment_sidebarnumber = get_comments_number( $commentPostId ); global $wpdb; $userCommentCount = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT COUNT('.$commentID.') FROM ' . $wpdb->comments. ' WHERE comment_author_email = "' . $commentAuthorEmail . '"'); echo '<div style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px;">'; echo '<ul style="margin: 0px;">'; echo '<li>Name: '. $eachComment->comment_author .'</li>'; echo '<li>Commented about: <a href="'.$commentPostUrl.'">'. $commentPostTitle .'</a></li>'; echo '<li>Commented On: '. $eachComment->comment_date .'</li>'; echo '<li>Commneter Site: '. $eachComment->comment_author_email .'</</li>'; echo '<li>Commenter Email: '. $eachComment->comment_author_email .'</</li>'; echo '<li>This Commenter'. $eachComment->comment_author .' Commented '. $userCommentCount .' on your site</</li>'; echo '</ul>'; echo '<p style="padding: 10px;"><strong>'. $eachComment->comment_author .' wrote</strong>: '. $eachComment->comment_content .'</p>'; echo '</div>'; }
Here are some nice shortcodes for you to use:
1. Easy-to-add Twitter and Facebook share button shortcode
function shreplz() { return ' <div class="sharebox"> <div class="twittme"><a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="horizontal">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script></div> <div class="shareface"><a name="fb_share"></a> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script></div> <br style="clear: left;" /> </div> '; } add_shortcode('sharethis', 'shreplz'); // How to use: [sharethis]
2. Easy remote site snapshot using WordPress API shortcode
function wpr_snap($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( "snap" => '', "url" => '', "alt" => 'My image', "w" => '400', // width "h" => '300' // height ), $atts)); $img = '<img src="' . $snap . '' . urlencode($url) . '?w=' . $w . '&h=' . $h . '" alt="' . $alt . '"/>'; return $img; } add_shortcode("snap", "wpr_snap"); // How to use: [snap url="" alt="Cool Site!" w="300px" h="200px"]
3. Easy to use & embed iFrame shortcode
function GenerateIframe( $atts ) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'href' => 'http://the-url', 'height' => '550px', 'width' => '600px', ), $atts ) ); return '<iframe src="'.$href.'" width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'"> <p>Your Browser does not support Iframes.</p></iframe>'; } add_shortcode('iframe', 'GenerateIframe'); // How to use: [iframe href="" height="480" width="640"]
4. Easy-to-include remote file / doc with shortcode
function getfile_content( $atts ) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'fileurl' => '' ), $atts ) ); if ($fileurl!='') return @file_get_contents($fileurl); } add_shortcode( 'getfile', 'getfile_content' ); // How to use: [getfile fileurl=""]
. Here are some comments related snippets:
1. Close the ability to comment globally
function closeCommentsGlobaly($data) { return false; } add_filter('comments_number', 'closeCommentsGlobaly'); add_filter('comments_open', 'closeCommentsGlobaly');
2. Give the administrator a different CSS class for the administrator's comments
if (1 == $comment->user_id) echo 'siteadmin'; // Pick your class here
3. A really cool rich with a data list of comments - gr8 for custom locked page
$comments = get_comments( array( 'number' => 10, // How many comments 'status' => 'approve' // Type of comments ) ); foreach($comments as $eachComment){ // Collect the data and assign it $commentID = comment_ID; $commentAuthorEmail = $eachComment->comment_author_email; $commentPostId = $eachComment->comment_post_ID; $commentPostTitle = get_the_title( $commentPostId ); $commentPostUrl = get_permalink( $commentPostId ); $comment_sidebarnumber = get_comments_number( $commentPostId ); global $wpdb; $userCommentCount = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT COUNT('.$commentID.') FROM ' . $wpdb->comments. ' WHERE comment_author_email = "' . $commentAuthorEmail . '"'); echo '<div style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px;">'; echo '<ul style="margin: 0px;">'; echo '<li>Name: '. $eachComment->comment_author .'</li>'; echo '<li>Commented about: <a href="'.$commentPostUrl.'">'. $commentPostTitle .'</a></li>'; echo '<li>Commented On: '. $eachComment->comment_date .'</li>'; echo '<li>Commneter Site: '. $eachComment->comment_author_email .'</</li>'; echo '<li>Commenter Email: '. $eachComment->comment_author_email .'</</li>'; echo '<li>This Commenter'. $eachComment->comment_author .' Commented '. $userCommentCount .' on your site</</li>'; echo '</ul>'; echo '<p style="padding: 10px;"><strong>'. $eachComment->comment_author .' wrote</strong>: '. $eachComment->comment_content .'</p>'; echo '</div>'; }
- 2010-12-18
Crie umatag condicionalparataxonomiaspersonalizadas
Nesteexemplo,'estudante'foi umtipo depostagempersonalizadoe 'stud_cat'foi ataxonomiapersonalizada.Use
para o condicionadofunction has_student( $student, $_post = null ) { if ( !empty( $student ) ) return false; if ( $_post ) $_post = get_post( $_post ); else $_post =& $GLOBALS['post']; if ( !$_post ) return false; $r = is_object_in_term( $_post->ID, 'studcat', $student ); if ( is_wp_error( $r ) ) return false; return $r; }
Create a conditional tag for custom taxonomies
In this example, 'student' was a custom post type, and 'stud_cat' was the custom taxonomy. Use
for the conditionalfunction has_student( $student, $_post = null ) { if ( !empty( $student ) ) return false; if ( $_post ) $_post = get_post( $_post ); else $_post =& $GLOBALS['post']; if ( !$_post ) return false; $r = is_object_in_term( $_post->ID, 'studcat', $student ); if ( is_wp_error( $r ) ) return false; return $r; }
Eu acho queisso é substituídopor [`has_term ()`] ( agora que 3.1 é liberado?I think this gets replaced with [`has_term()`]( now that 3.1 is released?
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- 2011-02-25
- Rarst
- 2010-12-28
Make WordPress Editor Permitir Iframes
//Faça Tinymce Permitir Iframes add_filter ('tiny_mce_before_init',Create_Function ('$ A', '$ A ["Extended_Valid_Elements"]="IFRAME [ID| Classe| Título| Estilo| Alinhar| Frameborder| Altura| Longdesc| Marginheight| MarginWidth| Nome| Srolling| Src| Largura]";retornar $ a; '));
Make WordPress Editor Allow iFrames
// make TinyMCE allow iframes add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', create_function( '$a', '$a["extended_valid_elements"] = "iframe[id|class|title|style|align|frameborder|height|longdesc|marginheight|marginwidth|name|scrolling|src|width]"; return $a;') );
- 2011-02-10
redimensionar aimagemgrandeno upload
Aimagem será redimensionada de acordo com otamanhograndeem suas configurações demídia.
/**resize on upload to the largest size in media setting */ function replace_uploaded_image($image_data) { // if there is no large image : return if (!isset($image_data['sizes']['large'])) return $image_data; // path to the uploaded image and the large image $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $uploaded_image_location = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/' .$image_data['file']; $large_image_location = $upload_dir['path'] . '/'.$image_data['sizes']['large']['file']; // delete the uploaded image unlink($uploaded_image_location); // rename the large image rename($large_image_location,$uploaded_image_location); // update image metadata and return them $image_data['width'] = $image_data['sizes']['large']['width']; $image_data['height'] = $image_data['sizes']['large']['height']; unset($image_data['sizes']['large']); return $image_data; } add_filter('wp_generate_attachment_metadata','replace_uploaded_image');
Resize large image on upload
Image will be resize according to the large size in your media settings.
/**resize on upload to the largest size in media setting */ function replace_uploaded_image($image_data) { // if there is no large image : return if (!isset($image_data['sizes']['large'])) return $image_data; // path to the uploaded image and the large image $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $uploaded_image_location = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/' .$image_data['file']; $large_image_location = $upload_dir['path'] . '/'.$image_data['sizes']['large']['file']; // delete the uploaded image unlink($uploaded_image_location); // rename the large image rename($large_image_location,$uploaded_image_location); // update image metadata and return them $image_data['width'] = $image_data['sizes']['large']['width']; $image_data['height'] = $image_data['sizes']['large']['height']; unset($image_data['sizes']['large']); return $image_data; } add_filter('wp_generate_attachment_metadata','replace_uploaded_image');
Isso significa que o arquivogrande original carregado é realmente substituído?Meuphpnão é ótimo,mas a respostaparece ser sim?Does this mean that the original large file uploaded is actually replaced? My php is not great, but the answer seems to be yes?
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- 2011-02-20
- davemac
@Davemac Eupercebo queisso émuito antigo agora,mas apartir do queeuentendo do código,o arquivo deimagem original é redimensionadopara asmesmas dimensões que otamanho deimagem 'grande' definidonatela Configurações do WordPress.Que é ótimo,mas você acaba com 2imagens domesmotamanho.Eu sugeriria definirmanualmente os valoresparatornar aimagem original apenastãogrande quanto omaior arquivo que vocêjá usará realisticamenteem seu site.Então vocêtem umaimagem quase originalparatrabalharnofuturo.@davemac I realise this is very old now, but from what I understand of the code, the original image file is resized to the same dimensions as the 'large' image size set in the WordPress settings screen. Which is great but then you just end up with 2 images of the same size. I'd suggest manually setting the values to make the original image only as big as the largest file you will ever realistically use on your site. Then you have an almost original image to work with in future.
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- 2016-11-25
- Phill Healey
- 2011-09-14
Facilidades de segurança do WordPressfácil
Segurança através da obscuridade é onome dojogo aqui. Essasfunçõesfazemtrês coisas diferentes.
- .
- Remova a string de versão do código. Nenhumpontoem contar aspessoas qual versãoestamosem execução.
- Remove qualquermensagem deerro (senhaerrada,nenhum desse usuário,etc.) detelas de login administrador
Quando o administradorposta um comentário,uma classe CSS é adicionada. Isso remove onome do administradornos comentários.
//REMOVE VERSION STRING FROM HEADER remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator'); //HIDE LOGIN ERROR MESSAGES (Wrong Password, No Such User etc.) add_filter('login_errors',create_function('$a', "return null;")); // Remove admin name in comments class // Source: function remove_comment_author_class( $classes ) { foreach( $classes as $key => $class ) { if(strstr($class, "comment-author-")) { unset( $classes[$key] ); } } return $classes; } add_filter( 'comment_class' , 'remove_comment_author_class' );
Easy WordPress Security Fixes
Security through obscurity is the name of the game here. These functions do three different things.
- Remove the version string from the code. No point in telling folks what version we're running.
- Removes any error messages (Wrong Password, No Such User, etc.) from admin login screens
When the admin posts a comment, a CSS class is added. This removes the admin name in comments.
//REMOVE VERSION STRING FROM HEADER remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator'); //HIDE LOGIN ERROR MESSAGES (Wrong Password, No Such User etc.) add_filter('login_errors',create_function('$a', "return null;")); // Remove admin name in comments class // Source: function remove_comment_author_class( $classes ) { foreach( $classes as $key => $class ) { if(strstr($class, "comment-author-")) { unset( $classes[$key] ); } } return $classes; } add_filter( 'comment_class' , 'remove_comment_author_class' );
Removendo onúmero de versão do WordPress é umaprática ruim.Émuitomais seguromanter seu WordPress atualizado com as últimas correções de segurançaem todos osmomentos.BÔNUS Adicionado: Quer ser - ser crianças de script vão semoverpara versõesmais antigas.Removing the Wordpress version number is bad practice. It is much safer to keep your Wordpress updated with the latest security fixes AT ALL TIMES. Added bonus: wanna-be script kiddies will move along to older versions.
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- 2014-01-12
- knutole
@knotole,não é umaprática ruim.É sua opinião ...emboraisso sejabastantepadrão.@knotole, it is not bad practice. It is your opinion... albeit this is pretty standard.
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- 2014-10-20
- Jeremy
- 2011-09-14
substitua ogravatarpadrão comimagempersonalizada
Tudo que vocêprecisapersonalizar é o caminhopara a suaimagempadrão.
function custom_gravatar($avatar_defaults) { $logo = get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/icons/gravatar_logo.jpg'; //Change to whatever path you like. $avatar_defaults[$logo] = get_bloginfo('name'); return $avatar_defaults; }//END FUNCTION add_filter( 'avatar_defaults', 'custom_gravatar' );
Replace Default Gravatar with Custom Image
All you'll need to customize is the path to your default image.
function custom_gravatar($avatar_defaults) { $logo = get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/icons/gravatar_logo.jpg'; //Change to whatever path you like. $avatar_defaults[$logo] = get_bloginfo('name'); return $avatar_defaults; }//END FUNCTION add_filter( 'avatar_defaults', 'custom_gravatar' );
- 2011-10-13
Mostrar arquivos demodelo sendoincluídos
Exibir comentáriosinline com arquivo demodeloe get_template_part arquivos sendoincluídos ao renderizarpáginas.Útilpara solucionarproblemas demultipartmodelos.
add_action('all','template_snoop'); function template_snoop(){ $args = func_get_args(); if( !is_admin() and $args[0] ){ if( $args[0] == 'template_include' ) { echo "<!-- Base Template: {$args[1]} -->\n"; } elseif( strpos($args[0],'get_template_part_') === 0 ) { global $last_template_snoop; if( $last_template_snoop ) echo "\n\n<!-- End Template Part: {$last_template_snoop} -->"; $tpl = rtrim(join('-', array_slice($args,1)),'-').'.php'; echo "\n<!-- Template Part: {$tpl} -->\n\n"; $last_template_snoop = $tpl; } } }
Show template files being included
Display inline comment with Template File and get_template_part files being included when rendering pages. Handy for troubleshooting multipart templates.
add_action('all','template_snoop'); function template_snoop(){ $args = func_get_args(); if( !is_admin() and $args[0] ){ if( $args[0] == 'template_include' ) { echo "<!-- Base Template: {$args[1]} -->\n"; } elseif( strpos($args[0],'get_template_part_') === 0 ) { global $last_template_snoop; if( $last_template_snoop ) echo "\n\n<!-- End Template Part: {$last_template_snoop} -->"; $tpl = rtrim(join('-', array_slice($args,1)),'-').'.php'; echo "\n<!-- Template Part: {$tpl} -->\n\n"; $last_template_snoop = $tpl; } } }
- 2011-12-04
criar automaticamente umanovapágina ao ativar umtema
if (isset($_GET['activated']) && is_admin()){ $new_page_title = 'This is the page title'; $new_page_content = 'This is the page content'; $new_page_template = ''; //ex. template-custom.php. Leave blank if you don't want a custom page template. //don't edit under this line $page_check = get_page_by_title($new_page_title); $new_page = array( 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_title' => $new_page_title, 'post_content' => $new_page_content, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, ); if(!isset($page_check->ID)){ $new_page_id = wp_insert_post($new_page); if(!empty($new_page_template)){ update_post_meta($new_page_id,'_wp_page_template', $new_page_template); } }
Automatically create a new page upon activating a theme
if (isset($_GET['activated']) && is_admin()){ $new_page_title = 'This is the page title'; $new_page_content = 'This is the page content'; $new_page_template = ''; //ex. template-custom.php. Leave blank if you don't want a custom page template. //don't edit under this line $page_check = get_page_by_title($new_page_title); $new_page = array( 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_title' => $new_page_title, 'post_content' => $new_page_content, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, ); if(!isset($page_check->ID)){ $new_page_id = wp_insert_post($new_page); if(!empty($new_page_template)){ update_post_meta($new_page_id,'_wp_page_template', $new_page_template); } }
- 2010-09-17
Listartodas as subcategorias
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
$echo = '<ul>' . "\n"; $childcats = get_categories('child_of=' . $cat . '&hide_empty=1'); foreach ($childcats as $childcat) { if (1 == $childcat->category_parent) { $echo .= "\t" . '<li><a href="' . get_category_link($childcat->cat_ID).'" title="' . $childcat->category_description . '">'; $echo .= $childcat->cat_name . '</a>'; $echo .= '</li>' . "\n"; } } $echo .= '</ul>' . "\n"; echo $echo;
Também aqui,maisinformaçõese functinsnopost
List all SubCategories
Tested on: Wordpress 3.0.1
$echo = '<ul>' . "\n"; $childcats = get_categories('child_of=' . $cat . '&hide_empty=1'); foreach ($childcats as $childcat) { if (1 == $childcat->category_parent) { $echo .= "\t" . '<li><a href="' . get_category_link($childcat->cat_ID).'" title="' . $childcat->category_description . '">'; $echo .= $childcat->cat_name . '</a>'; $echo .= '</li>' . "\n"; } } $echo .= '</ul>' . "\n"; echo $echo;
also here, more informations and functins in the post
Por que vocêfariaisso quando há umafunção disponívelespecificamenteparaexibir uma lista de categorias..See: would you do this when there's a function available specifically for displaying a list of categories..See:
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- 2010-11-11
- t31os
- 2010-11-09
Excluir categorias de crianças de uma categoriaespecífica.
bem direto,masnão conseguiencontrarninguémfazendoexatamente o queeuprecisava.Tambémexibirá apostagem se a categoriapaifor selecionada,exceto seesseposttiver uma categoriafilho dessepai selecionado.
/* this code excludes all of the children of (category id = 20) posts on the HOME page, but allows parent (category id = 20) to be shown. */ function exclude_category_children($query) { $child_cats = (array) get_term_children('20', 'category'); if ( $query->is_home ) { $query->set('category__not_in', $child_cats); return $query; } } add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'exclude_category_children');
Exclude child categories of a specific category.
Pretty straight forward, but I couldn't find anyone doing exactly what I needed. Also it will display the post if the parent category is selected, except if that post has a child category of that parent selected.
/* this code excludes all of the children of (category id = 20) posts on the HOME page, but allows parent (category id = 20) to be shown. */ function exclude_category_children($query) { $child_cats = (array) get_term_children('20', 'category'); if ( $query->is_home ) { $query->set('category__not_in', $child_cats); return $query; } } add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'exclude_category_children');
- 2010-12-02
condicionalpara verificar a hierarquia descendente
Umafunção condicionalpara verificar se apágina atual é descendente do ID dado aele.Útilpara determinar se umapágina é umneto,bisneto oupaina árvore de hierarquia.
function is_tree($pid) { // $pid = The ID of the page we're looking for pages underneath global $post; // load details about this page $anc = get_post_ancestors( $post->ID ); foreach($anc as $ancestor) { if(is_page() && $ancestor == $pid) { return true; } } if(is_page()&&(is_page($pid))) return true; // we're at the page or at a sub page else return false; // we're elsewhere };
Conditional to check for hierarchy descendant
A conditional function to check if the current page is a descendant of the ID given to it. Useful for determining if a page is a grandchild, great-grandchild or father down the hierarchy tree.
function is_tree($pid) { // $pid = The ID of the page we're looking for pages underneath global $post; // load details about this page $anc = get_post_ancestors( $post->ID ); foreach($anc as $ancestor) { if(is_page() && $ancestor == $pid) { return true; } } if(is_page()&&(is_page($pid))) return true; // we're at the page or at a sub page else return false; // we're elsewhere };
Eutenhoprocuradoporissopor algumtempo.Obrigadopor colocá-lojuntos!Possopedir umpouco deesclarecimento sobre o caso de uso.Idealmente,gostaria de usarissoem minhas listagens demenupara que,seeutiver ummenupai denível superiornaparte superior do site quemostra apenaselementos Gen 1.Quandoestouem umelemento Gen 2-3,oelemento Gen1pode ser destacado através de um atributo CSS "pai atual".Isso épossível?I've been looking for this for awhile. Thanks for putting it together! Can I ask for a bit of clarification on use case. Ideally, I would like to use this in my menu listings so that if i have a top level parent menu across the top of the site that only shows Gen 1 elements. When I'm on a Gen 2-3 element, the Gen1 element can be highlighted via a "current-parent" css attribute. Is this possible?
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- 2011-02-11
- Scott B
- 2011-06-13
Removermenus debackend administradorparatodos os usuários,exceto o usuário 1 (geralmente oprimeiro admin)
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Restrict access /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function remove_menus () { global $menu; $user = wp_get_current_user(); if ($user->ID!=1) { // Is not administrator, $restricted = array(__('Dashboard'), __('Posts'), __('Media'), __('Links'), __('Pages'), __('Appearance'), __('Tools'), __('Users'), __('Settings'), __('Comments'), __('Plugins')); end ($menu); while (prev($menu)){ $value = explode(' ',$menu[key($menu)][0]); if(in_array($value[0] != NULL?$value[0]:"" , $restricted)){unset($menu[key($menu)]);} } } } add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_menus');
Remove Admin Backend Menus for all users, except User #1 (usually the first Admin)
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Restrict access /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function remove_menus () { global $menu; $user = wp_get_current_user(); if ($user->ID!=1) { // Is not administrator, $restricted = array(__('Dashboard'), __('Posts'), __('Media'), __('Links'), __('Pages'), __('Appearance'), __('Tools'), __('Users'), __('Settings'), __('Comments'), __('Plugins')); end ($menu); while (prev($menu)){ $value = explode(' ',$menu[key($menu)][0]); if(in_array($value[0] != NULL?$value[0]:"" , $restricted)){unset($menu[key($menu)]);} } } } add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_menus');
O usuário 1pode ser oprimeiro administrador.Mas depois de adicionarnovos administradores,oprimeiropode ser apenas um usuário regular.** Peça recursos,nãoparanúmeros. ** Além disso,este códigopertence a umplugin,nãonasfunções.php.Há zero relação com otema.User 1 may be the first admin. But after adding new administrators the first one may be just a regular user. **Ask for capabilities, not for numbers.** Plus, this code belongs into a plugin, not in the functions.php. There is zero relation to the theme.
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- 2011-06-13
- fuxia
Destaforma,vocêpodepermitir quetodos os administradores atuem comonormal,mas aomesmotempo ocultar oprimeiro administradore reservá-lopara o administrador/equipe de suporte do sistema.Eu discordo queeste códigopertence a umplugin.Functions.php é umplugin.`Este arquivobasicamente age como umplugin` [tema_development #functions_file] ( way you can allow all admins to act as normal but at the same time hide the first admin and reserve it to system administrator / support team. I disagree that this code belongs to a plugin. Functions.php is a plugin. `This file basically acts like a plugin` [Theme_Development#Functions_File](
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- 2011-06-13
- Daniel Sachs
Mas ofunctions.php contém lógica que é vinculada aotema,porque se vocêmudar detemas,o códigointeiro sefoi.Assim,amenos que o código dependa dotemae vice-versa -não use asfunções.php como ummu-plugin.But the functions.php contains logic which is tied to the theme, because if you switch themes the whole code is gone. So, unless the code depends on the theme and vice versa – do not use the functions.php as a mu-plugin.
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- 2011-06-13
- fuxia
sim.Mas vamos considerarisso: vocêestá desenvolvendo um sitepara um cliente.Este site sempre usará apenas umtema,oprojetadopelo designer.Otema ** é ** o site.Você adicionatipos depostagempersonalizados,metaboxes,carregamfunções adicionais,etc. Agora você deseja dar a alguns usuários os recursos de administrador,mas deseja ocultar algumas seções do site que seu clientenunca usará ou confundi-las (links,ferramentas,Comentários,são osmelhoresexemplos)e para dar aequipe de suporte umaespécie de "superadmin"para quepossam vertoda a área de administrador.Yes. But let's consider this: You are developing a website for a client. This website will always use only one theme, the one designed by the designer. The theme **is** the website. You add custom post types, metaboxes, load additional functions, etc. Now you do want to give some users the admin capabilities, but you want to hide some sections of the site that your client will never use or confuse them (Links, Tools, Comments, are the best examples) and to give the support team a sort of "SuperAdmin" so they can see the whole admin area.
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- 2011-06-13
- Daniel Sachs
Eu vejo que vocênão concorda com o uso,mas afunçãofuncionae é útil,entãoeunãoentendoporque -1.I see that you disagree with the usage, but the function works and is useful, so I do not understand why -1 it.
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- 2011-06-13
- Daniel Sachs
Nãopertence a umfunctions.php - comomuitas respostas aqui,infelizmente -e ** vai ** quebrarmais cedo oumaistarde.Além disso,viola ospadrões de codificação do WordPress.Porfavor,não levepessoalmente.Minha votação é uma recomendaçãopara o leitor.It doesn’t belong into a functions.php – like many answers here, unfortunately – and it **will** break sooner or later. Besides that, it violates the WordPress coding standards. Please, don’t take it personally. My vote is a recommendation for the reader.
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- 2011-06-13
- fuxia
Claro,nadapessoal,Tosco.Todosnóstentamos ajudare aprender.Nós discordamos,acontece :)Of course, nothing personal, tosco. We all try to help and learn. We disagree, it happens :)
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- 2011-06-13
- Daniel Sachs
@Daniel Sachs dê uma olhadaem [estaessência] ( troca `user_login` com`papel` (?).@Daniel Sachs Take a look at [this gist]( and exchange `user_login` with `role`(?).
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- 2011-06-13
- kaiser
@KAISER Isso é ótimo,seeu quisesse usá-lo como umplugin oumenusnãoespecificadosparatodos os administradores.Comoeu disse,issopermitenão obter apenas um usuárioespecífico com ID1@kaiser This is great, if I wanted to use it as a plugin or unset menus for all admins. As i said, this allows to unset for just one specific user with ID1
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- 2011-06-13
- Daniel Sachs
Se você olharpara oplugin vinculado,elepermitirá definirgrupos de acessopor "qualquer usuário oferecer (nome de login,função,ID)".Confiarem IDsgeralmente é um conceito "nãomelhorprática".Isso étudo queeu queria apontar.If you look at the linked plugin, then it allows you to set access groups per "whatever a user offers (login name, role, ID)". Relying on IDs generally is a "not best practice" concept. That's all i wanted to point out.
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- 2011-06-13
- kaiser
- 2011-08-19
Desativar aviso de atualização donavegadorno WordPress 3.2
//Disable browser upgrade warning in wordpress 3.2 function disable_browser_upgrade_warning() { remove_meta_box( 'dashboard_browser_nag', 'dashboard', 'normal' ); } add_action( 'wp_dashboard_setup', 'disable_browser_upgrade_warning' );
Disable browser upgrade warning in wordpress 3.2
//Disable browser upgrade warning in wordpress 3.2 function disable_browser_upgrade_warning() { remove_meta_box( 'dashboard_browser_nag', 'dashboard', 'normal' ); } add_action( 'wp_dashboard_setup', 'disable_browser_upgrade_warning' );
Materialpluginpuro.Pure plugin material.
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- 2011-08-19
- fuxia
@Toscho Então o que?Aindaestáfuncionando.Não é?@toscho So what? Still its working. Isn't it?
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- 2011-08-19
- Giri
Não depois demudar detemas.Ostemas sãopara **frontends **.Not after switching themes. Themes are for **frontends**.
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- 2011-08-19
- fuxia
- 2011-10-14
is_tree ()função condicional
/* Adapted from csstricks with addition of ancestors .... use = if(is_tree($id)) { // do stuff } ... Returns true if the page is = $id OR any of it's children OR descendants */ function is_tree($pid) { // $pid = The ID of the page we're looking for pages underneath global $post; // load details about this page $ancestors = get_post_ancestors($post); if(is_page()&&($post->post_parent==$pid||is_page($pid)||(in_array($pid,$ancestors)))) return true; // we're at the page or at a sub page else return false; // we're elsewhere };
is_tree() conditional Function
/* Adapted from csstricks with addition of ancestors .... use = if(is_tree($id)) { // do stuff } ... Returns true if the page is = $id OR any of it's children OR descendants */ function is_tree($pid) { // $pid = The ID of the page we're looking for pages underneath global $post; // load details about this page $ancestors = get_post_ancestors($post); if(is_page()&&($post->post_parent==$pid||is_page($pid)||(in_array($pid,$ancestors)))) return true; // we're at the page or at a sub page else return false; // we're elsewhere };
- 2011-12-04
Exibe os usuários queenviarammais comentários sem umplugin
function top_comment_authors($amount = 5) { global $wpdb; $results = $wpdb->get_results(' SELECT COUNT(comment_author_email) AS comments_count, comment_author_email, comment_author, comment_author_url FROM '.$wpdb->comments.' WHERE comment_author_email != "" AND comment_type = "" AND comment_approved = 1 GROUP BY comment_author_email ORDER BY comments_count DESC, comment_author ASC LIMIT '.$amount ); $output = "<ul>"; foreach($results as $result) { $output .= "<li>".$result->comment_author."</li>"; } $output .= "</ul>"; echo $output; }
Outras opções que vocêpode ligar: $ result-> comment_author_email $ result-> Comments_count $ result-> comentário_author_url
Display the users that have submitted the most comments without a plugin
function top_comment_authors($amount = 5) { global $wpdb; $results = $wpdb->get_results(' SELECT COUNT(comment_author_email) AS comments_count, comment_author_email, comment_author, comment_author_url FROM '.$wpdb->comments.' WHERE comment_author_email != "" AND comment_type = "" AND comment_approved = 1 GROUP BY comment_author_email ORDER BY comments_count DESC, comment_author ASC LIMIT '.$amount ); $output = "<ul>"; foreach($results as $result) { $output .= "<li>".$result->comment_author."</li>"; } $output .= "</ul>"; echo $output; }
Other options you can call: $result->comment_author_email $result->comments_count $result->comment_author_url
- 2010-09-13
Obtenha oendereço IP real dos usuários sempre quepossível
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Se vocêestiver usando umproxy oubalanceador de carga,adicionandoisso ao seu arquivo WP-config.php oufunções.php
// Gets the user's real IP address $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = getRealIpAddress(); function getRealIpAddress( $validate = true ) { if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ) { $ips = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); $ip = trim($ips[count($ips) - 1]); } elseif ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']) ) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']; } elseif ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) ) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } if ( $validate && function_exists('filter_var') && filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, array('flags' => FILTER_FLAG_IPV4, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE, FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE)) ) return $ip; elseif ( $validate ) return long2ip(ip2long($ip)); return $ip; }
Get the Users Real IP Address whenever possible
Tested on: Wordpress 3.0.1
If you're using a proxy or load balancer, adding this to your wp-config.php file or functions.php
// Gets the user's real IP address $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = getRealIpAddress(); function getRealIpAddress( $validate = true ) { if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ) { $ips = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); $ip = trim($ips[count($ips) - 1]); } elseif ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']) ) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']; } elseif ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) ) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } if ( $validate && function_exists('filter_var') && filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, array('flags' => FILTER_FLAG_IPV4, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE, FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE)) ) return $ip; elseif ( $validate ) return long2ip(ip2long($ip)); return $ip; }
O queissofazexatamente?what does this do exactly?
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- 2010-09-14
Quando um usuárioestáportrás de umproxy oubalanceador de carga,qualquer coisa quepegue oendereço IP do usuário usando o Superglobal $ _Server ['Remote_AddR'] verá oendereço IP doproxy ou dobalanceador de carga.Oproxy/lbem retorno coloca oendereço IP original do usuárionos cabeçalhos X-Fack-for X-Real-Real-Real-IP ou cliente (dependendo da configuraçãoproxy/lb).Assim,ao comentar (oupostar,masisso émenos relevante) WP verámuitos usuários vindos domesmoendereço IP.Isso corrige que substituindo $ _Server ['Remote_Addr']pelo IP original.When a user is behind a proxy or load balancer, then anything that grabs that user's IP address using the superglobal $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] will see the proxy or load balancer's IP address. The proxy/lb in return puts the user's original IP address in the X-Forwarded-For X-Real-Ip, or Client-Ip headers (depending on the proxy/lb configuration). Thus, when commenting (or posting, but that's less relevant) WP will see a lot of users coming from the same IP address. This fixes that by replacing $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] with the original IP.
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- 2010-09-19
- gabrielk
Esses sãofáceis deenganar,adicionando o cabeçalho http_x_forwarded_formanualmenteem cada solicitação denavegador.Meufavorito é configurá-lo que definirá $ _Server ['remove_addr']para um valor vazio comesseexemplo.Those are easy to trick by adding the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header manually into each browser request. My favorite is to set it which will then set $_SERVER['REMOVE_ADDR'] to an empty value with that example.
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- 2010-11-05
- hakre
- 2010-11-17
Adicionando automaticamenteimagens de cabeçalho do local de diretório
Dentro dopadrão,que vem com o WordPress,vocênotará ummenu detema adicional que é ativado quepermite selecionar umaimagem de cabeçalho a ser utilizada. Dentro do código dotemapadrão,essasimagens são dondaspara o arquivofunctions.php. O código abaixopermite que o WordPresspegue automaticamentenovasimagens combaseem umaimagemespecífica de cabeçalho diretamente vocêpode criarno seu servidor (ou dentro de suapasta detemas).
Incluirá automaticamentenenhum arquivo .jpg ou .jpeg. Cadaimagem deveter um arquivo deminiatura associada,masissopode ser apenas uma cópia do original com umnome diferente com umnome de arquivo quetem queterminarem "-shumbNail" & quot;. Onome associado é usado como a descriçãonas configurações de aparência de cabeçalhose sublinhados são automaticamente substituídosporespaços. (porexemplo,my_header_image_a.jpg,my_header_image_a=thumbnail.jpgterá uma descrição automaticamente apresentou uma "minhaimagem de cabeçalho")
if ($handle = opendir( TEMPLATEPATH . '/images/headers/') ) { $headers = array(); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { $pos = strrpos( $file, '.' ); if( $pos !== false && $pos > 0 ) { $file_name = substr( $file, 0, $pos ); if( strpos( $file_name, "-thumbnail" ) === false ) { $file_ext = substr( $file, $pos+1 ); $file_ext_low = strtolower( $file_ext ); if( $file_ext_low == "jpg" || $file_ext_low == "jpeg" ) { $headers[$file_name] = array ( 'url' => '%s/images/headers/' . $file, 'thumbnail_url' => '%s/images/headers/' . $file_name ."-thumbnail." . $file_ext, 'description' => __( str_replace( "_", " ", $file_name ), 'twentyten' ) ); } } } } closedir($handle); register_default_headers( $headers ); }
Automatically adding header images from directory location
Within the default them which comes with wordpress you will notice an additional theme menu which gets activated that lets you select a header image to be utilized. Within the default theme code these images are hardcoded into the functions.php file. The code below allows wordpress to automatically pick up new images based upon a specific header image directly you can create on your server (or within your themes folder).
It will automatically include any .jpg or .jpeg files. Every image must have a associating thumbnail file but this can just be a copy of the original with a different name with a file name that has to end in "-thumbnail". The associating name is used as the description in the headers appearance settings and underscores are automatically replaced with spaces. (e.g. My_Header_Image_A.jpg, My_Header_Image_A=thumbnail.jpg will have a description automatically presented a “My Header Image A”)
if ($handle = opendir( TEMPLATEPATH . '/images/headers/') ) { $headers = array(); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { $pos = strrpos( $file, '.' ); if( $pos !== false && $pos > 0 ) { $file_name = substr( $file, 0, $pos ); if( strpos( $file_name, "-thumbnail" ) === false ) { $file_ext = substr( $file, $pos+1 ); $file_ext_low = strtolower( $file_ext ); if( $file_ext_low == "jpg" || $file_ext_low == "jpeg" ) { $headers[$file_name] = array ( 'url' => '%s/images/headers/' . $file, 'thumbnail_url' => '%s/images/headers/' . $file_name ."-thumbnail." . $file_ext, 'description' => __( str_replace( "_", " ", $file_name ), 'twentyten' ) ); } } } } closedir($handle); register_default_headers( $headers ); }
- 2011-03-21
Remover "Comentários" link dabarra de administrador se o status do comentárioestiverfechado
Vocêpode definir o status de comentáriopadrãopara 'FECHADO',mas o link de comentáriosficará.Basta soltar o seguinteem seu arquivo
para se livrar dele combasena condição.Oferece 2 abordagens diferentes./** * Disable 'Comments' link if default status is _closed_ */ function remove_comments() { $default_comment_status = get_option( 'default_comment_status' ); if ( $default_comment_status == 'closed' ) { remove_action( 'admin_bar_menu', 'wp_admin_bar_comments_menu', 50 ); // optional solution using the WP_Admin_Bar class from /wp-includes/class-wp-admin-bar.php # global $wp_admin_bar; # $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu( 'comments' ); } else { return; } }
Remove "Comments" link from admin bar if comment status is closed
You can set the default comment status to 'closed', but the comments link will stay. Simply drop the following into your
file to get rid of it based on the condition. Offers 2 different approaches./** * Disable 'Comments' link if default status is _closed_ */ function remove_comments() { $default_comment_status = get_option( 'default_comment_status' ); if ( $default_comment_status == 'closed' ) { remove_action( 'admin_bar_menu', 'wp_admin_bar_comments_menu', 50 ); // optional solution using the WP_Admin_Bar class from /wp-includes/class-wp-admin-bar.php # global $wp_admin_bar; # $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu( 'comments' ); } else { return; } }
- 2011-11-30
Adiciona uma opção suspensapersonalizadapara wp_nav_menus onde o usuáriopode selecionar uma classe CSSpredefinidapara cadaitem demenu
<?php function menu_item_class_select(){ global $pagenow; if ($pagenow == "nav-menus.php"){ ?> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ function create_dd(v){ //create dropdown var dd = jQuery('<select class="my_class"></select>'); //create dropdown options //array with the options you want var classes = ["","class1","class2","class3"]; jQuery.each(classes, function(i,val) { if (v == val){ dd.append('<option value="'+val+'" selected="selected">'+val+'</option>'); }else{ dd.append('<option value="'+val+'">'+val+'</option>'); } }); return dd; } jQuery(".edit-menu-item-classes").each(function() { //add dropdown var t = create_dd(jQuery(this).val()); jQuery(this).before(t); //hide all inputs jQuery(this).css("display","none"); }); //update input on selection jQuery(".my_class").bind("change", function() { var v = jQuery(this).val(); var inp = jQuery(this).next(); inp.attr("value",v); }); }); </script> <?php } } add_action('admin_footer','menu_item_class_select'); ?>
Adds a custom dropdown option to WP_NAV_MENUS where the user can select a predefined css class for each menu item
<?php function menu_item_class_select(){ global $pagenow; if ($pagenow == "nav-menus.php"){ ?> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ function create_dd(v){ //create dropdown var dd = jQuery('<select class="my_class"></select>'); //create dropdown options //array with the options you want var classes = ["","class1","class2","class3"]; jQuery.each(classes, function(i,val) { if (v == val){ dd.append('<option value="'+val+'" selected="selected">'+val+'</option>'); }else{ dd.append('<option value="'+val+'">'+val+'</option>'); } }); return dd; } jQuery(".edit-menu-item-classes").each(function() { //add dropdown var t = create_dd(jQuery(this).val()); jQuery(this).before(t); //hide all inputs jQuery(this).css("display","none"); }); //update input on selection jQuery(".my_class").bind("change", function() { var v = jQuery(this).val(); var inp = jQuery(this).next(); inp.attr("value",v); }); }); </script> <?php } } add_action('admin_footer','menu_item_class_select'); ?>
- 2011-12-19
remova ositens domenu dabarra de administração do WordPress 3.3
function dashboard_tweaks() { global $wp_admin_bar; $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('wp-logo'); $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('about'); $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('wporg'); $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('documentation'); $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('support-forums'); $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('feedback'); $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('view-site'); } add_action( 'wp_before_admin_bar_render', 'dashboard_tweaks' );
Remove WordPress 3.3 Admin Bar Menu Items
function dashboard_tweaks() { global $wp_admin_bar; $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('wp-logo'); $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('about'); $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('wporg'); $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('documentation'); $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('support-forums'); $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('feedback'); $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('view-site'); } add_action( 'wp_before_admin_bar_render', 'dashboard_tweaks' );
- 2010-11-04
Excluir categoriapadrão daspáginaspúblicas
exclui a categoriapadrão do lado dianteiro do site.
Códigoexclui a área de administrador,senão vocênãoteránenhumamaneira degerenciarpostagens atribuídas com a categoriapadrão.add_filter( 'list_terms_exclusions', 'exclude_default_cat' ); function exclude_default_cat( $exclusions ) { if( !is_admin() ) $exclusions .= "AND t.term_id != " . get_option( 'default_category' ) . " "; return $exclusions; }
Exclude default category from public pages
Excludes the default category from the front-facing side of the website.
Code excludes the admin area, else you'll have no way to manage posts assigned with the default category.add_filter( 'list_terms_exclusions', 'exclude_default_cat' ); function exclude_default_cat( $exclusions ) { if( !is_admin() ) $exclusions .= "AND t.term_id != " . get_option( 'default_category' ) . " "; return $exclusions; }
- 2010-12-03
Exibição deinformaçõespara usuários registrados
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { }
nãoestáfuncionandono arquivofunctions.php.Vocêpode usareste código:
if ( !function_exists('is_user_logged_in') ) : function is_user_logged_in() { $user = wp_get_current_user(); if ( $user->id == 0 ){ // This section if user is not logged in } else { // This section if user is logged in } } endif;
Displaying information for logged in users
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { }
is not working in functions.php file. You can use this code:
if ( !function_exists('is_user_logged_in') ) : function is_user_logged_in() { $user = wp_get_current_user(); if ( $user->id == 0 ){ // This section if user is not logged in } else { // This section if user is logged in } } endif;
`if (! acrent_user_can ('ler'))` devepegar os hóspedes (ou seja,usuáriosnão conectados) ..`if( !current_user_can('read') )` should catch guests (ie. non-logged in users) ..
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- 2010-12-07
- t31os
Acabei detestare `is_user_logged_in ()`) `)`) 'parecefuncionarbem em `funções.php` .. qualquerinformação defundo sobrepor quenão é suposto?I just tested it and `is_user_logged_in()` seems to work just fine in `functions.php`?.. Any background info on why it's not supposed to?
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- 2011-01-26
- Rarst
- 2011-06-13
logotipospersonalizadosparapágina de logine admin
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Custom logos /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function custom_admin_logo() { echo ' <style type="text/css"> #header-logo { background-image: url('.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/path/to/images/admin-logo.png) !important; } </style> '; } add_action('admin_head', 'custom_admin_logo'); function custom_login_logo() { echo '<style type="text/css"> h1 a { background-image:url('.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/path/to/images/login-logo.png) !important; } </style>'; } add_action('login_head', 'custom_login_logo');
Custom Logos for Login page and Admin
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Custom logos /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function custom_admin_logo() { echo ' <style type="text/css"> #header-logo { background-image: url('.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/path/to/images/admin-logo.png) !important; } </style> '; } add_action('admin_head', 'custom_admin_logo'); function custom_login_logo() { echo '<style type="text/css"> h1 a { background-image:url('.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/path/to/images/login-logo.png) !important; } </style>'; } add_action('login_head', 'custom_login_logo');
Porfavor,dê uma olhadaem [esta Gist] (á opções aindamelhores do quemostradasnaessência.Vocêtambémpodetentarparticipar doticket Trac (linkno cabeçalho doplugin da GIST).Please take a look at [this gist]( There are even better options than shown in the gist. You could also try to participate on the trac ticket (link in gist plugin header).
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- 2011-06-13
- kaiser
- 2011-06-13
Remover admin (usuário # 1) da lista de usuários
function your_pre_user_query($user_search) { $user = wp_get_current_user(); if ($user->ID!=1) { global $wpdb; $user_search->query_where = str_replace('WHERE 1=1', "WHERE 1=1 AND {$wpdb->users}.ID<>1",$user_search->query_where); } } add_action('pre_user_query','your_pre_user_query');
Remove Admin (User #1) from User list
function your_pre_user_query($user_search) { $user = wp_get_current_user(); if ($user->ID!=1) { global $wpdb; $user_search->query_where = str_replace('WHERE 1=1', "WHERE 1=1 AND {$wpdb->users}.ID<>1",$user_search->query_where); } } add_action('pre_user_query','your_pre_user_query');
Novamente: o usuário 1pode ser umnão-admin.Consulte [Funçõese Capacidades] ( user 1 may be a non-admin. See [Roles and Capabilities](
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- 2011-06-13
- fuxia
É umexemplo.Além disso,em instalaçõespadrão,o usuário 1 é admin - oprimeiro usuário criado.Éporisso queenfatizei (usuário # 1)It's an example. Plus in default installations the user 1 is Admin - the first user created. This is why I emphasized (User #1)
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- 2011-06-13
- Daniel Sachs
É umexemplomostrando comonão verificar as capacidades administrativas.Vocênão deve usareste códigoem um site real.It is an example showing how not to check for administrative capabilities. You should not use this code in a real website.
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- 2011-06-13
- fuxia
Exatamente.Este códigonão verifica recursos,Toscho,maspara usuárioespecífico.Este códigonãotem nada a ver com recursose nãomencionei capacidadesem qualquer lugar.Eunão vejopor queissonãopode ser usadoem sites deprodução.Exactly. This code doesn't check for capabilities, toscho, but for specific user. This code has nothing to do with capabilities and I haven't mentioned capabilities anywhere. I don't see why this can not be used on production sites.
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- 2011-06-13
- Daniel Sachs
@Daniel Sachs Se vocêestiverprocurandopeloprimeiro administrador adicionado,verifiqueprimeiro ospapéis detodos os usuários,em seguida,classificá-lospor seu IDe tomar oprimeiro.Como @Toscho disse: Atualmente é "como vocênão devefazerissoexemplo".Razões: a) O administrador realpodenão ser aquele com omenor ID B) se alguémtrabalharnisso,elanãoprocurariaessafuncionalidadeem umtema.@Daniel Sachs If you're searching for the first ever added administrator, please check the roles of all users first, then sort them by their ID and take the first one. As @toscho said: Currently it's "how you should not do it example". Reasons: a) the actual Admin might not be the one with the lowest ID b) If someone else would work on this, she/he wouldn't search for this functionality in a theme.
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- 2011-06-13
- kaiser
- 2011-09-14
obter atributos deminiatura dada
Useestafunção com o looppara determinar a largura,a alturae a URL de umaimagemem miniaturas. Muito útilpara atribuir umaimagemem miniaturas comoelemento defundo via cssinline.
/** * GET THUMBNAIL ATTRIBUTES * * Fetches width, heigth and URI of a thumbnail. * * @author Philip Downer <[email protected]> * @license GNU Public License * @version v1.0 * * @param string $return Accepts 'path', 'width', or 'height'. * @param string $size The thumbnail size corresponding to {@link add_image_size() WP core function}. * @return mixed Returns the requested info, or if no 'Featured Image' assigned, returns 'false'. */ function get_thumb_attr($return,$size='thumbnail') { global $post; if (has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) { $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'intro'); if ( $return == 'path' ) { return $thumb[0]; } if ( $return == 'width' ) { return $thumb[1]; } if ( $return == 'height' ) { return $thumb[2]; } } else { return false; } }//end function
Get Attributes of Given Thumbnail
Use this function with the loop to determine width, height and URL of a thumbnailed image. Very handy for assigning a thumbnailed image as a background element via inline CSS.
/** * GET THUMBNAIL ATTRIBUTES * * Fetches width, heigth and URI of a thumbnail. * * @author Philip Downer <[email protected]> * @license GNU Public License * @version v1.0 * * @param string $return Accepts 'path', 'width', or 'height'. * @param string $size The thumbnail size corresponding to {@link add_image_size() WP core function}. * @return mixed Returns the requested info, or if no 'Featured Image' assigned, returns 'false'. */ function get_thumb_attr($return,$size='thumbnail') { global $post; if (has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) { $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'intro'); if ( $return == 'path' ) { return $thumb[0]; } if ( $return == 'width' ) { return $thumb[1]; } if ( $return == 'height' ) { return $thumb[2]; } } else { return false; } }//end function
- 2011-11-17
Saída O conteúdo de um widgetfora do contexto de umabarra lateral usando seu ID. Oenvolvimento antes/depois de HTMLnãoestáincluído. Vocêprecisa saber o IDespecífico do widget que vocêestá angular (ou seja,'Text-5').
function widget_contents($id) { list($type,$number) = explode('-',$id); global $wp_registered_widgets; $wp_registered_widgets[$id]['callback'][0]->display_callback(array('widget_id'=>$id),$number); }
Vocêpodeespiarna saída de wp_get_sidebars_widgets () Se vocênãotiver certeza do IDpreciso que vocêprecisa.
umexemplomais completo levantado de /wp-Includes/widgets.php sob o dynamic_sidebar () função:
function render_widget($id) { global $wp_registered_widgets; $params = array_merge( array( array('widget_id' => $id, 'widget_name' => $wp_registered_widgets[$id]['name']) ), (array) $wp_registered_widgets[$id]['params'] ); $classname_ = ''; foreach ( (array) $wp_registered_widgets[$id]['classname'] as $cn ) { if ( is_string($cn) ) $classname_ .= '_' . $cn; elseif ( is_object($cn) ) $classname_ .= '_' . get_class($cn); } $classname_ = ltrim($classname_, '_'); $params[0]['before_widget'] = sprintf($params[0]['before_widget'], $id, $classname_); if ( is_callable($wp_registered_widgets[$id]['callback']) ) call_user_func_array($wp_registered_widgets[$id]['callback'], $params); }
Output the contents of a widget outside the context of a sidebar using it's ID. The wrapping before/after HTML is not included. You need to know the specific ID of the widget you're angling for (ie 'text-5').
function widget_contents($id) { list($type,$number) = explode('-',$id); global $wp_registered_widgets; $wp_registered_widgets[$id]['callback'][0]->display_callback(array('widget_id'=>$id),$number); }
You can peek at the output of wp_get_sidebars_widgets() if you aren't sure of the precise ID you need.
A more complete example lifted from /wp-includes/widgets.php under the dynamic_sidebar() function:
function render_widget($id) { global $wp_registered_widgets; $params = array_merge( array( array('widget_id' => $id, 'widget_name' => $wp_registered_widgets[$id]['name']) ), (array) $wp_registered_widgets[$id]['params'] ); $classname_ = ''; foreach ( (array) $wp_registered_widgets[$id]['classname'] as $cn ) { if ( is_string($cn) ) $classname_ .= '_' . $cn; elseif ( is_object($cn) ) $classname_ .= '_' . get_class($cn); } $classname_ = ltrim($classname_, '_'); $params[0]['before_widget'] = sprintf($params[0]['before_widget'], $id, $classname_); if ( is_callable($wp_registered_widgets[$id]['callback']) ) call_user_func_array($wp_registered_widgets[$id]['callback'], $params); }
Doh.Ométodomuitomais simples seria usar 'the_widget () ` The much simpler method would be to use `the_widget()`
- 0
- 2012-02-08
- dalethedeveloper
- 2011-12-04
smiliespersonalizados (plugin)
/** * Smilies. */ function filter_smilies_src($img_src, $img, $siteurl) { return plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/img/smilies/' . $img; } add_filter('smilies_src', 'filter_smilies_src', 1, 10);
smiliespersonalizados (tema)
/** * Smilies. */ function filter_smilies_src($img_src, $img, $siteurl) { return get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . '/images/smilies/' . $img; } add_filter('smilies_src', 'filter_smilies_src', 1, 10);
Custom smilies (plugin)
/** * Smilies. */ function filter_smilies_src($img_src, $img, $siteurl) { return plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/img/smilies/' . $img; } add_filter('smilies_src', 'filter_smilies_src', 1, 10);
Custom smilies (theme)
/** * Smilies. */ function filter_smilies_src($img_src, $img, $siteurl) { return get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . '/images/smilies/' . $img; } add_filter('smilies_src', 'filter_smilies_src', 1, 10);
- 2012-02-03
Cruz Taxonomy Tags Query
Uma consultaem cache queproduz um
como seqüência de html detodas astagspara um determinadoparâmetrotaxonomático,inadimplentepara uma categoria . Vocêpode usar$where_slug
para obter astagspostfiltradaspor qualquer outrataxonomia. SQLtestadopara WP 3.1para WP 3.3.1.function tags_by_other_taxonomy($where_slug,$where_tax = 'category',$bust_cache = false) { $cache_key = "{$where_slug}:{$where_tax}"; $cache = get_transient('tags_by_other_taxonomy'); $html = ''; if( true !== $bust_cache and false !== $cache and isset($cache[$cache_key]) and !empty($cache[$cache_key]) ) { $html = $cache[$cache_key]; } else { global $wpdb; $cat_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT tt.term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->terms t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE t.slug = '{$where_slug}' AND tt.taxonomy = '{$where_tax}' LIMIT 1"); if( !empty($cat_id) ) { $cat_posts = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT tr.object_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships tr inner join $wpdb->posts p ON p.ID = tr.object_id WHERE term_taxonomy_id = {$cat_id} AND p.post_status = 'publish' AND p.post_type = 'post'"); if( count($cat_posts) ) { $tags = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT,t.slug FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships tr ON tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id INNER JOIN $wpdb->terms t ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'post_tag' and tr.object_id IN (".implode(',',$cat_posts) .')'); $html = '<ul class="post-tags-'.$where_slug.'">'; if( count($tags) ) { foreach($tags as $tag) $html .= '<li><a href="/tag/'.$tag->slug.'/" title="Posts tagged with '.$tag->name.'">'.$tag->name.'</a></li>'; } $html .= '</ul>'; if( !is_array($cache) ) $cache = array(); $cache[$cache_key] = $html; set_transient('sc_cross_tax', $cache, 86400); } } } echo $html; }
Porexemplo,obtertodas astagspara postspublicados no notícias categoria slug:
<?php echo tags_by_other_taxonomy('news'); ?>
Cross Taxonomy Tags Query
A cached query that outputs a
like HTML string of all tags for a given Taxonomy parameter defaulting to a Category. You can use$where_slug
to get post tags filtered by any other taxonomy. SQL tested for WP 3.1 to WP 3.3.1.function tags_by_other_taxonomy($where_slug,$where_tax = 'category',$bust_cache = false) { $cache_key = "{$where_slug}:{$where_tax}"; $cache = get_transient('tags_by_other_taxonomy'); $html = ''; if( true !== $bust_cache and false !== $cache and isset($cache[$cache_key]) and !empty($cache[$cache_key]) ) { $html = $cache[$cache_key]; } else { global $wpdb; $cat_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT tt.term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->terms t INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE t.slug = '{$where_slug}' AND tt.taxonomy = '{$where_tax}' LIMIT 1"); if( !empty($cat_id) ) { $cat_posts = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT tr.object_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships tr inner join $wpdb->posts p ON p.ID = tr.object_id WHERE term_taxonomy_id = {$cat_id} AND p.post_status = 'publish' AND p.post_type = 'post'"); if( count($cat_posts) ) { $tags = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT,t.slug FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships tr ON tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id INNER JOIN $wpdb->terms t ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'post_tag' and tr.object_id IN (".implode(',',$cat_posts) .')'); $html = '<ul class="post-tags-'.$where_slug.'">'; if( count($tags) ) { foreach($tags as $tag) $html .= '<li><a href="/tag/'.$tag->slug.'/" title="Posts tagged with '.$tag->name.'">'.$tag->name.'</a></li>'; } $html .= '</ul>'; if( !is_array($cache) ) $cache = array(); $cache[$cache_key] = $html; set_transient('sc_cross_tax', $cache, 86400); } } } echo $html; }
For example, get all tags for Published Posts in the news Category slug:
<?php echo tags_by_other_taxonomy('news'); ?>
- 2010-09-09
Reposicione oeditor WYSIWYG através dojQuery
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Este códigopermitirá que você removameta caixasespecíficas que o WordPress adicionaporpadrão àstelasposte páginas.
// REPOSITION WYSIWYG EDITOR THROUGH JQUERY add_action('admin_head','admin_head_hook'); function admin_head_hook() { ?><style type="text/css"> #postdiv.postarea, #postdivrich.postarea { margin:0; } #post-status-info { line-height:1.4em; font-size:13px; } .custom-wysiwyg-editor-container { margin:2px 6px 6px 6px; } #ed_toolbar { display:none; } #postdiv #ed_toolbar, #postdivrich #ed_toolbar { display:block; } </style><?php } add_action('admin_footer','admin_footer_hook'); function admin_footer_hook() { ?><script type="text/javascript"> jQuery('#postdiv, #postdivrich').prependTo('.custom-wysiwyg-editor-container'); </script><?php }
Reposition the WYSIWYG Editor through JQUERY
Tested on: Wordpress 3.0.1
This code will allow you to remove specific meta boxes which wordpress adds by default to the POST and PAGES screens.
// REPOSITION WYSIWYG EDITOR THROUGH JQUERY add_action('admin_head','admin_head_hook'); function admin_head_hook() { ?><style type="text/css"> #postdiv.postarea, #postdivrich.postarea { margin:0; } #post-status-info { line-height:1.4em; font-size:13px; } .custom-wysiwyg-editor-container { margin:2px 6px 6px 6px; } #ed_toolbar { display:none; } #postdiv #ed_toolbar, #postdivrich #ed_toolbar { display:block; } </style><?php } add_action('admin_footer','admin_footer_hook'); function admin_footer_hook() { ?><script type="text/javascript"> jQuery('#postdiv, #postdivrich').prependTo('.custom-wysiwyg-editor-container'); </script><?php }
- 2010-09-09
Fechar automaticamentetags ausentes doeditor WYSIWYG
testadoem: wordpress 3.0.1
Este códigofechará automaticamente quaisquertags ausentes ao usar oeditor WYSIWYG.
// AUTOMATICALLY CLEAN UP HTML WYSIWYG EDITOR BY CLOSING MISSING TAGS function clean_bad_content($bPrint = false) { global $post; $szPostContent = $post->post_content; $szRemoveFilter = array("~<p[^>]*>\s?</p>~", "~<a[^>]*>\s?</a>~", "~<font[^>]*>~", "~<\/font>~", "~style\=\"[^\"]*\"~", "~<span[^>]*>\s?</span>~"); $szPostContent = preg_replace($szRemoveFilter, '', $szPostContent); $szPostContent = apply_filters('the_content', $szPostContent); if ($bPrint == false) return $szPostContent; else echo $szPostContent; }
Automatically close missing tags from the WYSIWYG editor
Tested on: Wordpress 3.0.1
This code will automatically close any missing tags when using the WYSIWYG editor.
// AUTOMATICALLY CLEAN UP HTML WYSIWYG EDITOR BY CLOSING MISSING TAGS function clean_bad_content($bPrint = false) { global $post; $szPostContent = $post->post_content; $szRemoveFilter = array("~<p[^>]*>\s?</p>~", "~<a[^>]*>\s?</a>~", "~<font[^>]*>~", "~<\/font>~", "~style\=\"[^\"]*\"~", "~<span[^>]*>\s?</span>~"); $szPostContent = preg_replace($szRemoveFilter, '', $szPostContent); $szPostContent = apply_filters('the_content', $szPostContent); if ($bPrint == false) return $szPostContent; else echo $szPostContent; }
Sópara que você saiba que há uma opção defazerissonopróprio WordPress.Pode ser útil se énecessárioforçá-lo a vários usuários,independentemente da configuração.Maseuforçaria salvandoessa configuração.Just to let you know there is an option of doing that in WordPress itself. IT can be useful if one needs to force it for multiple users irrespective of their setting. But I would force saving that setting instead.
- 0
- 2011-04-20
- Ashfame
- 2011-01-28
AtributosparaGet_Search_Form ()
Função Remove_Role_Search ($ Função) { $ Result=Array (); preg_match_all ('|função="[^"] * "| U',$ Função,$ Resultado); foreach ($ Result [0] como $ role_tag) { $ Pole=str_replace ($ role_tag,',função $); } retornar $função; } add_filter ('get_search_form','remove_role_search');
attributes forget_search_form()
function remove_role_search($role) { $result = array(); preg_match_all('|role="[^"]*"|U', $role, $result); foreach ($result[0] as $role_tag) { $role = str_replace($role_tag, '', $role); } return $role; } add_filter('get_search_form', 'remove_role_search');
- 2011-02-23
Adicionar um link de loginpara wp_nav_menu
//ADD LOGIN LINK TO MENU add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', 'add_login_logout_link', 10, 2); function add_login_logout_link($items, $args) { $loginoutlink = wp_loginout('index.php', false); $items .= '<li>'. $loginoutlink .'</li>'; return $items; }
Add a Login Link to wp_nav_menu
//ADD LOGIN LINK TO MENU add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', 'add_login_logout_link', 10, 2); function add_login_logout_link($items, $args) { $loginoutlink = wp_loginout('index.php', false); $items .= '<li>'. $loginoutlink .'</li>'; return $items; }
Não use obuffer de saída.`wp_loginout ()`tem um segundoparâmetro `$echo 'paratornar sua vidamaisfácil.Do not use output buffering. `wp_loginout()` has a second parameter `$echo` to make your life easier.
- 3
- 2011-02-23
- fuxia
- 2011-05-12
Mudança "Posts" Nome domenuno administradorpara o que você deseja (porexemplo,"artigos")
// hook the translation filters add_filter('gettext','change_post_to_article'); add_filter('ngettext','change_post_to_article'); function change_post_to_article( $translated ) { $translated = str_ireplace('Post','Article',$translated );// ireplace is PHP5 only return $translated; }
Changing "Posts" menu name in admin to whatever you wish (e.g. "Articles")
// hook the translation filters add_filter('gettext','change_post_to_article'); add_filter('ngettext','change_post_to_article'); function change_post_to_article( $translated ) { $translated = str_ireplace('Post','Article',$translated );// ireplace is PHP5 only return $translated; }
Credits to
- 2011-09-14
remova oitem demenu de links
Muitas dasminhasinstalações do WordPressnãoexigem que os usuáriostenham acesso aoitem demenu 'Links'.Estafunção remove-a daexibição.
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'custom_admin_menu' ); function custom_admin_menu() { global $menu; // var_dump($menu); // use this to identify the key for the menu item you want to remove unset( $menu[15] ); //key 15 is links if ( !current_user_can('manage_options') ) { unset( $menu[75] ); } //key 75 is tools ... but only for non super admins }
Remove Links Menu Item
Many of my WordPress installs don't require that users have access to the 'Links' menu item. This function removes it from view.
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'custom_admin_menu' ); function custom_admin_menu() { global $menu; // var_dump($menu); // use this to identify the key for the menu item you want to remove unset( $menu[15] ); //key 15 is links if ( !current_user_can('manage_options') ) { unset( $menu[75] ); } //key 75 is tools ... but only for non super admins }
- 2011-09-14
desativar a atualização agoramensagemparanão administradores
Na verdade,sou umgrandefã denão usareste código.Em vez disso,prefiropermitir que os clientes atualizem suasprópriasinstalações do WordPress.Isso ajuda amanter o site atualizadoe meforça aescrevermelhor código.
if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { add_action( 'init', create_function( '$a', "remove_action( 'init', 'wp_version_check' );" ), 2 ); add_filter( 'pre_option_update_core', create_function( '$a', "return null;" ) ); }
Disable Upgrade Now Message for Non-Administrators
I'm actually a big fan of NOT using this code. Instead, I prefer to allow customers to update their own WordPress installs. This helps keep the site up-to-date and forces me to write better code.
if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { add_action( 'init', create_function( '$a', "remove_action( 'init', 'wp_version_check' );" ), 2 ); add_filter( 'pre_option_update_core', create_function( '$a', "return null;" ) ); }
- 2011-12-04
Adicionar uma classepersonalizada aos seguintes links anteriores
add_filter('next_posts_link_attributes', 'posts_link_attributes'); add_filter('previous_posts_link_attributes', 'posts_link_attributes'); function posts_link_attributes(){ return 'class="styled-button"'; }
Add a custom class to the next and previous links
add_filter('next_posts_link_attributes', 'posts_link_attributes'); add_filter('previous_posts_link_attributes', 'posts_link_attributes'); function posts_link_attributes(){ return 'class="styled-button"'; }
- 2011-12-04
Adicione automaticamente um campopersonalizado ocultoe associando valor a umpost quando opost épublicado
add_action('publish_page', 'add_custom_field_automatically'); add_action('publish_post', 'add_custom_field_automatically'); function add_custom_field_automatically($post_ID) { global $wpdb; if(!wp_is_post_revision($post_ID)) { add_post_meta($post_ID, 'field-name', 'custom value', true); } }
Automatically add a hidden custom field and associating value to a post when the post is published
add_action('publish_page', 'add_custom_field_automatically'); add_action('publish_post', 'add_custom_field_automatically'); function add_custom_field_automatically($post_ID) { global $wpdb; if(!wp_is_post_revision($post_ID)) { add_post_meta($post_ID, 'field-name', 'custom value', true); } }
- 2011-12-17
Adicionartipos depostpersonalizadospara arquivos Archives
function namespace_add_custom_types( $query ) { if( is_category() || is_tag() && empty( $query->query_vars['suppress_filters'] ) ) { $query->set( 'post_type', array( 'post', 'your-custom-post-type-here' )); return $query; } } add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'namespace_add_custom_types' );
Add custom post types to archives page
function namespace_add_custom_types( $query ) { if( is_category() || is_tag() && empty( $query->query_vars['suppress_filters'] ) ) { $query->set( 'post_type', array( 'post', 'your-custom-post-type-here' )); return $query; } } add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'namespace_add_custom_types' );
- 2010-12-28
chamarbloginfo usando o shortcode ...
function digwp_bloginfo_shortcode($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'key' => '', ), $atts)); return get_bloginfo($key); } add_shortcode('bloginfo', 'digwp_bloginfo_shortcode');
[bloginfo key='name']
Call bloginfo using shortcode...
function digwp_bloginfo_shortcode($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'key' => '', ), $atts)); return get_bloginfo($key); } add_shortcode('bloginfo', 'digwp_bloginfo_shortcode');
[bloginfo key='name']
Vocêpode adicionar algunsexemplos de ondeissopode ser útil?Can you add some examples of where this could be useful?
- 0
- 2020-02-01
- Peter Mortensen
Como commuitos outros que agoraestão visualizandoestepost,tenho lido váriosblogs,fórunse grupos de discussãopara aprendere melhorarminhas habilidades do WordPress. Nos últimos 12meses,estiveem umamissãopara substituirmeu uso deplugins adicionando código aomeu arquivo
em vez disso.Enquantoeu concordo completamente que osplugins sãomuito úteisem muitas situações,minhaexperiênciaprovou queem 90% dos casos de uso,embora umpluginpossaexistir,realmente utilizandoissopode criarproblemas desnecessários de complicaçõese compatibilidade. Além disso,em umagrande quantidade de casos,essesplugins adicionammenuse outroselementos de administrador queeunão quero oupreciso.
Maisfrequentemente do quenão descobri que,ao analisar o código deplugins,fui capaz detirar apeça do código queeu queriae codifique-oem minhasfunções
. Issome proporcionou afuncionalidadeexata queeuprecisava semter queincluirelementos desnecessários.Então,o objetivo destepost é aminhatentativa deengajar você,o leitor/administrador/desenvolvedor,para compartilhar comigoe outro aqui qualquer códigobits que você acha útile adicionado ao seutema
arquivoparaestender ou aprimorar o WordPress sem utilizar umplugin.Quando vocêenviar uma resposta aqui,porfavor,dê a cada códigobit umtítulo,deixe-nos saber se com qual versão do WordPress você sabe que é compatível com,inclua qualquer descrição que você se sintamelhor descreve suafunçãoe (se aplicável)incluir um linkpara oplugin original oufonte onde vocêencontrou asinformações.
Estou ansiosoparatodas as suas respostase,claro,adicionará continuamentemeusnovosencontros sempre que osencontrar.
votenaperguntae quaisquer respostas que você acha útil clicandona seta Up no ladoesquerdo dapergunta ou resposta.