Exibir termo de taxonomia atual quando dentro do tipo personalizado de postagem
4 respostas
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- 2013-03-02
OK,entãoeufinalmenteencontrei o queeuprecisava aqui: Como obter oprazo atualnomeu costumeTaxonomiano WordPress?
A última atualizaçãonaparteinferior de cortesia de @ user3208:
<?php // Get terms for post $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID , 'oil' ); // Loop over each item since it's an array if ( $terms != null ){ foreach( $terms as $term ) { // Print the name method from $term which is an OBJECT print $term->slug ; // Get rid of the other data stored in the object, since it's not needed unset($term); } } ?>
Isso resolveumeuproblema! Obrigado
Ok, so I finally found what I needed here: How to get current term in my custom taxonomy in WordPress?
the last update at the bottom courtesy of @user3208:
<?php // Get terms for post $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID , 'oil' ); // Loop over each item since it's an array if ( $terms != null ){ foreach( $terms as $term ) { // Print the name method from $term which is an OBJECT print $term->slug ; // Get rid of the other data stored in the object, since it's not needed unset($term); } } ?>
That solved my issue! Thanks
- 2013-03-01
você deve usar
em vez disso.$terms = wp_get_post_terms( $post_id, $taxonomy, $args );
lhe darátodos ostermospresentesem umataxonomia.update:
global $post; $terms = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, 'genre'); print_r($terms); #displays the output
You should use
instead.$terms = wp_get_post_terms( $post_id, $taxonomy, $args );
will give you all the terms present in a taxonomy.UPDATE:
global $post; $terms = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, 'genre'); print_r($terms); #displays the output
Euestoutentando,masnãoestáfuncionando.Eutenho quepassarpor qualquer varsnafunção?Vocêpodeespecificar como devoimplementá-lonomeu código?ObrigadoI am trying but it's not working. do I have to pass any vars into the function? can you specify how should I implement it in my code? Thanks
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- 2013-03-01
- gil hamer
Se vocêestiverno loop WordPress,poderá usar "get_the_id ()"em vez de `$post_id`.Para "$taxonomy",vocêprecisa adicionar onome dataxonomia que vocêestá usando.`$ args 'não énecessário.If you are in the WordPress Loop, you can use `get_the_ID()` instead of `$post_id`. For `$taxonomy`, you need to add the name of the taxonomy you're using. `$args` isn't necessary.
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- 2013-03-01
- RRikesh
É definitivamentefora do loop!Apenasnão consigotrabalhar. Vocêpode sugerir comoimplementá-lofora do loop?Senecessário,postareitodo o código.ObrigadoIt's definitely outside the loop! just cant get it to work.. can you suggest how to implement it outside the loop? if necassary I will post the whole code. Thanks
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- 2013-03-01
- gil hamer
Então vocêprecisa adicionar `Global $post; 'e,em seguida,usar` $post->id'para obter o ID POST.Then you need to add `global $post;` and then use `$post->ID` to get the post ID.
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- 2013-03-01
- RRikesh
Vocêpodeme mostrar umexemplo usandomeu código acima?Eunão souesseprogramador.Eu aprecioisso.Obrigadocan you show me an example using my code above? I am not that programmer. I'll appreciate it. Thanks
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- 2013-03-01
- gil hamer
atualizou a resposta.updated the answer.
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- 2013-03-01
- RRikesh
Infelizmentenãofuncionou: 1. Issome dá uma arteUnfortunately it didn't work: 1. It gives me an art
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- 2013-03-01
- gil hamer
Desculpe,masnãofuncionouparamim: 1. Issome dá umerro aoexibir array desnecessário (provavelmente vocênãopodeignorar oparâmetro '$ arg'. 2. Elenão alterou onome dotermo quandoexibi umpost de outrotermo. Qualquer outra solução? ObrigadoSorry but it didn't work for me: 1. it gives me an error displaying unnecessary array (probably you cant ignore the '$arg' parameter. 2. it didn't change the term name when I displayed a post from another term. any other solution? Thanks
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- 2013-03-01
- gil hamer
- 2016-10-28
Levando o que User3208 codificou,adicionei umpouco de código que adiciona o URL aotermo.Espero que ajude alguém.
<?php // Get terms for post $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID , 'oil' ); // Loop over each item since it's an array if ( $terms != null ){ foreach( $terms as $term ) { $term_link = get_term_link( $term, 'oil' ); // Print the name and URL echo '<a href="' . $term_link . '">' . $term->name . '</a>'; // Get rid of the other data stored in the object, since it's not needed unset($term); } } ?>
Taking what user3208 coded, I have added a bit of code that adds the URL to the Term. Hope that helps someone out.
<?php // Get terms for post $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID , 'oil' ); // Loop over each item since it's an array if ( $terms != null ){ foreach( $terms as $term ) { $term_link = get_term_link( $term, 'oil' ); // Print the name and URL echo '<a href="' . $term_link . '">' . $term->name . '</a>'; // Get rid of the other data stored in the object, since it's not needed unset($term); } } ?>
- 2017-07-09
<?php echo get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'yourtaxonomy', '', ', ' ); ?>
<?php echo get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'yourtaxonomy', '', ', ' ); ?>
As respostas somente de códigogeralmente são desaprovadas sem umaexplicação.Vocêpoderiaporfavor [editar sua resposta] (https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/posts/272817/edit)e explicar o queestafunçãofaze comoisso resolveria oproblema original,talvez vinculando ao códiceparamaisinformações?Code only answers are usually frowned upon without an explanation. Could you please [edit your answer](https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/posts/272817/edit) and explain what this function does and how this would solve the original problem, maybe linking to The Codex for more information?
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- 2017-07-10
- Howdy_McGee
Bem,isso deve serbem simples,noentanto,não conseguiencontrar respostaem qualquer lugar da web.Todas as respostas queencontreiforampróximas,masnãoexatamente o queeuprecisava. O queeupreciso éexibir apenas otermo atual de umtipo depostagempersonalizado queestou. nãotodos ostermos apenas um! (o relevante)
Éisso queestou usando,masexibetodos ostermos quenão ébomparamim:
Lembre-se -eugostaria deexibi-lonomeumodelo detipo únicopost Alguémpode sugerir? obrigado